Titlu: | Repere ale definirii discursului religios ca „discurs specializat” |
Autor: | Dana-Luminița Teleoacă |
Publicația: | Limba română: diacronie și sincronie în studiul limbii române, II, p. 207 |
Editori: | Rodica Zafiu, Adina Dragomirescu, Alexandru Nicolae |
Editura: | Editura Universității din București |
Locul: | București |
Anul: | 2014 |
Rezumat: | To reduce the specificity of a religious text to the terminological aspect means to give a less objective approach to this complex reality represented by clerical literature. The aspect cannot be exhausted by either enlarging upon the non-terminological vocabulary, in order to determine the linguistic specificity of the clerical text in comparison to lay literary variant, or by the in-depth study of the grammar of a religious text, in a similar approach. Consequently, pointing out the specificity of a clerical text as opposed to a lay one, is needed to be analyzed also from other perspectives, for instance, from that of defining the religious discourse as a specialized one. In this context, our investigation was led by two important aspects: a) the Morrisian dichotomy “way of signifying / way of using”, as a potential source of some subcategories at the level of the religious discourse; and b) the specific way of updating the Jackobsonian linguistic functions in sacred literary text. The sources that helped me start up these approaches, in the view of drawing up such delimitations, include several kinds of religious writings, and different versions that circulate in the modern age: psalmic biblical text, Christian prayer, the Christian orthodox teaching manual, and, respectively the liturgical text. |
Limba: | română |
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Citări la această publicație: 3
1 | Florin Sterian | Bibliografia românească de lingvistică (BRL, 57, 2014). Lucrări de lingvistică apărute în țara noastră în cursul anului 2014 | LR, LXIV (2), 183 | 2015 | |
1 | Dana-Luminița Teleoacă | Les figures de style et leur relevance dans le décodage sémiotique d’un texte : la métaphore dans le texte modern des Psaumes (I). Aspects théoriques | Phil. Jass., X (2), 207-216 | 2014 | pdf html |
0 | Dana-Luminița Teleoacă | La métaphore dans le texte moderne des Psaumes : une approche semiotique | Bibl. Jass., 4, 75 | 2013 |
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