Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Traces of the Hungarian Source Text in the Catechism of Fogarasi István. Loan Translations and Hungarian Morphosyntactic Patterns

Publicația: Revue roumaine de linguistique, LXI (1), p. 79-97
Editura:Editura Academiei
Rezumat:The aim of the paper is to investigate the Hungarian influence on the Romanian translation of the Calvinist Catechism printed in 1648. The analysed linguistic material therefore focuses on loan translations from Hungarian and on morphosyntactic patterns which betray the Hungarian source of the Romanian text respectively. Some of these calques and/or Hungarian linguistic patterns are due exclusively to the Hungarian source text; others may as well be explained independently of it, given the bilingual status of the translator. It is not inconceivable either that certain “foreign” to Romanian elements might have had a regional usage in the south-western Transylvanian dialects to which the translation belongs or that these patterns could have had a prior tradition in the old Romanian liturgical language of the Calvinist worship. Nevertheless, the majority of the loan translations represent only temporary solutions which do not go beyond the language of the text in question or the regional patois and very few of them have become lasting constituents of the standard variety.
Cuvinte-cheie:translation, linguistic calque, morphosyntactic pattern, Hungarian influence
Limba: engleză

Citări la această publicație: 2

Referințe în această publicație: 11

1Enikő Pál
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II. Studii
Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”2007
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(Cu specială referire la scrieri beletristice din secolul al XIX-lea)
Editura Academiei2006
2S. VaimbergCalque and BorrowingRRL, XX (4), 4351975
40Uriel Weinreich
  • Languages In Contact
    Findings and Problems
  • Limbi în contact
    Constatări și probleme
Linguistic Circle of New York; Editura Universității Transilvania din Brașov1953, 1974; 2013 (trad.)
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15Alexandru RosettiLimba română în secolul al XVI-leaEditura Cartea Românească1931
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