0 | Bianca-Maria Bucur Tincu | The concept of bovarism illustrated by a postmodern prototype: Gheorghe Crăciun’s Pupa russa | SJRS, 4, 75-86 | 2021 | pdf html |
0 | Cristina Nichita | Term Creation in the Dynamic Domain of Artificial Intelligence | ANADISS, 31, 279-288 | 2021 | pdf html |
0 | Marius Rădoi | Paralelismos somáticos y aplicación a E/LE | Phil. Jass., XVII (1), 199-210 | 2021 | pdf html |
0 | Mona Momescu | More with Less: Using Metonymy in Teaching Romanian Culture. A Brief Analysis of a Project | AOU, XXXII (1), 147-159 | 2021 | pdf html |
0 | Zsuzsa Máthé | What Time Does in Language: A Cross-Linguistic Cognitive Study of Source Related Variation in Verbal Time Metaphors in American English, Finnish and Hungarian | Studia UBB, LXVI (2), 215-238 | 2021 | |
0 | Adam Warchoł | The culture-induced creativity of metaphors. A comparative corpus-based study | Bul. UTBv, 13 (1), 109-132 | 2020 | pdf html |
0 | Adilbek Amrenov, Gulsum Abzuldinova, Assiya Albekova, Marzhan Akosheva, Nurlan Omarov, Gaisha Imambayeva | Zoomorphic model of metaphorization of zoological terms | DR, s.n., XXV (1), 81-89 | 2020 | pdf html |
0 | Ana Estrella-Santos | Estudio de la variación léxica en el campo semántico del “cuerpo humano: la cabeza”, en la región andina del Ecuador | Ianua, 20 | 2020 | pdf |
0 | Andreea Ghiță | La sémiologie saussurienne – source d’inspiration pour le “cognitif” en sémantique ? | AOU, XXXI (2), 336-352 | 2020 | pdf html |
0 | Estella Ciobanu | The Kitchen in Pain: (Un)Making Macbeth in the ‘Wrong’ Space, Dys-locating Emotion-related Metaphors | AOU, XXXI (2), 3-20 | 2020 | pdf html |
0 | Eszter Propszt | Eine Raummetapher der ungarndeutschen Literatur | AOU, XXXI (2), 153-167 | 2020 | pdf html |
0 | Larisa-Bianca Pistol | Zoltán Kövecses’ extended conceptual metaphor theory | CCI, 6, 203-208 | 2020 | pdf |
0 | Marianna Pozza | Traces of “crystallized” conceptual metaphors in ancient Indo-European languages: the relationship of language with space and body | SL, 10 | 2020 | pdf html |
0 | Piotr Twardzisz | The de-metaphorization of the term ‘Eastern Europe’ in the twenty-first century | RRL, LXV (2) | 2020 | pdf html |
0 | Simona Georgescu | Conceptual metaphors leading to some names of anger in the Indo-European languages (with focus on the Romance languages) | RRL, LXV (2) | 2020 | pdf html |
0 | Simona-Luiza Țigriș | Un análisis pragmaretórico de los discursos de Simón Bolívar dirigidos a los colombianos (1821-1830) | QR, VIII (1), 663 | 2020 | pdf |
0 | Spiros A. Moschonas | - Popularizarea relativității lingvistice
- Popularizing linguistic relativity
| Diacronia, 11, A160 | 2020 | pdf.ro pdf.en |
0 | Anna Babarczy, Andrea Balázs, Fruzsina Krizsai | Preschoolers’ Metaphor Comprehension Methodological Issues in Experimental Pragmatics | Acta Sap., 11 (2), 133-150 | 2019 | pdf html |
0 | Carmen Fecioru | The cognitive dimension in the literary text perception | JRLS, 16, 1259-1263 | 2019 | pdf html |
0 | Claudia Vlad, Irina Lupu | Drum e caminho em frasemas em romeno e português | QR, VII (2), 206 | 2019 | pdf |
0 | Cristina Gabriela Marin | Parts of the body idioms and expressions used in travelling and tourism | JRLS, 16, 453-456 | 2019 | pdf html |
0 | Cristina Varga | Navegación y navegadores en el siglo XXI. Metáfora cognitiva e Internet en rumano | QR, VII (2), 168 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Daniela Moldovanu | Sylvia Plath’s War Metaphors or How Female Confessional Poetry Changed Public Perception of Women’s Personal Identity | Phil. Jass., XV (1), 183 | 2019 | pdf html |
0 | Elena Faur | Eugeniu Coșeriu și noua direcție în studiile cognitiviste | LRM, XXIX (3), 51-63 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Elena-Tia Sandu | Viatores sumus. Premise biblice ale lui homo viator | Tohăneanu, 350-358 | 2019 | |
0 | Firdes Veli Musledin | Onomasiological perspective verbal idioms with key element of Turkish origin | DICE, XVI (1), 159-174 | 2019 | pdf |
0 | Firdes Veli Musledin | - „Viața cuvintelor” în locuțiunile verbale românești cu element-cheie din limba turcă
- “The life of words” in Romanian verbal idioms with key element of Turkish origin
| Diacronia, 9, A136 | 2019 | pdf.ro pdf.en |
0 | Frank Nuessel | Ethnophaulic Toponyms in the United States | Onom. Sacr. Prof., 185 | 2019 | |
0 | Gabriela Radu | Metafora călătoriei ȋn Liber Manualis | QR, VII (1), 120 | 2019 | pdf |
0 | Irina Dincă | The integration of conceptual metaphors from an intercultural perspective in teaching Romanian as Second Language | JRLS, 18, 1230-1239 | 2019 | pdf |
0 | Lavinia Rusu Mircea | Framing the Sounds of Laughter in The Two Gentlemen of Verona | AOU, XXX (2), 48-62 | 2019 | pdf html |
0 | Maria Ștefănescu, Mircea Minică | Imaginar lingvistic și modele identitare în lexicografia românească a secolelor XIX și XX. I. Dicționarul limbii române al lui Laurian și Massim | DR, s.n., XXIV (1), 42-48 | 2019 | pdf html |
0 | Maria-Cristina Trușcă | Mecanisme ale schimbărilor lexico-semantice în limba greacă koiné: vocabularul axiologic | Tohăneanu, 368-377 | 2019 | |
0 | Nina Lanović | The natural force domain in Portuguese phraseology | SCL, LXX (2), 207 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Nüzhet Berrin Aksoy | Exile as a Spatial Metaphor in the Postcolonial Short Story | AOU, XXX (2), 86-96 | 2019 | pdf html |
0 | Oana Adina Nicolae | Translating happiness. English-Romanian (in)congruities | GIDNI, 6, 57-65 | 2019 | pdf html |
0 | Panagiotis Asimopoulos | O analiză contrastivă a frazeologismelor cu zoonimul pisică în bulgară, greacă, rusă și sârbă | SCOL, XII (1-2), 134-156 | 2019 | pdf |
0 | Paula Sjöblom | The Influence of The Kalevala on Finnish Commercial Naming | Onom. Sacr. Prof., 317 | 2019 | |
0 | Răzvan Bran | Viaje cognitivo: las metaforizaciones conceptuales de la sangre en español | QR, VII (2), 41 | 2019 | pdf |
1 | Adam Warchoł | “LEARNING IS MOVEMENT AND TRAVELLING.” Metaphors referring to JOURNEY in John Henry Newman’s The Idea of a University (1852) | Bul. UTBv, 11 (2), 179 | 2018 | pdf |
0 | Alina Buzatu | Les genres littéraires: emballages, étiquettes et instructions d’utilisation | AOU, XXIX (1), 5-12 | 2018 | pdf |
0 | Daniela Dălălău | Identifying deliberate metaphors in economic and financial press articles | LDMD, 6, 333-340 | 2018 | pdf html |
1 | Diane Ponterotto | Space/Motion/Time Mappings in the Representation of Future Time in English: the Role of Context | Studia UBB, LXIII (3), 295 | 2018 | html |
0 | Mariana Pantaleru Pascaru | The poetry of the real. Cognitive structures for the construction of reality | GIDNI, 5, 197 | 2018 | pdf html |
0 | Mariana Pantaleru Pascaru | A cognitive linguistic approach of daily poetry language | LDMD, 6, 241-249 | 2018 | pdf html |
1 | Simona Nicoleta Staicu | Tools used in decoding medical discourse | SCOL, XI (1-2), 212-217 | 2018 | pdf html |
0 | Alina Țenescu | Disease metaphors in journalistic discourse | CIL2016/SS, 21 | 2017 | pdf |
0 | Alina Țenescu | Perspectives on auditory metaphors in media discourse | CIL2017/SS, 60 | 2017 | pdf |
1 | Anca Cosăceanu | La métaphore conceptuelle | AOU, XXVIII (2), 143-158 | 2017 | pdf html |
0 | Celin Herţa | The metaphor of pyramid in the case of Kelsen | JRLS, 12, 450-455 | 2017 | pdf html |
0 | Clementina Alexandra Mihăilescu, Lucia Stoicescu | The poetry of Dag Hammarskjӧld from an interdisciplinary perspective | JRLS, 12, 122-129 | 2017 | pdf html |
2 | Iuliana Chiricu | Figurile de stil în conversaţie | AUB, LXVI, 19-39 | 2017 | pdf html |
1 | Izabela Dixon | ‘Legitimate thinking’: using metaphors and fuzzy concepts to radicalise the audience | CIL2017/SS, 9 | 2017 | pdf |
0 | Livia-Elena Neagoe Phd. | Jucării pentru Lily – A pleading for the metaphor | JRLS, 10, 585-592 | 2017 | pdf html |
1 | Mirela-Cristina Pop | Représentations métaphoriques du concept de croissance économique en français et en roumain: pistes pour la traduction | QR, V, 518-529 | 2017 | pdf |
0 | Oana Uță Bărbulescu | „Carile ranelor trupului monarhiilor nu tămăduire, ce burzuluire aduc” sau despre metaforele conceptuale implicînd trupul şi boala în Istoria ieroglifică | Chivu, 546-562 | 2017 | |
0 | Raluca Gabriela Burcea | Cognitive metaphor and manipulation in the English-language economic articles online | LDMD, 5, 262-270 | 2017 | pdf html |
0 | Christoph Beeh | Metaphern im Wandel der Moderne: Metaphern- oder Paradigmenwechsel? | TBG, 13, 103-116 | 2016 | pdf html |
1 | Imola-Ágnes Farkas | Aspectual mismatches in the interpretation of idioms: the view from AspP | BWPL, XVIII (2) | 2016 | pdf html |
0 | Ioana Sonea | Metaphor and emotion. The day the polenta finally exploded. An analysis of the „heat" metaphor in the Romanian written press | GIDNI, 3, 339-360 | 2016 | pdf html |
1 | Maria-Alexandrina Tomoiagă | Desemnarea metasemică a omului în limba română contemporană | DR, s.n., XXI (1), 79 | 2016 | pdf html |
0 | Monica Cojocaru | Contending Narratives in Ian McEwan’s Fiction | Transilvania, XLII (1) | 2016 | pdf html |
3 | Petronela Savin | Electronic Romanian-English Contrastive Collection of Food Set Phrases. Methodological Aspects | Phil. Jass., XII (1), 99 | 2016 | pdf |
0 | Raluca Gabriela Burcea | When brand meets metaphor: brand conceptualizations in the marketing discourse | CCI, 4, 132-141 | 2016 | pdf html |
0 | Sabina Halupka-Rešetar, Edit Andrić | Somatisms with the Lexemes Láb in Hungarian, Noga in Serbian, and Leg/Foot in English | Acta Sap., 8 (2), 21-34 | 2016 | pdf |
0 | Silvia Boncescu | Metaphorisierungsmechanismen in der Werbebotschaft | ELI, 19, 253 | 2016 | pdf |
0 | Simina Badea | Metaphorical extensions of prepositions in legal texts: the preposition ON | GIDNI, 3, 900-906 | 2016 | pdf html |
0 | Simona Cristina Gealapu Olaru | Disease metaphor in media representation of Ukrainian crisis in French and Romanian newspapers | GIDNI, 3, 590-598 | 2016 | pdf html |
0 | Teodora Popescu | Intercultural metaphors in English and Romanian | GIDNI, 3, 668-678 | 2016 | pdf html |
1 | Vladimir Dosev | Manipulative use of economic metaphors in Bulgarian political discourse | Bul. UTBv, 9 (2), 27-36 | 2016 | pdf html |
1 | Zuzana Kováčová, Ianko Gubani | Práca a bohatstvo v slovenskej a rumunskej frazeológii | RSL, LII (1), 243 | 2016 | pdf |
0 | Adrian Năznean | A Corpus Study of Metaphors in the Abstracts of Biomedical Articles | Studia UPM, 18, 110 | 2015 | pdf html |
2 | Alexandru Dan Anghelina | Aspecte metaforice în terminologia IT | Variația, 2, 153 | 2015 | pdf |
4 | Alina Țenescu | Olfactory metaphors in the online environment | SSERR, II (1) | 2015 | pdf |
4 | Alina Țenescu | Advertising Language: a Cognitive-Semantic Approach to Wine Television Advertisements in Romania | CIL2015/SS, 21 | 2015 | pdf |
0 | Anca Bratu | Translating metaphors in the news: the Ukrainian conflict | GIDNI, 2, 440-449 | 2015 | pdf html |
3 | Elena Faur | Sextil Puşcariu despre metafora lingvistic-conceptuală a limbii române | CSP, II, 150-157 | 2015 | pdf |
1 | Elena Faur | Métaphore et sémiotique verbale | Studia UBB, LX (4), 55 | 2015 | |
0 | Emese Fazakas | Relaţia bent–kint ‘interior–exterior’ reflectată în funcţiile abstracte ale verbelor prefixate în limba maghiară. Analiză diacronică şi cognitivă | Neamțu, 249-262 | 2015 | pdf |
0 | Inga Druță, Eugenia Mincu | Considerations on terminological neosemy | SCOL, VIII (1-2), 171 | 2015 | html |
2 | Ioan Milică | Recursul la metaforă în opera ştiinţifică a lui Sextil Pușcariu | CSP, I, 109 | 2015 | pdf |
0 | Lorena Robo Kole | A contrastive analysis of phraseological units with the lexical item “heart” in English and Albanian lexical corpuses | DICE, XII (1), 257 | 2015 | pdf html |
1 | Maria-Alexandrina Tomoiagă | Metaforele conceptuale în limba română contemporană | DR, s.n., XX (1) | 2015 | pdf html |
1 | Mihaela-Viorica Constantinescu | „Până când ai să fii necioplit?”. Despre metafore conceptuale în sfera im/politeţii | AUB, LXIV, 23-34 | 2015 | pdf |
0 | Mihai Mircea Zdrenghea | Lingvistica cognitivă şi categorizarea lingvistică | Neamțu, 689-697 | 2015 | pdf |
11 | Sorin Guia | Discursul religios Structuri și tipuri | Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” | 2015 | html |
0 | Adrian Năznean | Metaphors in biomedical articles | LDMD, 2, 377-382 | 2014 | pdf html |
0 | Alina Ţenescu | A subtle grasp on the five senses: cognitive metaphors in wine media discourse | LDMD, 2, 334-346 | 2014 | pdf html |
2 | Alina Țenescu | The organicist-animist metaphor in Italian wine media discourse | SSERR, I (2) | 2014 | pdf |
1 | Alina Țenescu | Cities of the imagination and spaces of uncertainty in postmodern literary communication | CIL2014/SS, 9 | 2014 | pdf |
0 | Corina Dobrotă | Cognitive metaphor in the theoretical economic discourse | GIDNI, 1, 209-215 | 2014 | pdf html |
1 | Dana Manea | Metafora şi metonimia – între paradigma de cercetare tradiţională şi paradigma de cercetare cognitivistă | Coteanu, 241-248 | 2014 | pdf |
1 | Daniela Dălălău | Metaphors Conceptualising the EU’s Currency – The Euro – and Their (Un)Translatability into Romanian | Studia UPM, 16, 142 | 2014 | pdf html |
0 | Daniela Dălălău | The use of pictorial and multimodal metaphors in editorial cartoons depicting the Euro crisis | GIDNI, 1, 929-938 | 2014 | pdf html |
0 | Daniela Lucia Ene | Cultural models and conceptual metaphors in translating idioms | GIDNI, 1, 325-329 | 2014 | pdf html |
5 | Elena Faur | Semantica cognitivă şi „teoria metaforei conceptuale”. O abordare din perspectivă integrală | LR, LXIII (3), 340-356 | 2014 | pdf html |
1 | Elena Faur | The invariance principle: a principle of semantic creativity? | GIDNI, 1, 778-790 | 2014 | pdf html |
0 | Inga Druță | Metaphors in the present specialized discourse | GIDNI, 1, 33-39 | 2014 | pdf html |
0 | Marius Gulei | Sematic mutation. Standard and slang senses in Romanian | CCI, 3, 806-811 | 2014 | pdf html |
0 | Petronela Savin | Iuliu Zanne restitutus. Critical edition project of Romanian Proverbs (vol. I-X). Theory, method and textual applications | GIDNI, 1, 882-888 | 2014 | pdf html |
3 | Rodica Zafiu | Conceptul de ambiguitate şi interpretarea discursului literar: de la stilistica funcţională la cea cognitivă | Coteanu, 403-412 | 2014 | pdf |
1 | Virginia Lo Brano | Expressions idiomatiques et référence spatiale dans le discours de Mickey | Studia UBB, LIX (3), 81 | 2014 | html |
1 | Gabriela Tucan | O perspectivă cognitivă asupra studiilor literare (II) | AUT, LI-LII, 129 | 2013-2014 | pdf html |
0 | Anca Mihaela Ştefanache (Zaharia) | Inter-phrasemes: between form and content | LDMD, 1, 557-563 | 2013 | pdf html |
1 | Anna Tsepkova | Nicknames and culture: Analysing anthroponymic nicknames, reflecting cultural realia | ICONN 2, 831 | 2013 | pdf html |
1 | Daniela Dălălău | Metaphors Describing the Economic and Financial Crisis in Business Press Articles | Studia UPM, 15, 167 | 2013 | pdf html |
1 | Doina Butiurcă | The Greco - Latin Foundations of the Medical Metaphor: The Role of Linguistics in Terminology | Studia UPM, 14, 42 | 2013 | pdf html |
0 | Doina Butiurcă | Conceptual exogenous models and terminological structures | LDMD, 1, 622-628 | 2013 | pdf html |
6 | Maria-Alexandrina Tomoiagă | La métaphore dans l’activité de parler | Studia UBB, LVIII (2), 201 | 2013 | |
1 | Maria-Alexandrina Tomoiagă | La traduction des métaphores du langage quotidien | Atel. Trad., 19, 77 | 2013 | pdf html |
5 | Ioan Milică | Lumi discursive Studii de lingvistică aplicată | Editura Junimea | 2013 | html |
1 | Ionel Apostolatu | Analogia – factor de organizare lexico-gramaticală Cu privire la limba română | Casa Cărții de Știință | 2013 | |
1 | Andreea Roşca | Why *Sarah cannot glow the light bulb? Accounting for the Constructional Behavior of Light and Sound Emission Verbs | RRL, LVII (1), 67-82 | 2012 | pdf html |
0 | Attila Imre | Space in Cognitive Linguistics | Acta Sap., 4 (2), 247−260 | 2012 | pdf html |
1 | Bernd Stefanink, Ioana Bălăcescu | Le rôle du traducteur herméneute dans la construction d’une identité | Syn. Roum., 7, 229-244 | 2012 | pdf html |
0 | Doina Butiurcă | “Attack” / “counter attack” or on the rhetorics of persuasion in media discourse | CCI, 2, 57-63 | 2012 | pdf html |
0 | Gabriela Tucan | O perspectivă cognitivă asupra studiilor literare (I). O analiză a studiilor privind receptarea literaturii în secolul al XX-lea | AUT, L, 147 | 2012 | pdf html |
3 | Ioana Bălăcescu, Bernd Stefanink | Poϊétique, herméneutique et cognitivisme. Hommage à la Grande Dame de la poïétique: Irina Mavrodin | Atel. Trad., 17, 125 | 2012 | pdf html |
1 | Leïla Ben Hamad | La grammaticalisation : bilan des études et perspectives de recherche | SL, 2, 5-24 | 2012 | pdf html |
0 | Luminița Chiorean | ‘The Political Bestiary’. The Level of Discursive Practices in the Opinion Editorial | JRLS, 2, 97-112 | 2012 | pdf html |
3 | Petronela Savin | Bread. From Culture to Phraseological Imaginary | Phil. Jass., VIII (2), 185-191 | 2012 | pdf html |
0 | Simina-Maria Terian | Discursul public românesc înainte şi după integrarea europeană. O abordare din perspectiva lingvisticii cognitive | CCI, 2, 957-963 | 2012 | pdf html |
0 | Andrea Peterlicean, Arina Modrea | The role and impact of technical communication in the 21st century | EITM, 4, 650-663 | 2011 | pdf html |
3 | Anna Fornalczyk, Aleksandra Biela-Wołońciej | Good names and bad names. The axiological aspect of literary proper names – A cognitive approach | ICONN 1, 317 | 2011 | pdf html |
0 | Claudia Gabriela Pisoschi | Theoretical considerations on the time and space “travel” of certain Anglo-Saxon proper names | ICONN 1, 515 | 2011 | pdf html |
1 | Daniela Dălălău | General Considerations on the Traditional and Cognitive Approach to Metaphor | Studia UPM, 11, 235 | 2011 | pdf html |
0 | Doina Butiurcă | Metafora ,,mâinii” în expresiile idiomatice | EITM, 4, 516-534 | 2011 | pdf html |
0 | Ioana-Rucsandra Dascălu, Gabriela Dascălu | La sémantique et la lexicologie jusqu’en 1950 et après 1950 | AUV, IX (1) | 2011 | pdf |
0 | Petronela Savin | Images of Edible Plants in Some Biblical Phraseological Structures. A cultural perspective | TDR, III, 329-334 | 2011 | pdf html |
0 | Anika Falkert | Pour une interprétation sociocognitive de l’évolution sémantique des emprunts lexicaux | AUI, LVI, 87-99 | 2010 | pdf |
1 | Attila Imre | The above-over meanings of the Romanian deasupra | CCI, 1, 333-343 | 2010 | pdf html |
0 | Diana Ioniţă | Les catégories abstraites – de la sémantique cognitive à la didactique des langues | Syn. Roum., 5, 87-98 | 2010 | pdf html |
0 | Dragoş Avădanei | A Cognitive Approach to Semantics | AUI, LVI, 77-86 | 2010 | pdf |
1 | Georgiana Monica Tudorache | Tipologia metaforei în limbajul politic postdecembrist | Controverse, II, 333 | 2010 | pdf |
0 | Luminița Chiorean | Editorialul de opinie. Nivelul practicilor discursive | CCI, 1, 280-294 | 2010 | pdf html |
0 | Mariana Neagu | The cognitive enterprise in Romania | BWPL, XII (2) | 2010 | pdf html |
0 | Maxwell Kadenge, George Mavunga | Shona metaphors created during the Zimbabwe crisis: A cognitive grammar analysis | LA, 31 | 2010 | pdf html |
2 | Mihaela Ivan | De la cuvinte la realitate. Evoluţii semantice şi mentalităţi | LR, LIX (1), 72-78 | 2010 | pdf html |
0 | Mihaela Parpalea | Expanding Vocabulary by Using Figurative Language | Bul. UTBv, 3, 157 | 2010 | pdf html |
1 | Sylviane Lazard | Le verbe dénominatif en romagnol : la question de la régularité sémantique du système de dérivation | Studia UBB, LV (4), 21 | 2010 | |
0 | Veronika Szelid | Flowers of Love | Acta Sap., 2 (2), 221−236 | 2010 | pdf html |
2 | Zoltán Kövecses | Metaphor and Culture | Acta Sap., 2 (2), 197−220 | 2010 | pdf html |
1 | Attila Imre | Metaphorical expressions with peste | EITM, 3, 722-734 | 2009 | pdf html |
0 | Daniela Dălălău | The use of metaphors in business press articles | EITM, 3, 1193-1200 | 2009 | pdf html |
1 | Nicoleta Neșu | Câteva aspecte privitoare la funcţiile metaforice în textul politic | Distorsionări, 259-266 | 2009 | pdf html |
0 | Oana Adina Nicolae | Corpus Research into Economic Metaphor | ELI, 5 (1), 358 | 2009 | pdf html |
0 | Olga Molchanova | The Correlation between Part and Whole in Altai River Names (South Siberia) | Proc. 23. ICOS | 2009 | pdf html |
21 | Ioan Milică | Expresivitatea argoului | Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” | 2009 | html |
1 | Cristina Varga | ‘Construction’ et ‘déconstruction’ de l’équivoque dans l’audiovisuel | Studia UBB, LIII (3), 265 | 2008 | |
3 | Inga Druță | Metafora terminologică | LRM, XVIII (5-6), 23 | 2008 | pdf |
1 | Laura Suchostawska | Blending. Conceptual Mataphor and the Invariance Hypothesis | AUI, LIV, 73-82 | 2008 | pdf |
0 | Loredana Frățilă | Metaphors of Money | Studia UBB, LIII (2), 203 | 2008 | |
1 | Raluca Octavia Zglobiu | Conceptual Blending in Political Discourse | Studia UBB, LIII (1), 225 | 2008 | |
1 | Carmen Ciobanu | Articulator Metaphors: «gură» – «mouth» | Phil. Jass., III (2), 213-223 | 2007 | pdf html |
0 | Ignasi Navarro | Metaphorical ICMs in cybergenre representation | EITM, 2, 319-329 | 2007 | pdf html |
0 | Ioana Bălăcescu | Un exemple de traduction créative légitimée par les recherches cognitivistes | Atel. Trad., 7, 241 | 2007 | pdf html |
1 | Ioana Silvia Sonea | Metaphor And Romanian Politics. A Cognitivist Approach | Studia UBB, LII (4), 179 | 2007 | |
1 | Raluca Octavia Zglobiu | The Function of Stylistic Features in Political Discourse | Studia UBB, LII (2), 219 | 2007 | |
0 | Anette Horn | Zur „multikulturellen” Polyphonie der Romane Jean Pauls. Einige Gedanken zu den Begriffen „Gleichnis”, „Vergleich”, „Metapher” | TBG, 5, 289 | 2006 | pdf html |
0 | Teodora Ghivirigă | Regimul prepoziţiilor în traducerile documentelor europene din engleză în română | Comun. intercult. | 2006 | pdf html |
1 | Anca Irinel Teleoacă | Studiu lexico-semantic al limbajului electronic | AUI, LI, 407-416 | 2005 | pdf |
1 | Corina Dobrotă | Consideraţii asupra dimensiunii metaforice a textelor economice | AUI, LI, 107-115 | 2005 | pdf |
1 | Mirela-Ioana Borchin | De ce timpul costă bani? | Frățilă, 137-148 | 2005 | pdf |
14 | Mircea Borcilă | Lingvistica integrală și fundamentele metaforologiei | DR, s.n., VII-VIII, 47-77 | 2002-2003 | pdf html |
193 | Rodica Zafiu | Diversitate stilistică în româna actuală | Editura Universităţii | 2001 | html |