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0 | Cristina Silvia Vâlcea | - Transferul din limba maternă în învățarea limbilor străine, cauză a greșelilor din traduceri
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0 | Francisca Solomon | Humor und Satire als Lebenshilfe in trüben Zeiten. Jiddischsprachige humoristisch-satirische Periodika in der Bukowina Anfang der 1930er Jahre | JBG XXIII, 345-361 | 2020 | |
0 | Paul Buzilă | A Neurocognitive Analysis of Idiosyncratic Semantic Borrowings in the Discourse of Bilingual Romanian Immigrants in Spain | Studia UBB, LXV (4), 55-74 | 2020 | |
0 | Valentina Cojocaru | English Discourse Markers in Spoken Romanian: Pragmatic Borrowings or a Code-Switching Phenomenon? | RRL, LXV (3) | 2020 | pdf |
0 | Mariana Boeru, Laura Cizer | Training multilingual comprehension skills at sea with the help of movies | LDMD, 5, 188-193 | 2017 | pdf html |
2 | Enikő Pál | Traces of the Hungarian Source Text in the Catechism of Fogarasi István. Loan Translations and Hungarian Morphosyntactic Patterns | RRL, LXI (1), 79-97 | 2016 | pdf |
0 | Mohamed Yacoub | English Loanwords in the Egyptian Variety of Arabic: What Morphological and Phonological Variations Occurred to them? | SGC, 25, 121-136 | 2016 | pdf html |
0 | Enikő Pál | The status of Romanian-Hungarian bilingualism in the old epoch of Romanian language | DICE, XII (1), 237 | 2015 | pdf html |
0 | Inna Negrescu-Babuș | Substratul şi superstratul − rezultate ale contactului lingvistic | BLM, 15-16, 85 | 2014-2015 | pdf |
0 | Attila Kelemen | Die Rolle der Prestige im Sprachkontakt | Acta Sap., 6 (3), 461-473 | 2014 | pdf |
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0 | Cristina Silaghi | Manifestations of the linguistic interference in a divergent Ukrainian language from Romanian | GIDNI, 1, 816-825 | 2014 | pdf html |
0 | Cristina-Eva Sauciuc Holca | The role of neologisms in the development of the Romanian literary language | CCI, 3, 894-900 | 2014 | pdf html |
0 | Maria Magdalena Dumitrescu | The Multilingualism Phenomenon in the Era of Globalization | ELI, 15, 58 | 2014 | pdf |
0 | Mihaela Mateescu | Los anglicismos en el diccionario de americanismos de la asociación de academias de la lengua española: apreciaciones sobre su vitalidad | ELI, 14, 344 | 2014 | pdf |
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0 | Bianca Dabu | Translating Fishing Unadapted Loanwords from English into Romanian | ELI, 13, 361 | 2013 | pdf html |
1 | Diego Muñoz Carrobles | Analiza sociolingvistică a comunităţii româneşti din Madrid | Diaspora cult. | 2013 | pdf html |
0 | Enikő Pál | Observaţii privind consecinţele influenţei maghiare asupra textelor româneşti vechi | AUI, LIX, 111-131 | 2013 | pdf |
0 | Iulia Nica | Nuevos contactos rumano-romance: algunos fenómenos de interferencia | LDMD, 1, 807-817 | 2013 | pdf html |
0 | Alexis Michaud, Guillaume Jacques, Robert L. Rankin | Historical transfer of nasality between consonantal onset and vowel: From C to V or from V to C? | Diachronica, 29 (2), 201-230 | 2012 | |
0 | Christopher Lucas | Contact-induced grammatical change: Towards an explicit account | Diachronica, 29 (3), 275-300 | 2012 | |
0 | Enikő Pál | Historical, Social and Cultural Setting for Romanian-Hungarian
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0 | Frank Seifart | The principle of morphosyntactic subsystem integrity in language contact: Evidence from morphological borrowing in Resígaro (Arawakan) | Diachronica, 29 (4), 471-504 | 2012 | |
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