1 | Adina Botaș | Presidential discourse analysis: Irony and sarcasm in pre-election debates | Bul. UTBv, 12 (2), 3-18 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Adina Camelia Bleotu | How Are Number and Person Ordered in the Verbal and Pronominal Domain in Romanian? | RRL, LXIV (2) | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Adrian Chircu | Politiques linguistiques roumaines d’antan (du XIXe siècle). Le cas des idées promues par Ion Ghica | Studia UBB, LXIV (2), 131-140 | 2019 | html |
1 | Adrian Chircu | Echivalarea derivatelor latinești în -mentum în limba română veche. Observaţii asupra Dictiones latinæ cum valachica interpretation | SCOL, XII (1-2), 165-176 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Adrian Chircu | Echivalare şi variaţie afixală în limba română veche. Corespondentele româneşti ale sufixului latinesc -tio, -tionis, în Dictiones Latinae cum Valachica Interpretatione | LR, LXVIII (2), 185-199 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Adrian Chircu | Un parcurs academic de excepție: Prof. univ. dr. Elena Dragoș | Dragoș, 349-350 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Adrian Chircu, Claudia Chircu | Din cele patru zări. Seminţiile Antichităţii în tâlcuirile lui Teodor Corbea (Dictiones latinæ cum valachica interpretatione) din perspectivă lexico-gramaticală | Dragoș, 94-107 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Adriana Sferle | Deux non-langues : la langue de bois et la langue de coton | Studia UBB, LXIV (3), 101-108 | 2019 | html |
1 | Adriana Sferle | L’enseignement du roumain- langue étrangère. L’expression et la compréhension orales | Studia UBB, LXIV (3), 229-238 | 2019 | html |
1 | Adriana Todea | Developing a CEFR-Based Analysis Grid for Listening Tasks and Items | Studia UBB, LXIV (4), 157-168 | 2019 | html |
1 | Adrien Frenay, Marion Carel | Périodes argumentatives et complexes discursifs | SL, 9 (1), 133-150 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Alessandro Zuliani | Câteva observații privind versiunea italiană a proverbelor adunate de Iuliu A. Zanne | BSLR, XXVIII, 483-502 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Alexandra Cornilescu, Alina Tigău | Notes on Romanian Ethical Datives | RRL, LXIV (2) | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Alexandra Cornilescu, Ruxandra Cosma | Linearization of attributive adjectives in Romanian | RRL, LXIV (3) | 2019 | pdf html |
2 | Alexandra Cotoc | Languages for specific purposes and sustained silent reading. A new challenge for the millennial students | AOU, XXX (1), 57-66 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Alexandra Cotoc, Dorin Chira | Showcases of ICT during the Courses and Seminars on the Grammatical Structure of the English Language | Studia UBB, LXIV (4), 147-156 | 2019 | html |
1 | Alexandru Gafton | Le lieu d’articulation et les habiletés articulatoires dans une perspective évolutive | RRL, LXIV (1), 29-82 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Alexandru Mareș | Din nou despre unele date personale ale logofătului Vlad din Mălăieşti | SCL, LXX (2), 269 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Alexandru Mareș | Porunca episcopului Gherasie şi întreprinderea caraşoveană de plastografii | LR, LXVIII (2), 307-321 | 2019 | |
1 | Alice Bodoc | Relaţia emiţător–receptor în nuvelistica românească prejunimistă | Phil. Jass., XV (1), 25 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Alina Costea | Videos as icebreakers. A case study | AOU, XXX (1), 164-171 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Alina-Mihaela Pricop Bursuc | Observaţii privind analiza terminologiei norilor | LR, LXVIII (2), 257-265 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Aliteea-Bianca Turtureanu | Langage médical et autotraduction dans The End of My Addiction / Le dernier verre d‟Olivier Ameisen | BSLR, XXVIII, 279-289 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Amadou Ouattara Adou, Bi Tra Justin Tra | Dire l’autre pour s’enrichir ou l’analyse pragmatique de recits de voyage | ANADISS, 28 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Ana Borbély | Cercetări lingvistice interacademice ungaro-române asupra comunităţilor româneşti din Ungaria: rezultate şi perspective după 25 de ani | SCL, LXX (2), 241-250 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Ana Kocheva | Outcomes and prospects for the development of Bulgarian dialectology | FD, XXXVIII, 47-50 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Ana Vulpe | Procese active în vocabularul românesc actual | SCOL, XII (1-2), 217-221 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Ana-Maria Barbu | Dezvoltări sintactice ale apoziţiei restrictive în unele limbi romanice | SCL, LXX (1), 40-57 | 2019 | html |
1 | Anatol Eremia | Toponimia istorică a Basarabiei. Arealul Prutul de Jos | SCOL, XII (1-2), 83-99 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Andra Vasilescu | Construcţiile incidente | SCL, LXX (1), 3-31 | 2019 | html |
1 | Andreea Pop | Du français de spécialité au français universitaire à travers les nouvelles échelles du CECRL (2018) | Studia UBB, LXIV (2), 157-166 | 2019 | html |
1 | Andreea Soare | From classic political cartoons to memes in Romanian satirical news | Bul. UTBv, 12 (2), 97-110 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Andreea Șerban, Valentina Mureșan | Register and Translation Competence Acquisition. Investigating Student Attitudes | Studia UBB, LXIV (4), 213-230 | 2019 | html |
1 | Andreea-Nora Pușcaș | Nume de cai. Din răspunsurile la Chestionarul I | DR, s.n., XXIV (1), 20 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | André Moussa Diop | Le symbolisme socio-affectif des langues : Le cas de la coexistence de la langue africaine et du français dans l’espace familial de migrants en France | ANADISS, 28 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Anna Carmen Sorrenti | Sur les convergences et les divergences de la métaphore et de la similitude | Phil. Jass., XV (2), 235 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Anna Carolina S. Mroczinski, Alessandra Del Ré, Alessandra J. Vieira | Humour in children’s discourse: A case study of a bilingual child (Brazilian Portuguese and German) | Bul. UTBv, 12 (2), 61-82 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Anna Pineda | The role of dative clitic doubling in Romance ditransitives. What non-agreeing dative clitics can tell us about it | RRL, LXIV (4) | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Anna Snarska | Partial Control, the Way We Know It, Does Not Exist | RRL, LXIV (2) | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Annafrancesca Naccarato | Métaphore et traduction. La rêverie bachelardienne en italien | Phil. Jass., XV (1), 205 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Antoanela Marta Mardar | On the usefulness of using formal and semantic similarities in teaching English and Italian hypothetical constructions | AOU, XXX (1), 115-126 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Antonia Ciolac | Dezvoltarea câmpului lexico-semantic cu nucleul „sânge” (fr. sang/sp. sangre) în limbile franceză şi spaniolă | SCL, LXX (2), 180 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Balkiz Öztürk | Possessor datives in Pazar Laz | RRL, LXIV (4) | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Bardhyl Demiraj | Troparul pascal în dialectul aromân din codicele lui Kosta Cepi Vithkuqari (Costa Cepi din Bitcuchi) | FD, XXXVIII, 15-22 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Beatrix Walcz | Histoire de la traduction littéraire en Europe médiane – Book presentation : “Translators are the real Europeans” (Konrád György, 2007) | Studia UBB, LXIV (4), 319-321 | 2019 | html |
1 | Berrin N. Aksoy | Technology-based innovations in the teaching of translation: an insight into whys and hows | AOU, XXX (1), 191-199 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Bianca Doris Bretan | Needs Analysis and English for Legal Purposes Course Development: A Case Study on an ELP Syllabus Design for University Students | Studia UBB, LXIV (2), 73-82 | 2019 | html |
1 | Bill Haddican | Toward a unified analysis of addressee in C: evidence from Galician solidarity datives | RRL, LXIV (4) | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Bénédicte Larissa Hervée Techti | La reformulation interlangue : un outil de médiation linguistique interculturelle en discipline du français | ANADISS, 28 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Camelia Anghel | Reading Samuel Beckett’s Endgame as a Tale of War | Phil. Jass., XV (1), 15 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Carmen-Valentina Candale | Las particularidades del ámbito electrónico que determinan la comunicación mediada por el ordenador (CMO) | Dragoș, 66-75 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Carolina Popușoi | Valori semantice ale unităţilor frazeologice româneşti cu numeralul trei | Phil. Jass., XV (1), 105 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Catherine Kerbrat-Orecchioni | Argumentation et vérité : le cas du discours sur la corrida | SL, 9 (1), 189-206 | 2019 | pdf html |
2 | Cecilia Mihaela Popescu | Din nou despre formele de condițional din limba română. Schiță de analiză şi categorizare | Dragoș, 242-251 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Cecilia-Mihaela Popescu | Condiţionalul evidenţialo-citaţional în limbile romanice. O grilă de analiză | SCL, LXX (2), 218-230 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Cecilia-Mihaela Popescu, Alice Ionescu | Étude comparative des marqueurs métadiscursifs gen du roumain et genre du français. Distribution et valeurs pragmatiques | SL, 9 (2) | 2019 | html |
1 | Cecilia-Mihaela Popescu, Daniela Dincă | Aspects de la reconfiguration sémantique des gallicismes du roumain: le cas des meubles [pour dormir] | Phil. Jass., XV (1), 89 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Chiara De Angelis, Oreste Floquet | Deux groupes de collégiens (Abidjan et Toulouse) face à deux questions sur la transitivité et l’intransitivité en français: recherches sur les connaissances implicites et explicites des adolescents | Studia UBB, LXIV (4), 77-92 | 2019 | html |
1 | Chiara Preite, Alida Maria Silletti | Analyse métadiscursive des dictionnaires internet français et italiens : le cas des anglicismes concernant la crise économico-financière | SL, 9 (2) | 2019 | html |
1 | Christian Tremblay | Langues et politiques, des destins imbriqués mais distincts (II) | Phil. Jass., XV (1), 269 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Christine da Silva-Genest | « Il faut dire, on dit, ça veut dire… » : étude des formes et fonctions des interventions métalangagières en situation d’intervention orthophonique | SL, 9 (2) | 2019 | html |
1 | Claudia Pisoschi | The Order beyond the Hazards: Pronominal Reference and the Significance of Space-Time Markers in The Hazards by Jane O. Wayne | AOU, XXX (2), 281-294 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Claudia Timoci | L’imparfait de politesse en roumain : une approche pragmatique | ANADISS, 28 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Coman Lupu | Más observaciones sobre la datación | Dragoș, 167-175 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Corinne Gomila | En un mot: quel type d’expression métadiscursive? | SL, 9 (2) | 2019 | html |
1 | Costel Coroban | Teaching English to Pharmacy students: resources, importance and applications | AOU, XXX (1), 44-56 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Costel Coroban | Communication Strategies and the Rise of Populist Discourse during the European Parliament Elections of May 2019 | AOU, XXX (2), 420-434 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Costin-Valentin Oancea | Bad Language or Language Variation and Change? Interpretation, Context and Social Motivations in English | AOU, XXX (2), 310-322 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Crina Leon | Practical aspects of teaching English to Journalism students | AOU, XXX (1), 104-114 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Cristian Moroianu | Etimologia multiplă – un concept necesar | LR, LXVIII (2), 287-306 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Cristina Florescu | Denumirile fenomenelor atmosferice: caracteristici ale lexemelor moştenite | LR, LXVIII (2), 215-225 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Cristina Mihaela Zamfir | Types of (re)framing events and the sleight of mouth technique in the business NLP process | AOU, XXX (1), 233-244 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Cristina Silaghi | Câteva observații în legătură cu bilingvismul | Dragoș, 286-292 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Cristina-Dana Popescu Mitu | The assesment process of various types of education in terms of the roles involved in the teaching and learning processes. Case study | AOU, XXX (1), 137-145 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Cristinel Munteanu | Expresii resemantizate | LR, LXVIII (2), 249-256 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Cristinel Munteanu | Teorie şi studiu empiric în lingvistică (în jurul unui citat din Ortega Y Gasset reprodus de Coşeriu într-o prelegere clujeană) | Dragoș, 199-206 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Céline Corteel | De l’adverbe de manière au marqueur discursif : le cas de autrement | SL, 9 (2) | 2019 | html |
4 | Dan Cristea, Nils Diewald, Gabriela Haja, Cătălina Mărănduc, Verginica Barbu Mititelu, Mihaela Onofrei | How to find a shining needle in the haystack. Querying CoRoLa: solutions and perspectives | RRL, LXIV (3) | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Dana Conkan | From CLILiG to Digital Tools: Developing Reading Strategies and Collaborative Skills for University Students | Studia UBB, LXIV (2), 35-48 | 2019 | html |
1 | Daniel Clinci | Teaching English for Medicine - A three-fold approach | AOU, XXX (1), 156-163 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Daniela Isac | Specificity, definiteness, and modification | BWPL, XXI (2), 41-55 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Daniela Moldovanu | Sylvia Plath’s War Metaphors or How Female Confessional Poetry Changed Public Perception of Women’s Personal Identity | Phil. Jass., XV (1), 183 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Daniela Rogobete | Sense of Place and Belonging in Sorley MacLean’s Poetry | Studia UBB, LXIV (1), 223-236 | 2019 | |
1 | Daniela-Alina Geoglovan | L’expression de la possession | AOU, XXX (2), 295-309 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Danilo De Salazar | Sinestesia e metonimia: concorrenza e complementarità nell’interpretazione dell’immagine letteraria | Phil. Jass., XV (2), 179 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Daria Seres, Joan Borràs-Comes, Olga Borik | Interplay between Position and Interpretation: An Experimental Study of Russian Bare Plurals | RRL, LXIV (2) | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Darja Mertelj | Representations of people in foreign language textbooks | Bul. UTBv, 12 (1), 23-40 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Denisa-Maria Tout | Neologismul în „Muza de la Burdujăni” | BSLR, XXVIII, 97-102 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Diana Hornoiu | Some Considerations on Fake News Detection | AOU, XXX (2), 336-344 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Dinu Moscal | Termeni românești referitori la exploatarea tradițională a sării | Phil. Jass., XV (2), 129 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Doina Butiurca, Vlad Butiurca | Compusele neoclasice în terminologia actuală | Phil. Jass., XV (2), 27 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Dorin Chira | Memory, among the Other Strengths of the Mind | Dragoș, 86-93 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Dumitru Loșonți | Cuvinte provenite de la onomatopee (I) | Dragoș, 156-166 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | El Hadji Abdoulaye Sall | Le discours mémoriel comme lieu de résistance dans le théâtre négro-africain francophone postcolonial | ANADISS, 27 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Elena Ciortescu | The role of intercultural competence in teaching Business English | AOU, XXX (1), 147-156 | 2019 | pdf html |
2 | Elena Dragoș | Stylistica rediviva. Schiță diacronică a unei figuri sintactice: anafora | DR, s.n., XXIV (1), 66 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Elena Dumitrașcu | L’expression de la nominalisation dans le discours touristique ecrit | AOU, XXX (1), 200-209 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Elena Platon | The Idea of Progression in Designing the Curriculum of Romanian as a Foreign Language (RFL) | Studia UBB, LXIV (2), 141-156 | 2019 | html |
3 | Elena Platon | Reflections on the Concept of Linguistic Imaginary | Studia UBB, LXIV (3), 109-122 | 2019 | html |
1 | Elena Soare | N and D nominalizations | BWPL, XXI (1) | 2019 | html |
1 | Elonora Hodaj | Saul Bellow: Mastery in handling humour and parody | Bul. UTBv, 12 (2), 155-162 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Elżbieta Biardzka, Greta Komur-Thilloy | Les tours du type selon A, les « îlots textuels » et la portée de la prise en charge imputée | SL, 9 (2) | 2019 | html |
1 | Emanuel Grosu | Dungal, Epistola de duplici solis eclipsi... An Analysis | Phil. Jass., XV (2), 203 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Emil Ionescu | Exception Phrases as fragments: The case of Romanian | BWPL, XXI (1) | 2019 | html |
1 | Emilia Kelemen | Imperative in Imprecatives | Studia UBB, LXIV (3), 131-138 | 2019 | html |
1 | Emilia Wojtasik-Dziekan | Selected Linguistic Elements of Identification of the Identity in Korean Legal Documents | AOU, XXX (2), 323-335 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Emmanuelle Danblon | Qui a peur de la rhétorique ? | SL, 9 (1), 75-84 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Estella Ciobanu | Screaming Silence: Medusa and the Enlightening Darkness of Ancient Texts and Modern Science | AOU, XXX (2), 16-36 | 2019 | pdf html |
2 | Estelle Variot | Quelques réflexions sur la richesse d’aspects formels du manuscrit 109 des Enseignements de Neagoe Basarab à son fils Théodose (p. 2r-20v) | Dragoș, 323-331 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Eugen Pavel | Reflections on the centennial anniversary of the Romanian Language Museum (1919–2019) | DR, s.n., XXIV (2), 111 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Federica Cugno | Memorie di luoghi e di mestieri: l’attività carbonifera nella toponimia orale del Piemonte montano | Phil. Jass., XV (1), 39 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Felicia Dumas | Unité fraternelle dans la diversité confessionnelle : une analyse discursive | ANADISS, 28 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Florentina Nicolae | The Meanings and Functions of Silence in the Literary Work of Neagoe Basarab | AOU, XXX (2), 130-136 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Floriana Popescu | Paronyms and other confusables and the ESP translation practice | AOU, XXX (1), 220-232 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Florica Dimitrescu | Cuvinte din limba română veche absente din DELR, vol. I, literele A–B | DR, s.n., XXIV (1), 9 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Florica Dimitrescu | Nume de ocupații masculine și feminine în Palia de la Orăștie | DR, s.n., XXIV (2), 122 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Florica Dimitrescu | Noutăţi lexicale din domeniul profesiunilor | LR, LXVIII (2), 201-214 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Florica Dimitrescu | Denumiri cromatice recente de origine străină | Dragoș, 127-137 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Francesca Dragotto | The Italian So-Called Inclusive Gender. A Short History of a Myth | Studia UBB, LXIV (3), 87-100 | 2019 | html |
1 | Gabriela Alboiu | Syntactic case and DP (in)visibility | BWPL, XXI (1) | 2019 | html |
1 | Gabriela Biriș | Romanian Interjections as Discourse Markers | Phil. Jass., XV (2), 19 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Gabriela Biriș | Acte de limbaj în Rl2: complimentul | Dragoș, 49-55 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Gbaka Donald Olivier Djilé, Stéphanie Emerode Oplouba Blé | Pratique des langues ivoiriennes en ligne : entre effort et confort | ANADISS, 28 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Giuliana Giusti | Free not-so-free adjectival order in Latin | BWPL, XXI (2), 5-40 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Hélène Vassiliadou | En d’autres termes : dialogisme et altérité | SL, 9 (2) | 2019 | html |
1 | Ibrahima Ba | Analyse de l’hégémonie discursive dans les médias classiques et socionumériques : enjeux et critique sociétale | ANADISS, 27 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Ibrahima Mamour Ndiaye | Le sens du discours politique face aux stéréotypes et préjugés lors des conflits | ANADISS, 27 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Ibukun Filani | Gendered concepts in Nigerian stand-up comedy | Bul. UTBv, 12 (2), 19-34 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Igor Lakić | Constructing Realities on War in Print Media Discourse | RRL, LXIV (1), 99-111 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Ilaria Moretti | «Sconfinato è solo il niente» le Je entre fracture et récognition dans Vista dalla luna de Chandra Livia Candiani | Studia UBB, LXIV (4), 271-287 | 2019 | html |
1 | Ilie Rad | Prof. univ. dr. Elena Dragoş: „Am ales să studiez Limba română şi să predau în domeniul lingvisticii, deoarece aici politicul n-avea cum pătrunde” | Dragoș, 354-364 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Ilinca Ilian | Destinul literaturii latino-americane în România regimului comunist (1948–1989) | Phil. Jass., XV (1), 165 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Iliyana Garavalova | Semantic characteristics of the nouns with meaning ‘rye’ in the slavic languages | FD, XXXVIII, 23-32 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Ioan Beniamin Pop | Predicative Position for Several A-words and Adverbs | BSLR, XXVIII, 79-86 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Ioana Andreea Diaconu | The German protests of ’68 as the source of humour in Die 68er CARTOONS | Bul. UTBv, 12 (2), 255-268 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Ioana Iancu | Încercări de analiză motivaţională a unor termeni pastorali din aromână | FD, XXXVIII, 33-45 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Ioana Strugari Mechno | Didactic discourse – an act of translation | ANADISS, 28 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Ioana-Crina Prodan | Les fake news – mutation de l’information | ANADISS, 27 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Ioana-Gabriela Nan | Economics and the Humanities. A SWOT Analysis | Studia UBB, LXIV (2), 83-96 | 2019 | html |
1 | Ion Giurgea | On the Origin of the Romanian Conjunction/Complementizer de | RRL, LXIV (1), 3-28 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Ion Giurgea, Maria-Aurelia Cotfas | Double Passives and Control in Romanian | RRL, LXIV (2) | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Ion Mării | Note lexicografice | Dragoș, 176-189 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Ionuț Pomian | Subiectul şi complementul direct. Realizări atipice | Dragoș, 224-233 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Iryna Vygnanska | Intertextualité biblique et la traduction | BSLR, XXVIII, 119-138 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Isabel Margarida Duarte, Maria Aldina Marques | Expressions métadiscursives comprenant le verbe portugais dizer | SL, 9 (2) | 2019 | html |
1 | Iulia Mărgărit | Note lexical-etimologice | SCL, LXX (1), 97-106 | 2019 | html |
2 | Iulia Mărgărit | Antroponimia şi dialectologia, o relaţie necesară | SCL, LXX (2), 259 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Iulia Mărgărit | -aştină, variantă sau sufix? | FD, XXXVIII, 67-74 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Iulia Mărgărit | Note etimologice | FD, XXXVIII, 127-145 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Iulian Mardar | On the positive/ negative/ neutral meaning of some animal idioms in English and Romanian | AOU, XXX (1), 210-219 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | J. Anthony Blair | Notes on reasoning and argument | SL, 9 (1), 59-74 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Jacqueline Picoche, Bruno Germain | Pour une nouvelle didactique du lexique français | Studia UBB, LXIV (4), 11-35 | 2019 | html |
1 | Jacques Coulardeau | Phylogeny Commands Psychogenesis | Studia UBB, LXIV (4), 37-58 | 2019 | html |
1 | Jana Altmanova | La créativité lexicale dans la didactique du FLE. Le décodage des hapax comme exercice de motivation dans l’apprentissage du vocabulaire | Studia UBB, LXIV (4), 119-130 | 2019 | html |
1 | Jean-Marcyao Yao | La négociation en traduction proverbiale : à la recherche d’un compromis pour rompre l’incompréhensibilité linguistico-culturelle | ANADISS, 28 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Jean-Marie Pierrel | Une infrastructure de pérennisation, de mutualisation et de valorisation de ressources linguistiques : l’Equipex ORTOLANG | SCL, LXX (2), 159 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Jolita Urbanavičienė | Palatalization of Consonants in Standard Lithuanian from the Viewpoint of Acoustic Phonetics | BSLR, XXVIII, 103-118 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Jurgita Jaroslavienė | Actualities and Methodological Challenges of Comparative Experimental Sound Research in Standard Baltic Languages | BSLR, XXVIII, 45-67 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Katalin Balázs | Din istoria frazeologiei ruse | Dragoș, 40-48 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Klaus von Heusinger, Alina Tigău | Clitic doubling and differential object marking in non-specific contexts in Romanian | RRL, LXIV (4) | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Konan Thomas Koffi, Yaya Konaté, Benjamin Odi Marcellin Don | Pourquoi devrait-on introduire les langues maternelles ivoiriennes dans le système éducatif du pays ? | ANADISS, 27 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Kouassi Gérard Abaka | Choix de langue dans les échanges verbaux entre écoliers de Côte d’Ivoire | ANADISS, 28 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Koukoua Etienne N’Gatta | L’hybridation dans le français ivoirien, conséquence d’une diversité linguistique | ANADISS, 28 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Leena Eilittä | Goethe and his Followers: Weltliteratur and its Afterlives | Studia UBB, LXIV (2), 223-238 | 2019 | html |
1 | Liana Pop | Description orale vs description écrite : deux modèles linguistiques différents ? | Dragoș, 234-241 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Ligia Tomoiagă, Alexandr Cotar | Preserving the Integrity of the Source Text and the Functional and Semantic Effect in Translating Names of Characters in Drama | BSLR, XXVIII, 271-278 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Liliana Soare | Infinitivul în textele de popularizare a ştiinței traduse de Petru Maior | Dragoș, 293-305 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Liviu Groza | Aspecte ale modernizării frazeologiei româneşti în secolul al XIX-lea | LR, LXVIII (2), 227-235 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Loredana Pungă, Dana Percec | Internal and External Reference in the Romanian Translations of Some of Agatha Christie’s Titles | Studia UBB, LXIV (4), 169-184 | 2019 | html |
1 | Lou Sôho Prisca Goore | La gastronomie ivoirienne – somme d’une diversité culturelle | ANADISS, 28 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Louis Begioni | Les spécificités de l’évolution de la langue française dans le cadre d’une typologie lexicale comparée des langues romanes | Studia UBB, LXIV (3), 25-40 | 2019 | html |
1 | Luciana T. Soliman | Le contrefactuel : entre visée de discours, visée phrastique et incidence | Studia UBB, LXIV (3), 161-176 | 2019 | html |
1 | Luiza Marinescu | From Close to Distant Reading of 100 Romanian Novels from 1850 to 1920 | Studia UBB, LXIV (2), 239-250 | 2019 | html |
1 | Luminița Chiorean | Rolul semantic din expresia referențială, strateg al sensului poetic | Dragoș, 76-85 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Mara Iuliana Manta | Genitivul la nivel dialectal: uşa casei (pe baza ALRR. Sinteză IV) | SCL, LXX (2), 251-258 | 2019 | pdf |
2 | Marc Kupietz, Ruxandra Cosma, Andreas Witt | The DRuKoLA project | RRL, LXIV (3) | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Marcela Ciortea | Ocurențe ale gerunziului în versiunea românească a lui Dimitrie Cantemir la Stimuli virtutum, fraena peccatorum, de Andreas Wissowatius | Dragoș, 108-118 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Maria Aldea | Informaţie enciclopedică în Vocabularu romano-francesu, de Ion Costinescu (Bucureşti, 1870) | LR, LXVIII (2), 165-172 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Maria Aldea | Termeni de retorică în Vocabularu romano-francesu, de Ion Costinescu (București, 1870) | Dragoș, 29-39 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Maria Aurelia Cotfas | Subjunctive and infinitive clauses in Romanian. The view from CoRoLa | RRL, LXIV (3) | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Maria Marin | Despre sufixul verbal -ui în graiurile dacoromâne sudice | FD, XXXVIII, 57-66 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Maria Subi | Venus Anadyomene: Venus orta mari (Ovidius, Heroides, XV, 213) | AUT, LVII, 77-93 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Mariana Boca | Les héritiers de Socrate et le dogme de l’Université actuelle | ANADISS, 27 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Mariana Tocia | Métaphores ou ressources symboliques dans le discours politique. Symbolique des sigles électoraux et des événements locaux | AOU, XXX (2), 376-390 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Marianne Doury, Ailin Nacucchio | Rhétorique, argumentation et temporalité | SL, 9 (1), 85-109 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Marie Ouvrard-Servanton | Événement de communication | Studia UBB, LXIV (1), 245-254 | 2019 | |
1 | Marina-Cristiana Rotaru | Some uses of the royal wit kit: A pragmatic and narrative approach to the structure and functions of royal witticism | Bul. UTBv, 12 (2), 83-96 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Marius Mazilu | Un cuvânt obscur din Pravila de la Govora: „jucărăli” | LR, LXVIII (2), 323-324 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Martin Maiden | A Note on the Inflexional Morphology of the Vegliote Dalmatian Masculine Plural | Phil. Jass., XV (1), 81 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Martine Coene, Yves D’hulst, Liliane Tasmowski | “Allez, (mon) chou, on y va!”. Twenty years later: Revisiting the puzzle of French vocatives | BWPL, XXI (2), 101-120 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Miguel López-Astorga | Sentential and morphological negations: an analysis of theses from Cognitive Linguistics based on iconic models | SL, 9 (2) | 2019 | html |
1 | Mihaela Buzec | Functional Names in Beowulf: An Analysis | Studia UBB, LXIV (4), 185-194 | 2019 | html |
1 | Mihaela Marin | Termeni internaţionali prezenţi în presa noastră actuală. Inventarul lexical de sorginte orientală | LR, LXVIII (2), 237-248 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Mihaela Secrieru | Studiu lingvistic asupra exprimării noţiunii de posesie în limba română (cu privire specială asupra morfosintaxei) | Phil. Jass., XV (1), 137-149 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Mihaela Secrieru | Apoziția – noi taxinomii structurale. Abordare descriptiv-teoretică | DR, s.n., XXIV (2), 155 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Mihaela Secrieru | Liniile corporale umane ‒ o abordare semiotică calitativă şi cantitativă | Dragoș, 276-285 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Mihaela-Mariana Morcov | Noi observaţii referitoare la etimologia verbului a întrema | LR, LXVIII (2), 277-285 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Mihai Cimpoi | - Trecerea de la „lumea idolilor” la „lumea ideilor”
- The passage from “The world of idols” to “The world of ideas”
- Le passage du « monde des idoles » au « monde des idées »
| SCOL, XII (1-2), 9-16 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Mihai Lisei | Geo Bogza şi reportajul literar | Dragoș, 147-155 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Mioara Codleanu | L’espace traductif entre vocalité et silence | AOU, XXX (2), 266-280 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Monica Alexandrina Irimia | Differential object marking, datives and types of licensing | RRL, LXIV (4) | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Monica Busuioc, Alexandru Dan Anghelina, Claudius Teodorescu | Interfaţa de redactare a Dicţionarului limbii române | LR, LXVIII (2), 173-178 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Monica Busuioc, Dan Caragea | Romtext: flux de obţinere şi tratare a textelor electronice | SCL, LXX (1) | 2019 | html |
1 | Monica Busuioc, Dan Caragea | Romtext, corpus electronic datat şi adnotat al limbii române | LR, LXVIII (2), 179-184 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Monica Geanina Coca | Diversity faced with cultural inequalities | ANADISS, 28 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Monica Mihaela Marta | Author identity in scientific research articles | BSLR, XXVIII, 69-78 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Monica Vlase | Lista lucrărilor științifice publicate de Prof. univ. dr. Elena Dragoș | Dragoș, 15-25 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Moussa Diène | Diversité linguistique et écriture littéraire au Sénégal. Gestion du plurilinguisme chez trois auteurs : Adja Ndèye Boury Ndiaye, Abdourahmane Ngaïdé et Boubacar Boris Diop | ANADISS, 28 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Nicolae Saramandu, Manuela Nevaci | Terminologia păstoritului în dialectul aromân şi în dialectele italiene din perspectiva geografiei lingvistice | FD, XXXVIII, 89-100 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Nicolae Saramandu, Manuela Nevaci | The First Aromanian Writers in the Balkan Context | Dragoș, 252-265 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Nicu Stejerean | Ironia ca marcă a superiorității. Cazul Moromeții | Dragoș, 306-314 | 2019 | pdf |
2 | Nils Diewald, Verginica Barbu Mititelu, Marc Kupietz | The KorAP user interface. Accessing CoRoLa via KorAP | RRL, LXIV (3) | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Nüzhet Berrin Aksoy | Exile as a Spatial Metaphor in the Postcolonial Short Story | AOU, XXX (2), 86-96 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Oana Ardeleanu | National identity in King Michael’s anniversary speech in the Romanian Parliament | Bul. UTBv, 12 (1), 3-14 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Oana Niculescu, Ioana Vasilescu, Martine Adda-Decker | Duration Patterns of Internal and External Hiatus as A Function of Speaking Style | RRL, LXIV (2) | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Octavian More | “The Outlook That Would Be Right.” Wallace Stevens’s Cinematic Vision | Studia UBB, LXIV (1), 113-134 | 2019 | |
1 | Olga Kaiter | Die Rumäniendeutsche Literatur im DAF-Unterricht | AOU, XXX (1), 89-103 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Olivia Chirobocea | MALL for ESP. Enhancing motivation and promoting language learning beyond the classroom | AOU, XXX (1), 33-43 | 2019 | pdf html |
2 | Oliviu Felecan | Oikonymic transformations in Romania in the first half of the twentieth century | DR, s.n., XXIV (1), 57 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Oussoumanou Sali | Des imprévisibilités grammaticales à la valorisation identitaire | ANADISS, 28 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Ovid Densusianu | Toponimie retoromană | SCOL, XII (1-2), 17-62 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Paola Appetito | Le cinéma comme média culturel et éducatif dans l’enseignement-apprentissage des langues étrangères | Studia UBB, LXIV (3), 239-251 | 2019 | html |
1 | Petra Sleeman, Sanne Berends | The acquisition of the quantitative pronoun by English and French learners of L2 Dutch: An experimental study based on an elicited imitation task | BWPL, XXI (1) | 2019 | html |
1 | Petronela Savin | Spații pragmatico-discursive ale comunicării despre alimentația tradițională | Dragoș, 266-275 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Petru Ioan Marian | Mécanismes linguistiques de la configuration de la réalité sociale dans le discours politique roumain | ANADISS, 28 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Petru-Ioan Marian | Les traits linguistiques du discours conflictuel dans l’espace numérique | ANADISS, 27 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Philippe Geneste | Aspect verbal, psychogénèse et enseignement du temps en français | Studia UBB, LXIV (4), 93-118 | 2019 | html |
1 | Philippe Séro-Guillaume | Nouvelles perspectives en didactique auprès des jeunes sourds | Studia UBB, LXIV (4), 59-76 | 2019 | html |
1 | Pierre Baligue Diouf | Innovations pédagogiques pour l’intégration des langues nationales africaines dans l’éducation : quel état des lieux au Sénégal | ANADISS, 27 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Raluca Pop, Raluca-Daniela Răduț | Language Policies in Norway and the Development of the Multilingual Competence | Studia UBB, LXIV (2), 193-205 | 2019 | html |
1 | Ramona Maria Demarcsek | A personal approach to the employment of technology during the English course | BSLR, XXVIII, 29-36 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Roxana Maria Crețu | Expresiones con nacionalidades y nombres de lugares | AUT, LVII, 105-124 | 2019 | pdf html |
2 | Roxana-Ema Dreve | Le suédois comme langue étrangère. De différentes techniques pour l’évaluation orale et écrite de la grammaire | Studia UBB, LXIV (2), 167-178 | 2019 | html |
1 | Rozalia Colciar | Apoziția ecuativă și valorile ei semantico-pragmatice în textul dialectal | DR, s.n., XXIV (2), 147 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Rozalia Colciar | Valori semantico-pragmatice ale apoziției în limba română vorbită | BSLR, XXVIII, 17-27 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Rozalia Colciar | Comentarii metalingvistice în textul dialectal | Dragoș, 119-126 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Rudolf Windisch | Din vremea studenției. Cum l-am cunoscut pe Profesorul Eugenio Coseriu | Dragoș, 341-346 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Russell Stannard | A Review of Screen Capture Technology Feedback Research | Studia UBB, LXIV (2), 61-72 | 2019 | html |
1 | Ruth Amossy, Roselyne Koren | La gauche utilise-t-elle l’argument par la peur ? Les discours de meeting de Jean-Luc Mélenchon pendant la campagne présidentielle de 2017 | SL, 9 (1), 15-32 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Sanda Tomescu Baciu | Participation in the Seminar on Norwegian Language, Literature and Culture, Organized by the Centre for Norwegian Studies Abroad (SNU), University of Agder, Norway | Studia UBB, LXIV (3), 273-274 | 2019 | html |
2 | Sanda Tomescu Baciu, Raluca Pop, Fartein Thorsen Øverland, Roxana-Ema Dreve, Raluca-Daniela Răduț, Ioana-Andreea Mureșan | Understanding the Factors that Have Influenced the Gradual Increase in the Number of Students Wishing to be Granted a BA in Norwegian Language and Literature | Studia UBB, LXIV (3), 253-270 | 2019 | html |
1 | Silviu-Ioan Bejinariu | Information management framework for the European Linguistic Atlas | FD, XXXVIII, 147-196 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Simona Georgescu | Scripta volant, verba manent in the Transition from Latin to Romance Languages | SCL, LXX (1), 32-39 | 2019 | html |
1 | Simona Georgescu, Oana-Alexandra Buzea | Sur l’origine du roum. talpă, ou la rencontre entre ‘plante du pied’ et ‘taupe’ | Phil. Jass., XV (2), 189 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Simona Munari | La traduzione d’autore nell’aula di FLE: implicazioni teoriche e una proposta didattica | Studia UBB, LXIV (4), 195-212 | 2019 | html |
1 | Sié Justin Sib, Amoikon Dyhie Assanvo | Cohabitation des individus et des peuples à Bouna : approches linguistique et sociolinguistique | ANADISS, 27 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Sonia Carmen Munteanu, Angelica Maria Căpraru, Sanda Pădurețu | The challenges of designing a course in Romanian for specific purposes | Bul. UTBv, 12 (1), 41-52 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Souleymane Diallo | La lutte avec frappe au Sénégal : du jargon à la violence | ANADISS, 27 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Stanca Măda | Power and politeness in political discourse. Analysing humorous and ironic comments in a Romanian parliamentary debate | Bul. UTBv, 12 (2), 35-60 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Séraphin Konan Kouakou | « S’en foutre de quelqu’un ou de quelque chose » : la problématique d’une surcharge syntaxique | ANADISS, 28 | 2019 | pdf html |
2 | Teodor Oancă | Particularități fizice, psihice, morale și de comportament generatoare de antroponime | DR, s.n., XXIV (2), 169 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Teodor Oancă | Antroponime cu consoana labială iniţială [p] palatalizată | FD, XXXVIII, 83-88 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Teodor Oancă | Raportul dintre limbă şi dialect din perspectivă politică | Dragoș, 207-209 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Teodora Toroipan | Observaţii despre exprimarea cantităţii în textul reţetelor culinare | SCL, LXX (2), 273 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Tilia Möhring | Krieg als Erweckungserlebnis. Zu geistiger Reife und Künstlertum als Kriegserfahrung in Hermann Hesses „Der Künstler an die Krieger“ (1914) | Bul. UTBv, 12 (1), 55-68 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Valeria Wagner | En movimiento/in movimento/em movimento/en moviment/in miscare. Journée d’étude du Département de langues et littératures romanes de l’Université de Genève | Studia UBB, LXIV (3), 275-276 | 2019 | html |
1 | Valeriu-Nicolae Nichitean | O clasificare a argumentelor oferite de Sextil Pușcariu împotriva principiului ortografic etimologic în Ortografia revizuită a Academiei Române [ORAR] | DR, s.n., XXIV (1), 49 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Veronica Ana Vlasin | Ipostaze ale unui genitiv al „timpului” | Dragoș, 332-340 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Vicky Manteli | Post-revolutionary humorous representations of Americans in Royall Tyler’s The Contrast (1787) | Bul. UTBv, 12 (2), 163-180 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Victoria Moldovan | La aniversarӑ. Prof. univ. dr. Elena Dragoş | Dragoș, 351-353 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Villy Tsakona | Talking about humour, racism, and anti-racism in class: A critical literacy proposal | Bul. UTBv, 12 (2), 111-142 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Virginia Hill, Alexandru Mardale | The internal structure of a differentially marked DP in Romanian | BWPL, XXI (1) | 2019 | html |
2 | Vladislav Knoll | Lexicografia slavonă şi slava veche şi intrarea ei în era digitală | SCL, LXX (1), 74-87 | 2019 | html |
1 | Walcz Beatrix | 15th Congress of Finno-Ugric Writers | Studia UBB, LXIV (3), 271-272 | 2019 | html |
1 | Wander Emediato, Rubens Damasceno-Morais | L’analyse dialogique de l’argumentation : le cas des débats polémiques dans les médias sociaux | SL, 9 (1), 111-132 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Yaya Konaté, Benjamin Odi Marcellin Don, Konan Thomas Koffi | Contact de langues : les relations entre l’arabe et le dioula (manding) | ANADISS, 28 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Yolanda-Mirela Catelly | Enriching engineering graduates’ hard and soft skills to increase their employability in an unstable job market | AOU, XXX (1), 22-32 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Yujing Ji, Agnès Tutin | Les routines métalinguistiques dans les écrits scientifiques en français | SL, 9 (2) | 2019 | html |
1 | Élisabeth Gavoille | Ovide en exil et les voix du silence | AOU, XXX (2), 1-15 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Ștefana Duncea | Stilistica limbii literare. Contribuţia lui Tudor Vianu | Dragoș, 138-146 | 2019 | pdf |
2 | Alexandru Nicolae | The licensing of nominal and verbal ellipsis in Romanian | Editura Universității din București | 2019 | |
1 | Daiana Felecan | Întâlnire cu semnele textului 18 popasuri de lectură critice | Editura Academiei Române | 2019 | |
7 | Gabriela Pană Dindelegan (ed.) | Sintaxa limbii române vechi | Univers Enciclopedic Gold | 2019 | |
1 | Ioan Herbil | Antroponimie oficială la ucrainenii maramureșeni | Casa Cărții de Știință | 2019 | |
1 | Mariana Neț (coord.) | Limba cărților de bucate româneşti | Editura Academiei | 2019 | |
2 | Teodor Oancă | Cercetări de onomastică și dialectologie | Grafix | 2019 | |
1 | Adina Camelia Bleotu | The acquisition of root NN compounds in Romanian | BWPL, XX (2) | 2018 | pdf |
3 | Adina Dragomirescu | A (se) ţine – de la verb lexical la verb copulativ şi aspectual | LR, LXVII (3-4), 259 | 2018 | pdf |
1 | Adrian Năznean, Emanuela Tegla, Réka Kutasi, Anișoara Pop | In-House Adult Language Teaching and Learning of English | Studia UPM, 25, 94 | 2018 | pdf |
1 | Alexandru Mareș | Udrişte Năsturel (Note filologice) | LR, LXVII (3-4), 321 | 2018 | pdf |
1 | Andreea Năznean | Techniques In Teaching Technical English | Studia UPM, 24, 173 | 2018 | pdf |
1 | Andreea Pop | Pour une pragmatique visuelle du corps sublime | Studia UPM, 25, 78 | 2018 | pdf |
1 | Andrei A. Avram | The diffusion of Atlantic English-lexifier creoles: Evidence from Belizean Creole | BWPL, XX (2) | 2018 | pdf |
1 | Bianca-Oana Han | Translating Literature – Always a New Adventure (I) – General View upon Translating Literature | Studia UPM, 24, 133 | 2018 | pdf |
1 | Corina Bozedean | Traducerea textului dramatic, o experienţă personală: Donna di Cuori, de Gianni Spezzano | Studia UPM, 24, 102 | 2018 | pdf |
1 | Cristian Lako | High-Profile vs Low-Profile Website Localisation | Studia UPM, 24, 157 | 2018 | pdf |
1 | Cristian Lakó | Grice’s Maxims Applied to Localization | Studia UPM, 25, 167 | 2018 | pdf |
2 | Cristinel Sava | O nouă versiune a Celor douăsprezece vise în tâlcuirea lui Mamer | LR, LXVII (3-4), 341 | 2018 | pdf |
1 | Daiana Felecan | Marginalia to the Reading of Literary Texts | Studia UPM, 24, 89 | 2018 | pdf |
1 | Dana Rus | Developing Oral Skills in ESP Classes: From Controlled Activities to Free Communication | Studia UPM, 25, 150 | 2018 | pdf |
1 | Daniela Kohn | Die Interpunktion der Aufgabenstellung in DAF-Lehrwerken aus Rumänien und dem deutschsprachigen Raum | SCL, LXIX (2), 239-249 | 2018 | |
1 | Doina Butiurca | Sintagma terminologică extinsă | Studia UPM, 24, 82 | 2018 | pdf |
1 | Emanuela I. Dima | Particularități ale realizărilor argumentale specifice unor verbe de cogniție: a afla, a ști, a cunoaște | SCL, LXIX (2), 250-264 | 2018 | |
1 | Eva M. Szekely | Modelul dezvoltării personale. Cultura emoţiilor şi a afectivităţii în programele şcolare | Studia UPM, 24, 68 | 2018 | pdf |
3 | Florica Dimitrescu | Din nou despre denumirile profesionale recente | SCL, LXIX (2), 183-225 | 2018 | |
1 | Francesca Volpato, Silvia D’Ortenzio | Ask a question! How Italian children with cochlear implants produce subject and object wh-questions | BWPL, XX (2) | 2018 | pdf |
1 | Gabriela Brozbă, Roxana Ungureanu | The phonological adaptation of loanwords in Italian | BWPL, XX (2) | 2018 | pdf |
1 | Giovanni Rotiroti | „În căutarea tonului” lui Nichita Stănescu. Note pentru o teorie angelologică a poeziei | AUB, LXVII, 85-95 | 2018 | pdf |
1 | Ildikó Gy. Zoltán | Traducere şi traducător; bilingvismul traducătorului: concepte, cadre de definiţie | Studia UPM, 25, 156 | 2018 | pdf |
2 | Ioana Stoicescu, Maria Aurelia Cotfas | Ambiguity resolution in the pronominal domain in child Romanian | BWPL, XX (1), 65-82 | 2018 | pdf |
1 | Iulia Mărgărit | Note lexical-etimologice | LR, LXVII (3-4), 281 | 2018 | pdf |
1 | Iulian Boldea | Poezia lamentaţiei şi a revoltei | Studia UPM, 24, 12 | 2018 | pdf |
1 | Iuliana Chiricu | Sincronic vs diacronic în DOOM2 (2005) și DELR I (vol. I, A-B, 2011) | SCL, LXIX (2), 226-238 | 2018 | |
1 | Luminița Chiorean | Semiotica vestimentaţiei (2). Costumul ca vector al imaginii monarhului | Studia UPM, 24, 26 | 2018 | pdf |
1 | Luminița Chiorean, Maria Kozak | Semiotica legilor lui Murphy. Partea I. Preliminarii la etiologia murphysmelor | Studia UPM, 25, 22 | 2018 | pdf |
1 | Maria Marin | O particularitate a utilizării articolului hotărât în româna dialectală | LR, LXVII (3-4), 309 | 2018 | pdf |
1 | Maria Stanciu Istrate | Calcul lingvistic după 1881 | LR, LXVII (3-4), 295-307 | 2018 | pdf |
1 | Maria-Laura Rus | Sintaxa frazei: erori în segmentare | Studia UPM, 24, 108 | 2018 | pdf |
1 | Maria-Laura Rus | Tendinţe constante în Structurile Morfosintactice Romanice | Studia UPM, 25, 57 | 2018 | pdf |
2 | Marius Mazilu | Pentru o nouă ediţie a Pravilei de la Govora (1640) | LR, LXVII (3-4), 331 | 2018 | pdf |
1 | Mihaela-Viorica Constantinescu | Strategii discursive în presa umoristică românească. Prezentarea războiului de independență (1877-1878) | AUB, LXVII, 19-33 | 2018 | pdf |
1 | Nicoleta Aurelia Marcu | Reel Justice and Legal English Teaching | Studia UPM, 24, 188 | 2018 | pdf |
2 | Oana Niculescu | An acoustic and articulatory description of the Romanian vocalic system | BWPL, XX (2) | 2018 | pdf |
2 | Otilia Teodorescu | Early subjects in child Romanian: A case study | BWPL, XX (1) | 2018 | pdf |
3 | Otilia Teodorescu | Pronominal subject interpretation in temporal adjuncts in child Romanian | BWPL, XX (1), 83-102 | 2018 | pdf |
2 | Philippe Séro-Guillaume | Nouvelles perspectives | Studia UBB, LXIII (3), 59 | 2018 | html |
1 | Reidar Veland | Le superlatif adnominal en roumain écrit contemporain. Étude de corpus | LR, LXVII (3-4), 271 | 2018 | pdf |
2 | Veronica Tomescu | The acquisition of subjects in 2L1 Romanian | BWPL, XX (1) | 2018 | pdf |
1 | Veronica Tomescu | Anaphora resolution in 2L1 Romanian. Evidence from Romanian-Hungarian bilinguals | BWPL, XX (1), 103-117 | 2018 | pdf |
1 | Victor Celac | Despre o emendare neavenită în ediţia Psaltirii Hurmuzaki (de Ion Gheţie şi Mirela Teodorescu. Bucureşti, Editura Academiei Române, 2005) | LR, LXVII (3-4), 389 | 2018 | pdf |
1 | Ștefan Colceriu | Marius Sala (1932–2018). Domnul Sala trece dincolo | LR, LXVII (3-4), 257 | 2018 | pdf |
4 | Teodor Oancă | Contribuții onomastice | Grafix | 2018 | |
1 | Diana Hornoiu | Compliments and compliment responses in Romanian conversational discourse | BWPL, XIX (2) | 2017 | pdf |
1 | Ion Giurgea | Non-referential topical phrases in Romanian and the theory of topicality | BWPL, XIX (1) | 2017 | pdf html |
1 | Marianna Hordós | Alignment optimality and English possessives: Knowing where to stop | BWPL, XIX (1) | 2017 | pdf html |
1 | Micah Corum | Go for in the Crucian Wiretaps Corpus: Insight on MV for constructions and the verb/preposition distinction in Afro-Carribean creole | BWPL, XIX (1) | 2017 | pdf html |
1 | Veronica Tomescu | The acquisition of gender in a Romanian-Hungarian bilingual setting | BWPL, XIX (1) | 2017 | pdf html |
1 | Vincenzo Nicolò Di Caro | Multiple Agreement Constructions: A macro-comparative analysis of Pseudo-Coordination with the motion verb go in the Arabic and Sicilian dialects | BWPL, XIX (2) | 2017 | pdf |
1 | Virginia Hill | Restrictive relative clauses in Acadian French | BWPL, XIX (2) | 2017 | pdf |
2 | Alice Ionescu | Étude comparative des évolutions sémantiques et pragmatiques des adverbes bien en français et bine en roumain | AUC, XXXVIII (1-2), 195 | 2016 | html |
1 | Alina-Georgiana Focșineanu | Dificultăţi de învăţare a unor termeni de rudenie din limba română din perspectiva vorbitorilor arabi | AUC, XXXVIII (1-2), 189 | 2016 | html |
1 | Anna Erlikhman | Functioning of Implicitness in Drama Text | AUC, XXXVIII (1-2), 180 | 2016 | html |
1 | Cristiana-Nicola Teodorescu | La stéréotypie dans le langage du football | AUC, XXXVIII (1-2), 122 | 2016 | html |
1 | Diana Costea | Les marqueurs temporels maintenant et aujourd’hui dans l’embrayage du point de vue | AUC, XXXVIII (1-2), 174 | 2016 | html |
1 | Diana Sopon | L’espressione linguistica della gratitudine – uno studio contrastivo | AUC, XXXVIII (1-2), 267 | 2016 | html |
1 | Elena V. Varlamova, Elena A. Tulusina, Zarema M. Zaripova, Veronika L. Gataullina | Lexical, Semantic and Culturological Approaches to the Teaching of a Second Language | AUC, XXXVIII (1-2), 273 | 2016 | html |
1 | Francesco Perono Cacciafoco | Where the River Converges: Toponymic Stratigraphy of Bistagno and Sessame | AUC, XXXVIII (1-2), 69 | 2016 | html |
1 | Frosina Qyrdeti | Uno sguardo alle parlate “arbëresh”: il contatto con l’ambiente linguistico italiano | AUC, XXXVIII (1-2), 251 | 2016 | html |
1 | Iryna Levchyk | Professional Stylistic and Speech Components in the Formation of English Language Competence of Psychologists | AUC, XXXVIII (1-2), 53 | 2016 | html |
2 | Iustina Burci | Categorii sociale periferice în toponimia din Oltenia şi Muntenia (I) | AUC, XXXVIII (1-2), 20 | 2016 | html |
1 | Lavinia Similaru | «Raucho» de Ricardo Güiraldes, ¿una novela de traducción imposible? | AUC, XXXVIII (1-2), 115 | 2016 | html |
1 | Mihaela Popescu | Quelques observations sur la manifestation discursive de l’« épistémique probable » en espagnol contemporain | AUC, XXXVIII (1-2), 82 | 2016 | html |
1 | Mirona Bence-Muk | L’effetto stilistico del “nonnulla”. Possibili prospettive per l’interpretazione del testo lirico Variazioni su nulla di Giuseppe Ungaretti | AUC, XXXVIII (1-2), 9 | 2016 | html |
1 | Mădălina Cerban | The Development of the “Hedge” Concept. Application on Scientific Texts | AUC, XXXVIII (1-2), 165 | 2016 | html |
1 | Teodora Kiryakova-Dineva | The Interplay of Visual Images in Food Advertising | AUC, XXXVIII (1-2), 215 | 2016 | html |
1 | Tetyana Pan’kova | Polypredicative Hypotactic Constructions: the Linguo-synergetic Aspect | AUC, XXXVIII (1-2), 228 | 2016 | html |
1 | Xu Duoduo | Phonetic Clues in Chinese Folklore Literature: A Study on the Phonemic Features of Lianhualao Opera Wangpo Maji | AUC, XXXVIII (1-2), 143 | 2016 | html |
1 | Adela-Marinela Stancu | Mots français d’origine arabe | AUC, XXXVII (1-2), 379 | 2015 | |
1 | Alexandra Daniela Oprica, Tatiana A. Vorojichtcheva | Sobre los préstamos eslavos en el idioma rumano moderno | AUC, XXXVII (1-2), 89 | 2015 | |
2 | Alina Gioroceanu | A Relevant Circumstance: The Procedural Place | AUC, XXXVII (1-2), 304 | 2015 | |
1 | Ana-Maria Botnaru | Two Terms in Romanian Forest Terminology: Răchită (= willow; osier) and Rariște (= sparse forest) | AUC, XXXVII (1-2), 34 | 2015 | |
1 | Anca Kiss | Irony and the Face(s) of Politeness. A Linguistic Approach to Contemporary Political Discourse | AUC, XXXVII (1-2), 323 | 2015 | |
2 | Cristiana-Nicola Teodorescu | La communication haptique dans l’enseignement des langues étrangères | AUC, XXXVII (1-2), 201 | 2015 | |
1 | Diana Costea | Le rôle des subordonnées temporelles dans la cohérence temporelle au niveau d’une séquence textuelle | AUC, XXXVII (1-2), 241 | 2015 | |
1 | Diana Sopon | Parità linguistica nei testi amministrativi italiani – norme e pratiche | AUC, XXXVII (1-2), 363 | 2015 | |
1 | Elena Vladimirovna Susimenko, Elena Yurievna Litvinenko | Socio-Cultural Factors Contributing to the Formation of the Russian Technical University Students’ Bilingual Strategies | AUC, XXXVII (1-2), 189 | 2015 | |
1 | Emilia Ștefan | Die Präposition bei und ihre Bezüge | AUC, XXXVII (1-2), 394 | 2015 | |
1 | Francesco Perono Cacciafoco | Continuity in European Toponomastics: the (Pre-)Indo-European *kar- / *kal- Root in the Pre-Latin Ligurian Toponymy | AUC, XXXVII (1-2), 121 | 2015 | |
1 | Francesco Perono Cacciafoco | Pre-Indo-European Relics: the *borm- Root in the Pre-Latin European Context | AUC, XXXVII (1-2), 342 | 2015 | |
1 | George Sosin | « Imagen » ou les arabesques de l’imagination dans les annonces pour l’emploi en milieu scientifique | AUC, XXXVII (1-2), 171 | 2015 | |
1 | Imola-Ágnes Farkas | Postmodifiers as Intensifiers in Romanian Adjectival Phrases | AUC, XXXVII (1-2), 288 | 2015 | |
1 | Iulia Drimala | The Semantic Legacy of the Medieval World: Words Denoting Social Ranks in English and French | AUC, XXXVII (1-2), 261 | 2015 | |
1 | Iustina Burci | Domnitori români în toponimia actuală din Oltenia și Muntenia | AUC, XXXVII (1-2), 39 | 2015 | |
1 | Lavinia Similaru | Los refranes de “Los trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda” y su traducción al rumano | AUC, XXXVII (1-2), 164 | 2015 | |
1 | Mihaela Marcu | Rolul contextului în specificarea termenilor din domeniul comunicării, relațiilor publice și jurnalismului | AUC, XXXVII (1-2), 337 | 2015 | |
1 | Mihaela Popescu | Un autre cas de « régrammation » : le futur synthétique de l’espagnol | AUC, XXXVII (1-2), 139 | 2015 | |
1 | Mirela Aioane | Strategie della persuasione | AUC, XXXVII (1-2), 15 | 2015 | |
1 | Mirona Bence-Muk | Il segno linguistico vs. segno musicale nella visione della linguistica generale e la linguistica integrale | AUC, XXXVII (1-2), 24 | 2015 | |
1 | Mirona Bence-Muk | La metafora della luce nel paradiso dantesco. Prospettive poetiche contrastive | AUC, XXXVII (1-2), 227 | 2015 | |
1 | Mădălina Cerban | A Structural Analysis of Newspaper Articles | AUC, XXXVII (1-2), 235 | 2015 | |
1 | Sorina Sorescu | Coordonate științifice în studiile de stilistică eminesciană. D. Caracostea | AUC, XXXVII (1-2), 370 | 2015 | |
1 | Steliana Mădălina Deaconu | Considérations sur le style d’Irène Nemirovsky dans Le Malentendu | AUC, XXXVII (1-2), 53 | 2015 | |
1 | Théophile Kalbe Yamo | Néo-oralité urbaine et éducation populaire au Cameroun. Lecture des hymnes et devises d’associations de jeunes | AUC, XXXVII (1-2), 310 | 2015 | |
1 | Xu Duoduo | Complexities in the level tone systems of Naish subgroup (sino-tibetan languages): phonological and phonetic perspectives on Qiansuo Na | AUC, XXXVII (1-2), 400 | 2015 | |
1 | Alexandra Daniela Oprica | Matices culturales en los refranes rumanos y españoles sobre la vejez | AUC, XXXVI (1-2), 294 | 2014 | html |
1 | Ana-Maria Botnaru | Romanian Forest Terminology: Huci and Laz – Two Words of Slavic Origin | AUC, XXXVI (1-2), 195 | 2014 | html |
1 | Anamaria Preda | Observații asupra unor structuri sintactice reorganizate | AUC, XXXVI (1-2), 128 | 2014 | html |
1 | Aterda Lika, Eliana Laçej | Gli immigrati albanesi tra lingua e cultura italiana | AUC, XXXVI (1-2), 86 | 2014 | html |
1 | Cristina-Eva Sauciuc | Compunerea prin abreviere – sigle și acronime (cu referire la romanul Orbitor) | AUC, XXXVI (1-2), 135 | 2014 | html |
1 | Cristina-Eva Sauciuc | Formații neologice recente. Xenisme în romanul Orbitor | AUC, XXXVI (1-2), 325 | 2014 | html |
1 | Daniela Dincă, Mihaela Popescu | Les gallicismes du roumain: de étymologie unique à l’étymologie multiple | AUC, XXXVI (1-2), 52 | 2014 | html |
1 | Delia Doina Mihalache | Applications of Compensation Theory in the translations of Serghey Yesenin’s Poems | AUC, XXXVI (1-2), 262 | 2014 | html |
1 | Diana Sopon | Dear Sir oppure Egregio Signore – uno sguardo comparativo sulla retorica e sullo stile della lettera commerciale inglese e italiana | AUC, XXXVI (1-2), 178 | 2014 | html |
1 | Elena Rodica Opran | Le titre et les éléments de l’écriture journalistique qui influencent sa conception | AUC, XXXVI (1-2), 283 | 2014 | html |
1 | Eliona Naqo | Problemi attuali nell’insegnamento/apprendimento dell’italiano LS per gli studenti albanesi dell’Università “Ismail Qemali” di Valona-Vlorë, Albania | AUC, XXXVI (1-2), 276 | 2014 | html |
1 | Francesco Perono Cacciafoco | Diachronic Toponomastics and Etymology: Epistemological Proposals According to the New Convergence Theory | AUC, XXXVI (1-2), 105 | 2014 | html |
1 | Gabriela Scurtu | Un cas de synonymie stylistique: roum. cenușiu et gri | AUC, XXXVI (1-2), 161 | 2014 | html |
1 | Iulia Burlacu | Derivatives Formed with English Terms Denoting Social Roles in the Medieval Period | AUC, XXXVI (1-2), 200 | 2014 | html |
1 | Iustina Burci | Denumiri de bănci oltenești în prima jumătate a secolului al XX-lea | AUC, XXXVI (1-2), 28 | 2014 | html |
1 | Mihaela Marcu | Morfologia limbii române în Gramatica lui Ienăchiță Văcărescu | AUC, XXXVI (1-2), 254 | 2014 | html |
1 | Mirela Aioane | Elementi deittici nel discorso religioso italiano | AUC, XXXVI (1-2), 13 | 2014 | html |
1 | Mădălina Cerban | Syntactic and Semantic Features of Circumstances Within Systemic Functional Framework | AUC, XXXVI (1-2), 211 | 2014 | html |
1 | Nicola Guerra | Aspetti e dinamiche della glocalizzazione linguistica nella traduzione. Una contestualizzazione rappresentata dalla traduzione in italiano dell’inno della squadra di calcio Liverpool | AUC, XXXVI (1-2), 79 | 2014 | html |
1 | Oana Badea | Regarding the Adaptation of English-Origin Neologisms (Letter E) to Romanian Pronunciation and Spelling | AUC, XXXVI (1-2), 188 | 2014 | html |
1 | Daniela Hăisan | Proza lui Edgar Allan Poe în limba română | Casa Cărții de Știință | 2014 | |
1 | Alina Pelea | Méthode et subjectivité en traduction | Méth. trad., 184 | 2013 | pdf |
2 | Antonio Bueno García | Les méthodes collaborative et coopérative dans l’enseignement de la traductologie | Méth. trad., 37 | 2013 | pdf |
1 | Emmanuel Le Vagueresse | Traduire la poésie contemporaine en 2012 : de l’espagnol au français, leçons de sens, de son et de rythme – l’exemple de Esto es mi cuerpo / Ceci est mon corps (1997) de Juan Antonio González Iglesias | Méth. trad., 175 | 2013 | pdf |
1 | Georgiana Lungu-Badea | Traduire la traductologie. Sur la légitimité de la méthode en traduction à l’époque du cyberespace | Méth. trad., 65 | 2013 | pdf |
1 | Gerardo Acerenza | Quelle méthode de traduction pour les régionalismes ? Les traductions italienne, espagnole, roumaine et allemande de Maria Chapdelaine de Louis Hémon | Méth. trad., 158 | 2013 | pdf |
2 | Ileana Neli Eiben | Deux méthodes de se traduire : Dumitru Tsepeneag et Felicia Mihali | Méth. trad., 203 | 2013 | pdf |
1 | Isabelle Collombat | Cartographie de l’avant-traduire : idées reçues sur la traduction | Méth. trad., 85 | 2013 | pdf |
1 | Mariana Pitar | Une perspective terminologique dans la traduction des textes de spécialité | Méth. trad., 214 | 2013 | pdf |
1 | Michel Ballard | Epistémologie de la traductologie réaliste | Méth. trad., 9 | 2013 | pdf |
1 | Nataliya Gavrilenko | L’Analyse du discours spécialise dans le processus de formation des traducteurs techniques | Méth. trad., 51 | 2013 | pdf |
1 | Tatiana Milliaressi | Considérations théoriques et éthiques sur la méthodologie de la traduction spécialisée | Méth. trad., 104 | 2013 | pdf |
1 | Thomas Lenzen | Pluralisme des méthodes en traduction judiciaire.Vers une méthodologie cohérente ? | Méth. trad., 114 | 2013 | pdf |
1 | Étienne Wolff | Les spécificités de la traduction du latin | Méth. trad., 147 | 2013 | pdf |
2 | Raluca Felicia Toma | Cuvinte și expresii biblice în limba română O analiză retorico-stilistică | Editura Universitară | 2012 | |
182 | Ion Gheție, Mirela Teodorescu (ed.) | Psaltirea Hurmuzaki | Editura Academiei | 2005 | |