Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Terminologia păstoritului în dialectul aromân şi în dialectele italiene din perspectiva geografiei lingvistice

Publicația: Fonetică și dialectologie, XXXVIII, p. 89-100
Volum dedicat memoriei lingvistului Boris Cazacu
Rezumat:[Shepherd's terminology in Aroman dialect and Italian dialects from the linguistic geography perspective]
The unity of the shepherd terminology in Romanian and Italian, continuators of the Latin language, shows a unit that often extends throughout Romania. In the dialects of the Italian language some pastoral terms are competed by semantically motivated phrases, a phenomenon that is sometimes found in the Aromanian dialect. The continuity between Latin and the Romance languages is remarkable, which shows that the shepherd is an ancient basic occupation of the Romance peoples. Through the Romanian shepherds from the north and south of the Danube, the Latin shepherd terms were transmitted in Greek, Bulgarian, Slovenian, Serbian, Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Ukrainian. This shows that shepherding was a basic occupation of Romanians practiced in evolved forms, which were imposed on the peoples with whom the Romanians came in contact.
Limba: română

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