Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Transparenţă şi traductibilitate privind metafora terminologică din domeniul informaticii (perspectivă contrastivă)

Publicația: Philologia, LVI (3-4), p. 97
Editura:Academia de Științe a Moldovei
Rezumat:Our research, Transparency and translatability of the terminological metaphor in the internet field, is a contrastive analysis of the topic in general and of the metaphor, in particular. The relationship between the common and the special lexicon in the field of internet in the English language as a source language, the relationship between the common denominator between the source language and the semantic basis, equivalence in the target language are the aims of the research. The languages in which the analysis is carried out are different from the genealogical and typological points of view (the English language on one hand, the Romance languages and the Hungarian on the other). The perspective is descriptive-semasiological and the methods applied – the paradigmatic and syntagmatic analysis, the contrastive analysis – are used in this perspective.
The transparency in the meaning, the degree of translatability, the motivated character of the terminological metaphor, the role of linguistics/semantics in the terminology of the internet are only some of the conclusions of the research.
Cuvinte-cheie:terminological metaphor, internet lexicon, transparency, translatability, linguistics
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 0

Referințe în această publicație: 1

38Loïc DepeckerEntre signe et concept
Eléments de terminologie générale
Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle2002

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