Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Bibliografia românească de lingvistică (BRL, 62, 2019). Lucrări de lingvistică apărute în țara noastră în cursul anului 2019

Publicația: Limba română, LXIX (2), p. 177-336
Editura:Editura Academiei

Citări la această publicație: 0

Referințe în această publicație: 410

1Adina BotașPresidential discourse analysis: Irony and sarcasm in pre-election debatesBul. UTBv, 12 (2), 3-182019pdf
1Adina Camelia BleotuHow Are Number and Person Ordered in the Verbal and Pronominal Domain in Romanian?RRL, LXIV (2)2019pdf
1Adrian ChircuPolitiques linguistiques roumaines d’antan (du XIXe siècle). Le cas des idées promues par Ion GhicaStudia UBB, LXIV (2), 131-1402019html
1Adrian ChircuEchivalarea derivatelor latinești în -mentum în limba română veche. Observaţii asupra Dictiones latinæ cum valachica interpretationSCOL, XII (1-2), 165-1762019pdf
1Adrian ChircuEchivalare şi variaţie afixală în limba română veche. Corespondentele româneşti ale sufixului latinesc -tio, -tionis, în Dictiones Latinae cum Valachica InterpretationeLR, LXVIII (2), 185-1992019pdf
1Adrian ChircuUn parcurs academic de excepție: Prof. univ. dr. Elena DragoșDragoș, 349-3502019pdf
1Adrian Chircu, Claudia ChircuDin cele patru zări. Seminţiile Antichităţii în tâlcuirile lui Teodor Corbea (Dictiones latinæ cum valachica interpretatione) din perspectivă lexico-gramaticalăDragoș, 94-1072019pdf
1Adriana SferleDeux non-langues : la langue de bois et la langue de cotonStudia UBB, LXIV (3), 101-1082019html
1Adriana SferleL’enseignement du roumain- langue étrangère. L’expression et la compréhension oralesStudia UBB, LXIV (3), 229-2382019html
1Adriana TodeaDeveloping a CEFR-Based Analysis Grid for Listening Tasks and ItemsStudia UBB, LXIV (4), 157-1682019html
1Adrien Frenay, Marion CarelPériodes argumentatives et complexes discursifsSL, 9 (1), 133-1502019pdf
1Alessandro ZulianiCâteva observații privind versiunea italiană a proverbelor adunate de Iuliu A. ZanneBSLR, XXVIII, 483-5022019pdf
1Alexandra Cornilescu, Alina TigăuNotes on Romanian Ethical DativesRRL, LXIV (2)2019pdf
1Alexandra Cornilescu, Ruxandra CosmaLinearization of attributive adjectives in RomanianRRL, LXIV (3)2019pdf
2Alexandra CotocLanguages for specific purposes and sustained silent reading. A new challenge for the millennial studentsAOU, XXX (1), 57-662019pdf
1Alexandra Cotoc, Dorin ChiraShowcases of ICT during the Courses and Seminars on the Grammatical Structure of the English LanguageStudia UBB, LXIV (4), 147-1562019html
1Alexandru GaftonLe lieu d’articulation et les habiletés articulatoires dans une perspective évolutiveRRL, LXIV (1), 29-822019pdf
1Alexandru MareșDin nou despre unele date personale ale logofătului Vlad din MălăieştiSCL, LXX (2), 2692019pdf
1Alexandru MareșPorunca episcopului Gherasie şi întreprinderea caraşoveană de plastografiiLR, LXVIII (2), 307-3212019
1Alice BodocRelaţia emiţător–receptor în nuvelistica românească prejunimistăPhil. Jass., XV (1), 252019pdf
1Alina CosteaVideos as icebreakers. A case studyAOU, XXX (1), 164-1712019pdf
1Alina-Mihaela Pricop BursucObservaţii privind analiza terminologiei norilorLR, LXVIII (2), 257-2652019pdf
1Aliteea-Bianca TurtureanuLangage médical et autotraduction dans The End of My Addiction / Le dernier verre d‟Olivier AmeisenBSLR, XXVIII, 279-2892019pdf
1Amadou Ouattara Adou, Bi Tra Justin TraDire l’autre pour s’enrichir ou l’analyse pragmatique de recits de voyageANADISS, 282019pdf
1Ana BorbélyCercetări lingvistice interacademice ungaro-române asupra comunităţilor româneşti din Ungaria: rezultate şi perspective după 25 de aniSCL, LXX (2), 241-2502019pdf
1Ana KochevaOutcomes and prospects for the development of Bulgarian dialectologyFD, XXXVIII, 47-502019pdf
1Ana VulpeProcese active în vocabularul românesc actualSCOL, XII (1-2), 217-2212019pdf
1Ana-Maria BarbuDezvoltări sintactice ale apoziţiei restrictive în unele limbi romaniceSCL, LXX (1), 40-572019html
1Anatol EremiaToponimia istorică a Basarabiei. Arealul Prutul de JosSCOL, XII (1-2), 83-992019pdf
1Andra VasilescuConstrucţiile incidenteSCL, LXX (1), 3-312019html
1Andreea PopDu français de spécialité au français universitaire à travers les nouvelles échelles du CECRL (2018)Studia UBB, LXIV (2), 157-1662019html
1Andreea SoareFrom classic political cartoons to memes in Romanian satirical newsBul. UTBv, 12 (2), 97-1102019pdf
1Andreea Șerban, Valentina MureșanRegister and Translation Competence Acquisition. Investigating Student AttitudesStudia UBB, LXIV (4), 213-2302019html
1Andreea-Nora PușcașNume de cai. Din răspunsurile la Chestionarul IDR, s.n., XXIV (1), 202019pdf
1André Moussa DiopLe symbolisme socio-affectif des langues : Le cas de la coexistence de la langue africaine et du français dans l’espace familial de migrants en FranceANADISS, 282019pdf
1Anna Carmen SorrentiSur les convergences et les divergences de la métaphore et de la similitudePhil. Jass., XV (2), 2352019pdf
1Anna Carolina S. Mroczinski, Alessandra Del Ré, Alessandra J. VieiraHumour in children’s discourse: A case study of a bilingual child (Brazilian Portuguese and German)Bul. UTBv, 12 (2), 61-822019pdf
1Anna PinedaThe role of dative clitic doubling in Romance ditransitives. What non-agreeing dative clitics can tell us about itRRL, LXIV (4)2019pdf
1Anna SnarskaPartial Control, the Way We Know It, Does Not ExistRRL, LXIV (2)2019pdf
1Annafrancesca NaccaratoMétaphore et traduction. La rêverie bachelardienne en italienPhil. Jass., XV (1), 2052019pdf
1Antoanela Marta MardarOn the usefulness of using formal and semantic similarities in teaching English and Italian hypothetical constructionsAOU, XXX (1), 115-1262019pdf
1Antonia CiolacDezvoltarea câmpului lexico-semantic cu nucleul „sânge” (fr. sang/sp. sangre) în limbile franceză şi spaniolăSCL, LXX (2), 1802019pdf
1Balkiz ÖztürkPossessor datives in Pazar LazRRL, LXIV (4)2019pdf
1Bardhyl DemirajTroparul pascal în dialectul aromân din codicele lui Kosta Cepi Vithkuqari (Costa Cepi din Bitcuchi)FD, XXXVIII, 15-222019pdf
1Beatrix WalczHistoire de la traduction littéraire en Europe médiane – Book presentation : “Translators are the real Europeans” (Konrád György, 2007)Studia UBB, LXIV (4), 319-3212019html
1Berrin N. AksoyTechnology-based innovations in the teaching of translation: an insight into whys and howsAOU, XXX (1), 191-1992019pdf
1Bianca Doris BretanNeeds Analysis and English for Legal Purposes Course Development: A Case Study on an ELP Syllabus Design for University StudentsStudia UBB, LXIV (2), 73-822019html
1Bill HaddicanToward a unified analysis of addressee in C: evidence from Galician solidarity dativesRRL, LXIV (4)2019pdf
1Bénédicte Larissa Hervée TechtiLa reformulation interlangue : un outil de médiation linguistique interculturelle en discipline du françaisANADISS, 282019pdf
1Camelia AnghelReading Samuel Beckett’s Endgame as a Tale of WarPhil. Jass., XV (1), 152019pdf
1Carmen-Valentina CandaleLas particularidades del ámbito electrónico que determinan la comunicación mediada por el ordenador (CMO)Dragoș, 66-752019pdf
1Carolina PopușoiValori semantice ale unităţilor frazeologice româneşti cu numeralul treiPhil. Jass., XV (1), 1052019pdf
1Catherine Kerbrat-OrecchioniArgumentation et vérité : le cas du discours sur la corridaSL, 9 (1), 189-2062019pdf
2Cecilia Mihaela PopescuDin nou despre formele de condițional din limba română. Schiță de analiză şi categorizareDragoș, 242-2512019pdf
1Cecilia-Mihaela PopescuCondiţionalul evidenţialo-citaţional în limbile romanice. O grilă de analizăSCL, LXX (2), 218-2302019pdf
1Cecilia-Mihaela Popescu, Alice IonescuÉtude comparative des marqueurs métadiscursifs gen du roumain et genre du français. Distribution et valeurs pragmatiquesSL, 9 (2)2019html
1Cecilia-Mihaela Popescu, Daniela DincăAspects de la reconfiguration sémantique des gallicismes du roumain: le cas des meubles [pour dormir]Phil. Jass., XV (1), 892019pdf
1Chiara De Angelis, Oreste FloquetDeux groupes de collégiens (Abidjan et Toulouse) face à deux questions sur la transitivité et l’intransitivité en français: recherches sur les connaissances implicites et explicites des adolescentsStudia UBB, LXIV (4), 77-922019html
1Chiara Preite, Alida Maria SillettiAnalyse métadiscursive des dictionnaires internet français et italiens : le cas des anglicismes concernant la crise économico-financièreSL, 9 (2)2019html
1Christian TremblayLangues et politiques, des destins imbriqués mais distincts (II)Phil. Jass., XV (1), 2692019pdf
1Christine da Silva-Genest« Il faut dire, on dit, ça veut dire… » : étude des formes et fonctions des interventions métalangagières en situation d’intervention orthophoniqueSL, 9 (2)2019html
1Claudia PisoschiThe Order beyond the Hazards: Pronominal Reference and the Significance of Space-Time Markers in The Hazards by Jane O. WayneAOU, XXX (2), 281-2942019pdf
1Claudia TimociL’imparfait de politesse en roumain : une approche pragmatiqueANADISS, 282019pdf
1Coman LupuMás observaciones sobre la dataciónDragoș, 167-1752019pdf
1Corinne GomilaEn un mot: quel type d’expression métadiscursive?SL, 9 (2)2019html
1Costel CorobanTeaching English to Pharmacy students: resources, importance and applicationsAOU, XXX (1), 44-562019pdf
1Costel CorobanCommunication Strategies and the Rise of Populist Discourse during the European Parliament Elections of May 2019AOU, XXX (2), 420-4342019pdf
1Costin-Valentin OanceaBad Language or Language Variation and Change? Interpretation, Context and Social Motivations in EnglishAOU, XXX (2), 310-3222019pdf
1Crina LeonPractical aspects of teaching English to Journalism studentsAOU, XXX (1), 104-1142019pdf
1Cristian MoroianuEtimologia multiplă – un concept necesarLR, LXVIII (2), 287-3062019pdf
1Cristina FlorescuDenumirile fenomenelor atmosferice: caracteristici ale lexemelor moşteniteLR, LXVIII (2), 215-2252019pdf
1Cristina Mihaela ZamfirTypes of (re)framing events and the sleight of mouth technique in the business NLP processAOU, XXX (1), 233-2442019pdf
1Cristina SilaghiCâteva observații în legătură cu bilingvismulDragoș, 286-2922019pdf
1Cristina-Dana Popescu MituThe assesment process of various types of education in terms of the roles involved in the teaching and learning processes. Case studyAOU, XXX (1), 137-1452019pdf
1Cristinel MunteanuExpresii resemantizateLR, LXVIII (2), 249-2562019pdf
1Cristinel MunteanuTeorie şi studiu empiric în lingvistică (în jurul unui citat din Ortega Y Gasset reprodus de Coşeriu într-o prelegere clujeană)Dragoș, 199-2062019pdf
1Céline CorteelDe l’adverbe de manière au marqueur discursif : le cas de autrementSL, 9 (2)2019html
4Dan Cristea, Nils Diewald, Gabriela Haja, Cătălina Mărănduc, Verginica Barbu Mititelu, Mihaela OnofreiHow to find a shining needle in the haystack. Querying CoRoLa: solutions and perspectivesRRL, LXIV (3)2019pdf
1Dana ConkanFrom CLILiG to Digital Tools: Developing Reading Strategies and Collaborative Skills for University StudentsStudia UBB, LXIV (2), 35-482019html
1Daniel ClinciTeaching English for Medicine - A three-fold approachAOU, XXX (1), 156-1632019pdf
1Daniela IsacSpecificity, definiteness, and modificationBWPL, XXI (2), 41-552019pdf
1Daniela MoldovanuSylvia Plath’s War Metaphors or How Female Confessional Poetry Changed Public Perception of Women’s Personal IdentityPhil. Jass., XV (1), 1832019pdf
1Daniela RogobeteSense of Place and Belonging in Sorley MacLean’s PoetryStudia UBB, LXIV (1), 223-2362019
1Daniela-Alina GeoglovanL’expression de la possessionAOU, XXX (2), 295-3092019pdf
1Danilo De SalazarSinestesia e metonimia: concorrenza e complementarità nell’interpretazione dell’immagine letterariaPhil. Jass., XV (2), 1792019pdf
1Daria Seres, Joan Borràs-Comes, Olga BorikInterplay between Position and Interpretation: An Experimental Study of Russian Bare PluralsRRL, LXIV (2)2019pdf
1Darja MerteljRepresentations of people in foreign language textbooksBul. UTBv, 12 (1), 23-402019pdf
1Denisa-Maria ToutNeologismul în „Muza de la Burdujăni”BSLR, XXVIII, 97-1022019pdf
1Diana HornoiuSome Considerations on Fake News DetectionAOU, XXX (2), 336-3442019pdf
1Dinu MoscalTermeni românești referitori la exploatarea tradițională a săriiPhil. Jass., XV (2), 1292019pdf
1Doina Butiurca, Vlad ButiurcaCompusele neoclasice în terminologia actualăPhil. Jass., XV (2), 272019pdf
1Dorin ChiraMemory, among the Other Strengths of the MindDragoș, 86-932019pdf
1Dumitru LoșonțiCuvinte provenite de la onomatopee (I)Dragoș, 156-1662019pdf
1El Hadji Abdoulaye SallLe discours mémoriel comme lieu de résistance dans le théâtre négro-africain francophone postcolonialANADISS, 272019pdf
1Elena CiortescuThe role of intercultural competence in teaching Business EnglishAOU, XXX (1), 147-1562019pdf
2Elena DragoșStylistica rediviva. Schiță diacronică a unei figuri sintactice: anaforaDR, s.n., XXIV (1), 662019pdf
1Elena DumitrașcuL’expression de la nominalisation dans le discours touristique ecritAOU, XXX (1), 200-2092019pdf
1Elena PlatonThe Idea of Progression in Designing the Curriculum of Romanian as a Foreign Language (RFL)Studia UBB, LXIV (2), 141-1562019html
3Elena PlatonReflections on the Concept of Linguistic ImaginaryStudia UBB, LXIV (3), 109-1222019html
1Elena SoareN and D nominalizationsBWPL, XXI (1)2019html
1Elonora HodajSaul Bellow: Mastery in handling humour and parodyBul. UTBv, 12 (2), 155-1622019pdf
1Elżbieta Biardzka, Greta Komur-ThilloyLes tours du type selon A, les « îlots textuels » et la portée de la prise en charge imputéeSL, 9 (2)2019html
1Emanuel GrosuDungal, Epistola de duplici solis eclipsi... An AnalysisPhil. Jass., XV (2), 2032019pdf
1Emil IonescuException Phrases as fragments: The case of RomanianBWPL, XXI (1)2019html
1Emilia KelemenImperative in ImprecativesStudia UBB, LXIV (3), 131-1382019html
1Emilia Wojtasik-DziekanSelected Linguistic Elements of Identification of the Identity in Korean Legal DocumentsAOU, XXX (2), 323-3352019pdf
1Emmanuelle DanblonQui a peur de la rhétorique ?SL, 9 (1), 75-842019pdf
1Estella CiobanuScreaming Silence: Medusa and the Enlightening Darkness of Ancient Texts and Modern ScienceAOU, XXX (2), 16-362019pdf
2Estelle VariotQuelques réflexions sur la richesse d’aspects formels du manuscrit 109 des Enseignements de Neagoe Basarab à son fils Théodose (p. 2r-20v)Dragoș, 323-3312019pdf
1Eugen PavelReflections on the centennial anniversary of the Romanian Language Museum (1919–2019)DR, s.n., XXIV (2), 1112019pdf
1Federica CugnoMemorie di luoghi e di mestieri: l’attività carbonifera nella toponimia orale del Piemonte montanoPhil. Jass., XV (1), 392019pdf
1Felicia DumasUnité fraternelle dans la diversité confessionnelle : une analyse discursiveANADISS, 282019pdf
1Florentina NicolaeThe Meanings and Functions of Silence in the Literary Work of Neagoe BasarabAOU, XXX (2), 130-1362019pdf
1Floriana PopescuParonyms and other confusables and the ESP translation practiceAOU, XXX (1), 220-2322019pdf
1Florica DimitrescuCuvinte din limba română veche absente din DELR, vol. I, literele A–BDR, s.n., XXIV (1), 92019pdf
1Florica DimitrescuNume de ocupații masculine și feminine în Palia de la OrăștieDR, s.n., XXIV (2), 1222019pdf
1Florica DimitrescuNoutăţi lexicale din domeniul profesiunilorLR, LXVIII (2), 201-2142019pdf
1Florica DimitrescuDenumiri cromatice recente de origine străinăDragoș, 127-1372019pdf
1Francesca DragottoThe Italian So-Called Inclusive Gender. A Short History of a MythStudia UBB, LXIV (3), 87-1002019html
1Gabriela AlboiuSyntactic case and DP (in)visibilityBWPL, XXI (1)2019html
1Gabriela BirișRomanian Interjections as Discourse MarkersPhil. Jass., XV (2), 192019pdf
1Gabriela BirișActe de limbaj în Rl2: complimentulDragoș, 49-552019pdf
1Gbaka Donald Olivier Djilé, Stéphanie Emerode Oplouba BléPratique des langues ivoiriennes en ligne : entre effort et confortANADISS, 282019pdf
1Giuliana GiustiFree not-so-free adjectival order in LatinBWPL, XXI (2), 5-402019pdf
1Hélène VassiliadouEn d’autres termes : dialogisme et altéritéSL, 9 (2)2019html
1Ibrahima BaAnalyse de l’hégémonie discursive dans les médias classiques et socionumériques : enjeux et critique sociétaleANADISS, 272019pdf
1Ibrahima Mamour NdiayeLe sens du discours politique face aux stéréotypes et préjugés lors des conflitsANADISS, 272019pdf
1Ibukun FilaniGendered concepts in Nigerian stand-up comedyBul. UTBv, 12 (2), 19-342019pdf
1Igor LakićConstructing Realities on War in Print Media DiscourseRRL, LXIV (1), 99-1112019pdf
1Ilaria Moretti«Sconfinato è solo il niente» le Je entre fracture et récognition dans Vista dalla luna de Chandra Livia CandianiStudia UBB, LXIV (4), 271-2872019html
1Ilie RadProf. univ. dr. Elena Dragoş: „Am ales să studiez Limba română şi să predau în domeniul lingvisticii, deoarece aici politicul n-avea cum pătrunde”Dragoș, 354-3642019pdf
1Ilinca IlianDestinul literaturii latino-americane în România regimului comunist (1948–1989)Phil. Jass., XV (1), 1652019pdf
1Iliyana GaravalovaSemantic characteristics of the nouns with meaning ‘rye’ in the slavic languagesFD, XXXVIII, 23-322019pdf
1Ioan Beniamin PopPredicative Position for Several A-words and AdverbsBSLR, XXVIII, 79-862019pdf
1Ioana Andreea DiaconuThe German protests of ’68 as the source of humour in Die 68er CARTOONSBul. UTBv, 12 (2), 255-2682019pdf
1Ioana IancuÎncercări de analiză motivaţională a unor termeni pastorali din aromânăFD, XXXVIII, 33-452019pdf
1Ioana Strugari MechnoDidactic discourse – an act of translationANADISS, 282019pdf
1Ioana-Crina ProdanLes fake news – mutation de l’informationANADISS, 272019pdf
1Ioana-Gabriela NanEconomics and the Humanities. A SWOT AnalysisStudia UBB, LXIV (2), 83-962019html
1Ion GiurgeaOn the Origin of the Romanian Conjunction/Complementizer deRRL, LXIV (1), 3-282019pdf
1Ion Giurgea, Maria-Aurelia CotfasDouble Passives and Control in RomanianRRL, LXIV (2)2019pdf
1Ion MăriiNote lexicograficeDragoș, 176-1892019pdf
1Ionuț PomianSubiectul şi complementul direct. Realizări atipiceDragoș, 224-2332019pdf
1Iryna VygnanskaIntertextualité biblique et la traductionBSLR, XXVIII, 119-1382019pdf
1Isabel Margarida Duarte, Maria Aldina MarquesExpressions métadiscursives comprenant le verbe portugais dizerSL, 9 (2)2019html
1Iulia MărgăritNote lexical-etimologiceSCL, LXX (1), 97-1062019html
2Iulia MărgăritAntroponimia şi dialectologia, o relaţie necesarăSCL, LXX (2), 2592019pdf
1Iulia Mărgărit-aştină, variantă sau sufix?FD, XXXVIII, 67-742019pdf
1Iulia MărgăritNote etimologiceFD, XXXVIII, 127-1452019pdf
1Iulian MardarOn the positive/ negative/ neutral meaning of some animal idioms in English and RomanianAOU, XXX (1), 210-2192019pdf
1J. Anthony BlairNotes on reasoning and argumentSL, 9 (1), 59-742019pdf
1Jacqueline Picoche, Bruno GermainPour une nouvelle didactique du lexique françaisStudia UBB, LXIV (4), 11-352019html
1Jacques CoulardeauPhylogeny Commands PsychogenesisStudia UBB, LXIV (4), 37-582019html
1Jana AltmanovaLa créativité lexicale dans la didactique du FLE. Le décodage des hapax comme exercice de motivation dans l’apprentissage du vocabulaireStudia UBB, LXIV (4), 119-1302019html
1Jean-Marcyao YaoLa négociation en traduction proverbiale : à la recherche d’un compromis pour rompre l’incompréhensibilité linguistico-culturelleANADISS, 282019pdf
1Jean-Marie PierrelUne infrastructure de pérennisation, de mutualisation et de valorisation de ressources linguistiques : l’Equipex ORTOLANGSCL, LXX (2), 1592019pdf
1Jolita UrbanavičienėPalatalization of Consonants in Standard Lithuanian from the Viewpoint of Acoustic PhoneticsBSLR, XXVIII, 103-1182019pdf
1Jurgita JaroslavienėActualities and Methodological Challenges of Comparative Experimental Sound Research in Standard Baltic LanguagesBSLR, XXVIII, 45-672019pdf
1Katalin BalázsDin istoria frazeologiei ruseDragoș, 40-482019pdf
1Klaus von Heusinger, Alina TigăuClitic doubling and differential object marking in non-specific contexts in RomanianRRL, LXIV (4)2019pdf
1Konan Thomas Koffi, Yaya Konaté, Benjamin Odi Marcellin DonPourquoi devrait-on introduire les langues maternelles ivoiriennes dans le système éducatif du pays ?ANADISS, 272019pdf
1Kouassi Gérard AbakaChoix de langue dans les échanges verbaux entre écoliers de Côte d’IvoireANADISS, 282019pdf
1Koukoua Etienne N’GattaL’hybridation dans le français ivoirien, conséquence d’une diversité linguistiqueANADISS, 282019pdf
1Leena EilittäGoethe and his Followers: Weltliteratur and its AfterlivesStudia UBB, LXIV (2), 223-2382019html
1Liana PopDescription orale vs description écrite : deux modèles linguistiques différents ?Dragoș, 234-2412019pdf
1Ligia Tomoiagă, Alexandr CotarPreserving the Integrity of the Source Text and the Functional and Semantic Effect in Translating Names of Characters in DramaBSLR, XXVIII, 271-2782019pdf
1Liliana SoareInfinitivul în textele de popularizare a ştiinței traduse de Petru MaiorDragoș, 293-3052019pdf
1Liviu GrozaAspecte ale modernizării frazeologiei româneşti în secolul al XIX-leaLR, LXVIII (2), 227-2352019pdf
1Loredana Pungă, Dana PercecInternal and External Reference in the Romanian Translations of Some of Agatha Christie’s TitlesStudia UBB, LXIV (4), 169-1842019html
1Lou Sôho Prisca GooreLa gastronomie ivoirienne – somme d’une diversité culturelleANADISS, 282019pdf
1Louis BegioniLes spécificités de l’évolution de la langue française dans le cadre d’une typologie lexicale comparée des langues romanesStudia UBB, LXIV (3), 25-402019html
1Luciana T. SolimanLe contrefactuel : entre visée de discours, visée phrastique et incidenceStudia UBB, LXIV (3), 161-1762019html
1Luiza MarinescuFrom Close to Distant Reading of 100 Romanian Novels from 1850 to 1920Studia UBB, LXIV (2), 239-2502019html
1Luminița ChioreanRolul semantic din expresia referențială, strateg al sensului poeticDragoș, 76-852019pdf
1Mara Iuliana MantaGenitivul la nivel dialectal: uşa casei (pe baza ALRR. Sinteză IV)SCL, LXX (2), 251-2582019pdf
2Marc Kupietz, Ruxandra Cosma, Andreas WittThe DRuKoLA projectRRL, LXIV (3)2019pdf
1Marcela CiorteaOcurențe ale gerunziului în versiunea românească a lui Dimitrie Cantemir la Stimuli virtutum, fraena peccatorum, de Andreas WissowatiusDragoș, 108-1182019pdf
1Maria AldeaInformaţie enciclopedică în Vocabularu romano-francesu, de Ion Costinescu (Bucureşti, 1870)LR, LXVIII (2), 165-1722019pdf
1Maria AldeaTermeni de retorică în Vocabularu romano-francesu, de Ion Costinescu (București, 1870)Dragoș, 29-392019pdf
1Maria Aurelia CotfasSubjunctive and infinitive clauses in Romanian. The view from CoRoLaRRL, LXIV (3)2019pdf
1Maria MarinDespre sufixul verbal -ui în graiurile dacoromâne sudiceFD, XXXVIII, 57-662019pdf
1Maria SubiVenus Anadyomene: Venus orta mari (Ovidius, Heroides, XV, 213)AUT, LVII, 77-932019pdf
1Mariana BocaLes héritiers de Socrate et le dogme de l’Université actuelleANADISS, 272019pdf
1Mariana TociaMétaphores ou ressources symboliques dans le discours politique. Symbolique des sigles électoraux et des événements locauxAOU, XXX (2), 376-3902019pdf
1Marianne Doury, Ailin NacucchioRhétorique, argumentation et temporalitéSL, 9 (1), 85-1092019pdf
1Marie Ouvrard-ServantonÉvénement de communicationStudia UBB, LXIV (1), 245-2542019
1Marina-Cristiana RotaruSome uses of the royal wit kit: A pragmatic and narrative approach to the structure and functions of royal witticismBul. UTBv, 12 (2), 83-962019pdf
1Marius MaziluUn cuvânt obscur din Pravila de la Govora: „jucărăli”LR, LXVIII (2), 323-3242019pdf
1Martin MaidenA Note on the Inflexional Morphology of the Vegliote Dalmatian Masculine PluralPhil. Jass., XV (1), 812019pdf
1Martine Coene, Yves D’hulst, Liliane Tasmowski“Allez, (mon) chou, on y va!”. Twenty years later: Revisiting the puzzle of French vocativesBWPL, XXI (2), 101-1202019pdf
1Miguel López-AstorgaSentential and morphological negations: an analysis of theses from Cognitive Linguistics based on iconic modelsSL, 9 (2)2019html
1Mihaela BuzecFunctional Names in Beowulf: An AnalysisStudia UBB, LXIV (4), 185-1942019html
1Mihaela MarinTermeni internaţionali prezenţi în presa noastră actuală. Inventarul lexical de sorginte orientalăLR, LXVIII (2), 237-2482019pdf
1Mihaela SecrieruStudiu lingvistic asupra exprimării noţiunii de posesie în limba română (cu privire specială asupra morfosintaxei)Phil. Jass., XV (1), 137-1492019pdf
1Mihaela SecrieruApoziția – noi taxinomii structurale. Abordare descriptiv-teoreticăDR, s.n., XXIV (2), 1552019pdf
1Mihaela SecrieruLiniile corporale umane ‒ o abordare semiotică calitativă şi cantitativăDragoș, 276-2852019pdf
1Mihaela-Mariana MorcovNoi observaţii referitoare la etimologia verbului a întremaLR, LXVIII (2), 277-2852019pdf
1Mihai Cimpoi
  • Trecerea de la „lumea idolilor” la „lumea ideilor”
  • The passage from “The world of idols” to “The world of ideas”
  • Le passage du « monde des idoles » au « monde des idées »
SCOL, XII (1-2), 9-162019pdf
1Mihai LiseiGeo Bogza şi reportajul literarDragoș, 147-1552019pdf
1Mioara CodleanuL’espace traductif entre vocalité et silenceAOU, XXX (2), 266-2802019pdf
1Monica Alexandrina IrimiaDifferential object marking, datives and types of licensingRRL, LXIV (4)2019pdf
1Monica Busuioc, Alexandru Dan Anghelina, Claudius TeodorescuInterfaţa de redactare a Dicţionarului limbii româneLR, LXVIII (2), 173-1782019pdf
1Monica Busuioc, Dan CarageaRomtext: flux de obţinere şi tratare a textelor electroniceSCL, LXX (1)2019html
1Monica Busuioc, Dan CarageaRomtext, corpus electronic datat şi adnotat al limbii româneLR, LXVIII (2), 179-1842019pdf
1Monica Geanina CocaDiversity faced with cultural inequalitiesANADISS, 282019pdf
1Monica Mihaela MartaAuthor identity in scientific research articlesBSLR, XXVIII, 69-782019pdf
1Monica VlaseLista lucrărilor științifice publicate de Prof. univ. dr. Elena DragoșDragoș, 15-252019pdf
1Moussa DièneDiversité linguistique et écriture littéraire au Sénégal. Gestion du plurilinguisme chez trois auteurs : Adja Ndèye Boury Ndiaye, Abdourahmane Ngaïdé et Boubacar Boris DiopANADISS, 282019pdf
1Nicolae Saramandu, Manuela NevaciTerminologia păstoritului în dialectul aromân şi în dialectele italiene din perspectiva geografiei lingvisticeFD, XXXVIII, 89-1002019pdf
1Nicolae Saramandu, Manuela NevaciThe First Aromanian Writers in the Balkan ContextDragoș, 252-2652019pdf
1Nicu StejereanIronia ca marcă a superiorității. Cazul MoromețiiDragoș, 306-3142019pdf
2Nils Diewald, Verginica Barbu Mititelu, Marc KupietzThe KorAP user interface. Accessing CoRoLa via KorAPRRL, LXIV (3)2019pdf
1Nüzhet Berrin AksoyExile as a Spatial Metaphor in the Postcolonial Short StoryAOU, XXX (2), 86-962019pdf
1Oana ArdeleanuNational identity in King Michael’s anniversary speech in the Romanian ParliamentBul. UTBv, 12 (1), 3-142019pdf
1Oana Niculescu, Ioana Vasilescu, Martine Adda-DeckerDuration Patterns of Internal and External Hiatus as A Function of Speaking StyleRRL, LXIV (2)2019pdf
1Octavian More“The Outlook That Would Be Right.” Wallace Stevens’s Cinematic VisionStudia UBB, LXIV (1), 113-1342019
1Olga KaiterDie Rumäniendeutsche Literatur im DAF-UnterrichtAOU, XXX (1), 89-1032019pdf
1Olivia ChiroboceaMALL for ESP. Enhancing motivation and promoting language learning beyond the classroomAOU, XXX (1), 33-432019pdf
2Oliviu FelecanOikonymic transformations in Romania in the first half of the twentieth centuryDR, s.n., XXIV (1), 572019pdf
1Oussoumanou SaliDes imprévisibilités grammaticales à la valorisation identitaireANADISS, 282019pdf
1Ovid DensusianuToponimie retoromanăSCOL, XII (1-2), 17-622019pdf
1Paola AppetitoLe cinéma comme média culturel et éducatif dans l’enseignement-apprentissage des langues étrangèresStudia UBB, LXIV (3), 239-2512019html
1Petra Sleeman, Sanne BerendsThe acquisition of the quantitative pronoun by English and French learners of L2 Dutch: An experimental study based on an elicited imitation taskBWPL, XXI (1)2019html
1Petronela SavinSpații pragmatico-discursive ale comunicării despre alimentația tradiționalăDragoș, 266-2752019pdf
1Petru Ioan MarianMécanismes linguistiques de la configuration de la réalité sociale dans le discours politique roumainANADISS, 282019pdf
1Petru-Ioan MarianLes traits linguistiques du discours conflictuel dans l’espace numériqueANADISS, 272019pdf
1Philippe GenesteAspect verbal, psychogénèse et enseignement du temps en françaisStudia UBB, LXIV (4), 93-1182019html
1Philippe Séro-GuillaumeNouvelles perspectives en didactique auprès des jeunes sourdsStudia UBB, LXIV (4), 59-762019html
1Pierre Baligue DioufInnovations pédagogiques pour l’intégration des langues nationales africaines dans l’éducation : quel état des lieux au SénégalANADISS, 272019pdf
1Raluca Pop, Raluca-Daniela RăduțLanguage Policies in Norway and the Development of the Multilingual CompetenceStudia UBB, LXIV (2), 193-2052019html
1Ramona Maria DemarcsekA personal approach to the employment of technology during the English courseBSLR, XXVIII, 29-362019pdf
1Roxana Maria CrețuExpresiones con nacionalidades y nombres de lugaresAUT, LVII, 105-1242019pdf
2Roxana-Ema DreveLe suédois comme langue étrangère. De différentes techniques pour l’évaluation orale et écrite de la grammaireStudia UBB, LXIV (2), 167-1782019html
1Rozalia ColciarApoziția ecuativă și valorile ei semantico-pragmatice în textul dialectalDR, s.n., XXIV (2), 1472019pdf
1Rozalia ColciarValori semantico-pragmatice ale apoziției în limba română vorbităBSLR, XXVIII, 17-272019pdf
1Rozalia ColciarComentarii metalingvistice în textul dialectalDragoș, 119-1262019pdf
1Rudolf WindischDin vremea studenției. Cum l-am cunoscut pe Profesorul Eugenio CoseriuDragoș, 341-3462019pdf
1Russell StannardA Review of Screen Capture Technology Feedback ResearchStudia UBB, LXIV (2), 61-722019html
1Ruth Amossy, Roselyne KorenLa gauche utilise-t-elle l’argument par la peur ? Les discours de meeting de Jean-Luc Mélenchon pendant la campagne présidentielle de 2017SL, 9 (1), 15-322019pdf
1Sanda Tomescu BaciuParticipation in the Seminar on Norwegian Language, Literature and Culture, Organized by the Centre for Norwegian Studies Abroad (SNU), University of Agder, NorwayStudia UBB, LXIV (3), 273-2742019html
2Sanda Tomescu Baciu, Raluca Pop, Fartein Thorsen Øverland, Roxana-Ema Dreve, Raluca-Daniela Răduț, Ioana-Andreea MureșanUnderstanding the Factors that Have Influenced the Gradual Increase in the Number of Students Wishing to be Granted a BA in Norwegian Language and LiteratureStudia UBB, LXIV (3), 253-2702019html
1Silviu-Ioan BejinariuInformation management framework for the European Linguistic AtlasFD, XXXVIII, 147-1962019pdf
1Simona GeorgescuScripta volant, verba manent in the Transition from Latin to Romance LanguagesSCL, LXX (1), 32-392019html
1Simona Georgescu, Oana-Alexandra BuzeaSur l’origine du roum. talpă, ou la rencontre entre ‘plante du pied’ et ‘taupe’Phil. Jass., XV (2), 1892019pdf
1Simona MunariLa traduzione d’autore nell’aula di FLE: implicazioni teoriche e una proposta didatticaStudia UBB, LXIV (4), 195-2122019html
1Sié Justin Sib, Amoikon Dyhie AssanvoCohabitation des individus et des peuples à Bouna : approches linguistique et sociolinguistiqueANADISS, 272019pdf
1Sonia Carmen Munteanu, Angelica Maria Căpraru, Sanda PădurețuThe challenges of designing a course in Romanian for specific purposesBul. UTBv, 12 (1), 41-522019pdf
1Souleymane DialloLa lutte avec frappe au Sénégal : du jargon à la violenceANADISS, 272019pdf
1Stanca MădaPower and politeness in political discourse. Analysing humorous and ironic comments in a Romanian parliamentary debateBul. UTBv, 12 (2), 35-602019pdf
1Séraphin Konan Kouakou« S’en foutre de quelqu’un ou de quelque chose » : la problématique d’une surcharge syntaxiqueANADISS, 282019pdf
2Teodor OancăParticularități fizice, psihice, morale și de comportament generatoare de antroponimeDR, s.n., XXIV (2), 1692019pdf
1Teodor OancăAntroponime cu consoana labială iniţială [p] palatalizatăFD, XXXVIII, 83-882019pdf
1Teodor OancăRaportul dintre limbă şi dialect din perspectivă politicăDragoș, 207-2092019pdf
1Teodora ToroipanObservaţii despre exprimarea cantităţii în textul reţetelor culinareSCL, LXX (2), 2732019pdf
1Tilia MöhringKrieg als Erweckungserlebnis. Zu geistiger Reife und Künstlertum als Kriegserfahrung in Hermann Hesses „Der Künstler an die Krieger“ (1914)Bul. UTBv, 12 (1), 55-682019pdf
1Valeria WagnerEn movimiento/in movimento/em movimento/en moviment/in miscare. Journée d’étude du Département de langues et littératures romanes de l’Université de GenèveStudia UBB, LXIV (3), 275-2762019html
1Valeriu-Nicolae NichiteanO clasificare a argumentelor oferite de Sextil Pușcariu împotriva principiului ortografic etimologic în Ortografia revizuită a Academiei Române [ORAR]DR, s.n., XXIV (1), 492019pdf
1Veronica Ana VlasinIpostaze ale unui genitiv al „timpului”Dragoș, 332-3402019pdf
1Vicky ManteliPost-revolutionary humorous representations of Americans in Royall Tyler’s The Contrast (1787)Bul. UTBv, 12 (2), 163-1802019pdf
1Victoria MoldovanLa aniversarӑ. Prof. univ. dr. Elena DragoşDragoș, 351-3532019pdf
1Villy TsakonaTalking about humour, racism, and anti-racism in class: A critical literacy proposalBul. UTBv, 12 (2), 111-1422019pdf
1Virginia Hill, Alexandru MardaleThe internal structure of a differentially marked DP in RomanianBWPL, XXI (1)2019html
2Vladislav KnollLexicografia slavonă şi slava veche şi intrarea ei în era digitalăSCL, LXX (1), 74-872019html
1Walcz Beatrix15th Congress of Finno-Ugric WritersStudia UBB, LXIV (3), 271-2722019html
1Wander Emediato, Rubens Damasceno-MoraisL’analyse dialogique de l’argumentation : le cas des débats polémiques dans les médias sociauxSL, 9 (1), 111-1322019pdf
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1Yujing Ji, Agnès TutinLes routines métalinguistiques dans les écrits scientifiques en françaisSL, 9 (2)2019html
1Élisabeth GavoilleOvide en exil et les voix du silenceAOU, XXX (2), 1-152019pdf
1Ștefana DunceaStilistica limbii literare. Contribuţia lui Tudor VianuDragoș, 138-1462019pdf
2Alexandru NicolaeThe licensing of nominal and verbal ellipsis in RomanianEditura Universității din București2019
1Daiana FelecanÎntâlnire cu semnele textului
18 popasuri de lectură critice
Editura Academiei Române2019
7Gabriela Pană Dindelegan (ed.)Sintaxa limbii române vechiUnivers Enciclopedic Gold2019
1Ioan HerbilAntroponimie oficială la ucrainenii maramureșeniCasa Cărții de Știință2019
1Mariana Neț (coord.)Limba cărților de bucate româneştiEditura Academiei2019
2Teodor OancăCercetări de onomastică și dialectologieGrafix2019
1Adina Camelia BleotuThe acquisition of root NN compounds in RomanianBWPL, XX (2)2018pdf
3Adina DragomirescuA (se) ţine – de la verb lexical la verb copulativ şi aspectualLR, LXVII (3-4), 2592018pdf
1Adrian Năznean, Emanuela Tegla, Réka Kutasi, Anișoara PopIn-House Adult Language Teaching and Learning of EnglishStudia UPM, 25, 942018pdf
1Alexandru MareșUdrişte Năsturel (Note filologice)LR, LXVII (3-4), 3212018pdf
1Andreea NăzneanTechniques In Teaching Technical EnglishStudia UPM, 24, 1732018pdf
1Andreea PopPour une pragmatique visuelle du corps sublimeStudia UPM, 25, 782018pdf
1Andrei A. AvramThe diffusion of Atlantic English-lexifier creoles: Evidence from Belizean CreoleBWPL, XX (2)2018pdf
1Bianca-Oana HanTranslating Literature – Always a New Adventure (I) – General View upon Translating LiteratureStudia UPM, 24, 1332018pdf
1Corina BozedeanTraducerea textului dramatic, o experienţă personală: Donna di Cuori, de Gianni SpezzanoStudia UPM, 24, 1022018pdf
1Cristian LakoHigh-Profile vs Low-Profile Website LocalisationStudia UPM, 24, 1572018pdf
1Cristian LakóGrice’s Maxims Applied to LocalizationStudia UPM, 25, 1672018pdf
2Cristinel SavaO nouă versiune a Celor douăsprezece vise în tâlcuirea lui MamerLR, LXVII (3-4), 3412018pdf
1Daiana FelecanMarginalia to the Reading of Literary TextsStudia UPM, 24, 892018pdf
1Dana RusDeveloping Oral Skills in ESP Classes: From Controlled Activities to Free CommunicationStudia UPM, 25, 1502018pdf
1Daniela KohnDie Interpunktion der Aufgabenstellung in DAF-Lehrwerken aus Rumänien und dem deutschsprachigen RaumSCL, LXIX (2), 239-2492018
1Doina ButiurcaSintagma terminologică extinsăStudia UPM, 24, 822018pdf
1Emanuela I. DimaParticularități ale realizărilor argumentale specifice unor verbe de cogniție: a afla, a ști, a cunoașteSCL, LXIX (2), 250-2642018
1Eva M. SzekelyModelul dezvoltării personale. Cultura emoţiilor şi a afectivităţii în programele şcolareStudia UPM, 24, 682018pdf
3Florica DimitrescuDin nou despre denumirile profesionale recenteSCL, LXIX (2), 183-2252018
1Francesca Volpato, Silvia D’OrtenzioAsk a question! How Italian children with cochlear implants produce subject and object wh-questionsBWPL, XX (2)2018pdf
1Gabriela Brozbă, Roxana UngureanuThe phonological adaptation of loanwords in ItalianBWPL, XX (2)2018pdf
1Giovanni Rotiroti„În căutarea tonului” lui Nichita Stănescu. Note pentru o teorie angelologică a poezieiAUB, LXVII, 85-952018pdf
1Ildikó Gy. ZoltánTraducere şi traducător; bilingvismul traducătorului: concepte, cadre de definiţieStudia UPM, 25, 1562018pdf
2Ioana Stoicescu, Maria Aurelia CotfasAmbiguity resolution in the pronominal domain in child RomanianBWPL, XX (1), 65-822018pdf
1Iulia MărgăritNote lexical-etimologiceLR, LXVII (3-4), 2812018pdf
1Iulian BoldeaPoezia lamentaţiei şi a revolteiStudia UPM, 24, 122018pdf
1Iuliana ChiricuSincronic vs diacronic în DOOM2 (2005) și DELR I (vol. I, A-B, 2011)SCL, LXIX (2), 226-2382018
1Luminița ChioreanSemiotica vestimentaţiei (2). Costumul ca vector al imaginii monarhuluiStudia UPM, 24, 262018pdf
1Luminița Chiorean, Maria KozakSemiotica legilor lui Murphy. Partea I. Preliminarii la etiologia murphysmelorStudia UPM, 25, 222018pdf
1Maria MarinO particularitate a utilizării articolului hotărât în româna dialectalăLR, LXVII (3-4), 3092018pdf
1Maria Stanciu IstrateCalcul lingvistic după 1881LR, LXVII (3-4), 295-3072018pdf
1Maria-Laura RusSintaxa frazei: erori în segmentareStudia UPM, 24, 1082018pdf
1Maria-Laura RusTendinţe constante în Structurile Morfosintactice RomaniceStudia UPM, 25, 572018pdf
2Marius MaziluPentru o nouă ediţie a Pravilei de la Govora (1640)LR, LXVII (3-4), 3312018pdf
1Mihaela-Viorica ConstantinescuStrategii discursive în presa umoristică românească. Prezentarea războiului de independență (1877-1878)AUB, LXVII, 19-332018pdf
1Nicoleta Aurelia MarcuReel Justice and Legal English TeachingStudia UPM, 24, 1882018pdf
2Oana NiculescuAn acoustic and articulatory description of the Romanian vocalic systemBWPL, XX (2)2018pdf
2Otilia TeodorescuEarly subjects in child Romanian: A case studyBWPL, XX (1)2018pdf
3Otilia TeodorescuPronominal subject interpretation in temporal adjuncts in child RomanianBWPL, XX (1), 83-1022018pdf
2Philippe Séro-GuillaumeNouvelles perspectivesStudia UBB, LXIII (3), 592018html
1Reidar VelandLe superlatif adnominal en roumain écrit contemporain. Étude de corpusLR, LXVII (3-4), 2712018pdf
2Veronica TomescuThe acquisition of subjects in 2L1 RomanianBWPL, XX (1)2018pdf
1Veronica TomescuAnaphora resolution in 2L1 Romanian. Evidence from Romanian-Hungarian bilingualsBWPL, XX (1), 103-1172018pdf
1Victor CelacDespre o emendare neavenită în ediţia Psaltirii Hurmuzaki (de Ion Gheţie şi Mirela Teodorescu. Bucureşti, Editura Academiei Române, 2005)LR, LXVII (3-4), 3892018pdf
1Ștefan ColceriuMarius Sala (1932–2018). Domnul Sala trece dincoloLR, LXVII (3-4), 2572018pdf
4Teodor OancăContribuții onomasticeGrafix2018
1Diana HornoiuCompliments and compliment responses in Romanian conversational discourseBWPL, XIX (2)2017pdf
1Ion GiurgeaNon-referential topical phrases in Romanian and the theory of topicalityBWPL, XIX (1)2017pdf
1Marianna HordósAlignment optimality and English possessives: Knowing where to stopBWPL, XIX (1)2017pdf
1Micah CorumGo for in the Crucian Wiretaps Corpus: Insight on MV for constructions and the verb/preposition distinction in Afro-Carribean creoleBWPL, XIX (1)2017pdf
1Veronica TomescuThe acquisition of gender in a Romanian-Hungarian bilingual settingBWPL, XIX (1)2017pdf
1Vincenzo Nicolò Di CaroMultiple Agreement Constructions: A macro-comparative analysis of Pseudo-Coordination with the motion verb go in the Arabic and Sicilian dialectsBWPL, XIX (2)2017pdf
1Virginia HillRestrictive relative clauses in Acadian FrenchBWPL, XIX (2)2017pdf
2Alice IonescuÉtude comparative des évolutions sémantiques et pragmatiques des adverbes bien en français et bine en roumainAUC, XXXVIII (1-2), 1952016html
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1Xu DuoduoPhonetic Clues in Chinese Folklore Literature: A Study on the Phonemic Features of Lianhualao Opera Wangpo MajiAUC, XXXVIII (1-2), 1432016html
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1Anca KissIrony and the Face(s) of Politeness. A Linguistic Approach to Contemporary Political DiscourseAUC, XXXVII (1-2), 3232015
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1Diana SoponParità linguistica nei testi amministrativi italiani – norme e praticheAUC, XXXVII (1-2), 3632015
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1George Sosin« Imagen » ou les arabesques de l’imagination dans les annonces pour l’emploi en milieu scientifiqueAUC, XXXVII (1-2), 1712015
1Imola-Ágnes FarkasPostmodifiers as Intensifiers in Romanian Adjectival PhrasesAUC, XXXVII (1-2), 2882015
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1Iustina BurciDomnitori români în toponimia actuală din Oltenia și MunteniaAUC, XXXVII (1-2), 392015
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1Alina PeleaMéthode et subjectivité en traductionMéth. trad., 1842013pdf
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1Georgiana Lungu-BadeaTraduire la traductologie. Sur la légitimité de la méthode en traduction à l’époque du cyberespaceMéth. trad., 652013pdf
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1Mariana PitarUne perspective terminologique dans la traduction des textes de spécialitéMéth. trad., 2142013pdf
1Michel BallardEpistémologie de la traductologie réalisteMéth. trad., 92013pdf
1Nataliya GavrilenkoL’Analyse du discours spécialise dans le processus de formation des traducteurs techniquesMéth. trad., 512013pdf
1Tatiana MilliaressiConsidérations théoriques et éthiques sur la méthodologie de la traduction spécialiséeMéth. trad., 1042013pdf
1Thomas LenzenPluralisme des méthodes en traduction judiciaire.Vers une méthodologie cohérente ?Méth. trad., 1142013pdf
1Étienne WolffLes spécificités de la traduction du latinMéth. trad., 1472013pdf
2Raluca Felicia TomaCuvinte și expresii biblice în limba română
O analiză retorico-stilistică
Editura Universitară2012
182Ion Gheție, Mirela Teodorescu (ed.)Psaltirea HurmuzakiEditura Academiei2005

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