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1 Articles in “Diacronia” containing diachronic expansion
ArticleDiacronia 6, September 30, 2017, A93
Margareta Manu Magda, The interjection in old Romanian texts
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(un)translatability 1812 abstract noun academic journal abstracts adjective adolescence adversative age group agglutinative language Alsace Amfilohie Hotiniul analytic anthroponyms artistic process assimilation auxiliary auxiliary inversion auxiliary verb basis of articulation Bessarabia bi(multi)lingual profile bible text biblical text bilingualism binomial nomenclature biosocial behaviour borrowing botanical taxonomy Bucharest Peace Bukovina Carpathians central language change of state Christian rhetoric church classification of insults cleft sentences cliticization coevolution cognate object construction cognitive linguistics coherence comparative analysis comparative complement complex compound past concessive connector connector contemporary English contempt corpus linguistics COVID-19 Crasna culinary recipes cultural models culture cultured verbal forms cyberspace Dante Darwinism death drive degree operator derivation derivational morphology designation determinism deviation diachronic change diachronic expansion diachronic grammar diachronic linguistics diachrony dialectal differentiation dictionary differentiation digital humanities digital lexicography diminutive direct object discourse disjunctive connector domestication and foreignization dual voice dynamic syntax dysphemisms eloquence empirical study eRomLex ethnolinguistics etymology evaluation of translation evolution evolutionism Fichtel’s map (1780) focal particle folk etymology folk plant names form form in –rai formal adaptation functional illiteracy functionalism genotype Germanization globalization glosses grading grammar grammaticalization handwritten text recognition hermeneutics hero historical grammar historical lexicography historical lexicology historical morphology historical semantics history history of forms history of language history of letter-writing history of uses Homeric poems homogeneous human sciences humanity Hungarian hydronymic differentiation hypothetical identity ideology IMRaD moves indefinite adjective indefinite pronoun indefinite pronouns inflected infinitive inflected language inflectional morphology infodemic informality insults intensifier intentional fallacy interference interjection internally caused verbs of change of state invisible translator isotopy Italian influence journalistic writing Lamarckism language language change language contact language cultivation language development language evolution Lat. ipse letter lexematics lexical borrowing lexical borrowings lexical borrowings integration lexical field lexical plural lexical-semantic renderings lexicalization lexico-semantic structures lexicographic definitions lexicography lexicology library linguistic anthropology linguistic change linguistic cliché linguistic contact linguistic interference linguistic transfer linguistics literary discourse literary language literary norm literary pragmatics literary theory literary variant loan localization mapping marginalia mass noun mathematics meaning media discourse medieval documents mentality metaphor Mihai Eminescu mirror neurons mirror system hypothesis modern Romanian modernization modernization of Romanian literary language Moldavian variety Moldova Ms no 3473 B.A.R. multiculturalism multimodal national history natural sciences Neo-Darwinism neologism neologistic lexicon neologization neurolinguistics noematology nomenclatura nomenclature non-determined non-specific notes on manuscripts offensiphobia old Church Slavonic old documents old lexicography old literary Romanian old literature old Romanian Old Romanian literary language onomasiology onomastics onomatology opposition orality organism origin of languages ortography oxymoron p(r)e marking pandemic Paradise paradox parallel corpora paratext paternal figure period peripheral language periphrastic prospective structures phenomenology phenotype Philippide philology philosophy phonetic and morphological adaptation of loans phonetics and morphology phono-morphological particularities place/non-place pluralization poetics polarization postcolonialism pragmatics pragmatization predicative verb prefix premodern documents probable epistemic proper name proper names pseudo-cleft sentences psychoanalysis psychocritics psycholinguistics psychological basis quantifier quantifiers random re-grammaticalization reality reference reformation relative adjectives relative clauses relevance theory religion religious literature reverse superlative rhetoric rhotacized text rite roll-up movement Romanian Romanian as a non-native language Romanian Cyrillic Romanian epistolary style Romanian language Romanian literary norm Romanian Slavonic Romanian space Romanian-Slavonic contact salt deposits salt springs school curriculum science scientific polemic scrambling scripturality second language acquisition secular literature semantic derivation semantic evolution semantics semantics of ‘shame’ semasiology sense sentence Septuagint sermon skopos skopos theory Slavonic loanwords Slavonic–Romanian lexicons small towns society sociolinguistics sociology space specialized text specialized translation specific structuralism structure enrichment stylistic analysis stylistics subject denotation sum sunt supine symbolic field synchrony synonyms syntactic valence syntagm syntax synthesis synthetic synthetic future teleology text analysis text editing text linguistics text poetics the 17th century the 19th century the ending –le the Habsburg Empire the origin of language the suffix –ale the suffix –ele theological education theory toponym toponymic extension toponymic field toponymy tourism advertising transcultural communication transitive acceptability Transkribus translation translation fluency translation of concepts translation practice translation studies translator’s freedom translingual discourse transphrastic Transylvania tributary watercourse Trinity Turkish university freedom vague language valence variation verb verbal behaviour verbal idioms villages violence Vlachs of Eastern Serbia vocabularium word formation word order writing writing process writing product written dialect