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Metaphors we live by

Publisher:The University of Chicago Press
Place:Chicago / London

Table of contents:

1. Concepts We Live By
2. The Systematicity of Metaphorical Concepts
3. Metaphorical Systematicity: Highlighting and Hiding
4. Orientational Metaphors
5. Metaphor and Cultural Coherence
6. Ontological Metaphors
7. Personification
8. Metonymy
9. Challenges to Metaphorical Coherence
10. Some Further Examples
11. The Partial Nature of Metaphorical Structuring
12. How is Our Conceptual System Grounded?
13. The Grounding of Structural Metaphors
14. Causation: Partly Emergent and Partly Metaphorical
15. The Coherent Structuring of Experience
16. Metaphorical Coherence
17. Complex Coherences across Metaphors
18. Some Consequences for Theories of Conceptual Structure
19. Definition and Understanding
20. How Metaphor Can Give Meaning to Form
21. New Meaning
22. The Creation of Similarity
23. Metaphor, Truth, and Action
24. Truth
25. The Myths of Objectivism and Subjectivism
26. The Myth of Objectivism in Western Philosophy and Linguistics
27. How Metaphor Reveals the Limitations of the Myth of Objectivism
28. Some Inadequacies of the Myth of Subjectivism
29. The Experientialist Alternative: Giving New Meaning to the Old Myths
30. Understanding


Metaphors we live by

Citations to this publication: 165

0Bianca-Maria Bucur TincuThe concept of bovarism illustrated by a postmodern prototype: Gheorghe Crăciun’s Pupa russaSJRS, 4, 75-862021pdf
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0Spiros A. Moschonas
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0Teodora PopescuIntercultural metaphors in English and RomanianGIDNI, 3, 668-6782016pdf
1Vladimir DosevManipulative use of economic metaphors in Bulgarian political discourseBul. UTBv, 9 (2), 27-362016pdf
1Zuzana Kováčová, Ianko GubaniPráca a bohatstvo v slovenskej a rumunskej frazeológiiRSL, LII (1), 2432016pdf
0Adrian NăzneanA Corpus Study of Metaphors in the Abstracts of Biomedical ArticlesStudia UPM, 18, 1102015pdf
2Alexandru Dan AnghelinaAspecte metaforice în terminologia ITVariația, 2, 1532015pdf
4Alina ȚenescuOlfactory metaphors in the online environmentSSERR, II (1)2015pdf
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0Anca BratuTranslating metaphors in the news: the Ukrainian conflictGIDNI, 2, 440-4492015pdf
3Elena FaurSextil Puşcariu despre metafora lingvistic-conceptuală a limbii româneCSP, II, 150-1572015pdf
1Elena FaurMétaphore et sémiotique verbaleStudia UBB, LX (4), 552015
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0Lorena Robo KoleA contrastive analysis of phraseological units with the lexical item “heart” in English and Albanian lexical corpusesDICE, XII (1), 2572015pdf
1Maria-Alexandrina TomoiagăMetaforele conceptuale în limba română contemporanăDR, s.n., XX (1)2015pdf
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Structuri și tipuri
Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”2015html
0Adrian NăzneanMetaphors in biomedical articlesLDMD, 2, 377-3822014pdf
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2Alina ȚenescuThe organicist-animist metaphor in Italian wine media discourseSSERR, I (2)2014pdf
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0Corina DobrotăCognitive metaphor in the theoretical economic discourseGIDNI, 1, 209-2152014pdf
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14Mircea BorcilăLingvistica integrală și fundamentele metaforologieiDR, s.n., VII-VIII, 47-772002-2003pdf
193Rodica ZafiuDiversitate stilistică în româna actualăEditura Universităţii2001html

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