Titlu: | Daco- and Ibero-Romance in contact: on the origin of structural similarities between related languages |
Autor: | Kim Schulte |
Publicația: | Revue roumaine de linguistique, LVII (4), p. 331-354 |
p-ISSN: | 0035-3957 |
Editura: | Editura Academiei |
Locul: | București |
Anul: | 2012 |
Rezumat: | To date, few attempts have been made to systematically examine which kinds of changes are likely to arise due to contact between related languages, though one might suspect that their structural similarities make them particularly susceptible to contact-induced change. The main challenge is to establish, retrospectively, whether features shared by neighbouring, related varieties are the result of prolonged contact, rather than jointly inherited. By identifying changes triggered by a recently established contact situation, we can gain insights into what can or is likely to be borrowed between related languages. Based on fieldwork undertaken in Castellón de la Plana, a Spanish town with a large Romanian migrant population, the present study shows that transfer between the two locally spoken Ibero-Romance varieties and Romanian is rampant at virtually all levels of linguistic description, a fact that should encourage us to be keep an open mind regarding the origin of structural similarities among related languages. |
Limba: | engleză |
Linkuri: | pdf html |
Citări la această publicație: 3
0 | Lavinia Seiciuc | Note on the Aspiration and Loss of the Latin Initial f-A Comparative View on the Lateral Areas of the Romania Continua | ANADISS, 31, 191-196 | 2021 | pdf html |
0 | Denisa Karla Anusca Raunciuc | ¿Influye la lengua materna en el aprendizaje de nuevas lenguas? Estudio etnográfico realizado en la provincia de Castellón | QR, VII (2), 10 | 2019 | |
0 | Iulia Nica | Nuevos contactos rumano-romance: algunos fenómenos de interferencia | LDMD, 1, 807-817 | 2013 | pdf html |
Referințe în această publicație: 3
16 | Rebecca Posner | The Romance Languages | Cambridge University Press | 1996 | |
36 | William Labov | Sociolinguistic Patterns | University of Pennsylvania Press; Blackwell | 1972 | |
40 | Uriel Weinreich |
| Linguistic Circle of New York; Editura Universității Transilvania din Brașov | 1953, 1974; 2013 (trad.) |
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