0 | Cristina Ilinca, Carmen Bîzu, Silvia Boncescu, Roberta Cozmîncă | Extraction et gestion terminologique par manipulation d’un corpus multilingue de textes spécialisés (domaine technique) | SGC, 32, 79-90 | 2019 | pdf |
0 | Simona Nicoleta Staicu | Acronyms and abbreviations in medical language | GIDNI, 6, 204-207 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Doina Butiurca | Sintagma terminologică extinsă | Studia UPM, 24, 82 | 2018 | pdf |
0 | Doina Butiurca | Equivalence/ analogy in common vocabulary, absolute cognitive synonymy in specialised vocabulary | JRLS, 14, 86-95 | 2018 | pdf |
1 | Doina Butiurca | The role of hyponymy, hypernymy in the organization of the specialized lexicon | CCI, 5, 29 | 2018 | pdf html |
0 | Eugenia Mincu | Sistemul terminologic medical: modelare şi remodelare | PhilM, LX (1-2), 30 | 2018 | pdf |
0 | Simona Nicoleta Staicu | Romanian medical terms. Morpho-lexical structures | GIDNI, 5, 122 | 2018 | pdf html |
0 | Doina Butiurca | Introduction to a theory of conceptology | LDMD, 5, 69-74 | 2017 | pdf html |
0 | Simona Nicoleta Staicu | Typologies of Romanian medical terms according to derivative structure | GIDNI, 4, 216-221 | 2017 | pdf html |
0 | Oana Magdalena Cenac | Word vs. term in the present day scientific terminology | GIDNI, 3, 1128-1138 | 2016 | pdf html |
0 | Raluca Maria Tănăsescu Gîjgă | The Game of Senses in the Paradigm Handicap-Deficiency-Disability | SCOL, IX (1-2), 225 | 2016 | pdf |
0 | Simona Nicoleta Staicu | Linguistic concepts in terminology. Medical terms in context | JRLS, 8, 239-246 | 2016 | pdf html |
0 | Simona Nicoleta Staicu | Medical terminological units: types of oppositions | GIDNI, 3, 201-209 | 2016 | pdf html |
0 | Eugenia Mincu | Synonymy in the Romanian medical terminology | LDMD, 3, 878-885 | 2015 | pdf html |
0 | Inga Druță, Eugenia Mincu | Considerations on terminological neosemy | SCOL, VIII (1-2), 171 | 2015 | html |
0 | Alice Toma | Era „tâmpit” unghiul „obtuz” în secolul al XIX-lea? Un studiu terminologic diacronic | Diacronie–sincronie, II, 393 | 2014 | pdf |
2 | Andreea-Victoria Grigore | Câteva observaţii asupra folosirii termenului vreme în Foletul Novel | AUB, LXIII, 15-26 | 2014 | pdf html |
1 | Angela Bidu-Vrănceanu | Perspectiva lingvistică în terminologie | Diacronie–sincronie, II, 251 | 2014 | pdf |
0 | Doina Butiurcă | Transparency and Translatability of the Terminological Metaphor in the Domain of Computer Science (A Contrastive Analysis) | Acta Sap., 6 (3), 381-389 | 2014 | pdf |
0 | Doina Butiurcă | Transparenţă şi traductibilitate privind metafora terminologică din domeniul informaticii (perspectivă contrastivă) | PhilM, LVI (3-4), 97 | 2014 | pdf html |
0 | Inga Druță | Termenul şi limbajele specializate: abordări diverse | PhilM, LVI (3-4), 87 | 2014 | pdf html |
1 | Mariana Coancă | The Assimilation of Anglicisms and Their Movement toward Common Language | SCOL, VII (1-2), 142 | 2014 | pdf html |
1 | Simona Nicoleta Staicu | Medical Phraseological Units: Typology and Occurrence. A Case Study | SCOL, VII (1-2), 274 | 2014 | pdf html |
1 | Simona Nicoleta Staicu | Lexical-semantic approaches of medical terms: polysemy, synonymy | GIDNI, 1, 862-868 | 2014 | pdf html |
0 | Simona Nicoleta Staicu | Motion in medical terminology. A case study | LDMD, 2, 351-355 | 2014 | pdf html |
0 | Simona-Nicoleta Staicu | Paradygmatic relations in medical terminology: homonymy, paronymy, meronymy | JRLS, 4, 500-505 | 2014 | pdf html |
1 | Doina Butiurcă | The Greco - Latin Foundations of the Medical Metaphor: The Role of Linguistics in Terminology | Studia UPM, 14, 42 | 2013 | pdf html |
0 | Doina Butiurcă | Conceptual exogenous models and terminological structures | LDMD, 1, 622-628 | 2013 | pdf html |
0 | Simona Nicoleta Staicu | The structural-semantic analysis of some causative verbs in the medical language | LDMD, 1, 253-262 | 2013 | pdf html |
1 | Anna Kruchinina | Un étudiant non spécialiste en français comme personnalité linguistique plurilingue dans l’espace discursif francophone virtuel | Syn. Roum., 7, 83-93 | 2012 | pdf html |
2 | Angela Bidu-Vrănceanu | Diacronia în terminologie | AUG/XXIV, IV (1), 11 | 2011 | pdf |
0 | Alexandra Cuniță | Dimensiunea culturală a termenilor | AUG/XXIV, III (1), 35 | 2010 | pdf |
2 | Camelia Săpoiu | Tipuri de hiperonime în definiţiile lexicografice ale termenilor medicali | Controverse, I, 297 | 2010 | pdf |
1 | Elena Museanu | Criză, recesiune, depresiune, tip de paradigmă? | Controverse, I, 283 | 2010 | pdf |
2 | Mihaela Ivan | De la cuvinte la realitate. Evoluţii semantice şi mentalităţi | LR, LIX (1), 72-78 | 2010 | pdf html |
1 | Roxana Ciolăneanu | Hiponimia ca modalitate de organizare şi descriere definiţională în limbajul de marketing | AUG/XXIV, III (1), 149 | 2010 | pdf |
2 | Alexandra Cuniță | Termenul ca semn lingvistic | AUG/XXIV, II, 328 | 2009 | pdf |
0 | Teodora Ghivirigă | Terminografie şi lexicografie – cîteva dicţionare de termeni economici | AUG/XXIV, II, 77 | 2009 | pdf |