Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Alexandru Philippide – Gustav Weigand: ipostaze

Publicația: Philologica Jassyensia, V (1), p. 27-42
Editura:Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide”
Rezumat:After 150 years since Alexandru Philippide (1859–1933) – the founder of the linguistic school at Iaşi – was born and after 100 years since the first linguistic atlas of the Romanian language (Linguistischer Atlas des dacorumänischen Sprachgebietes) was published by Gustav Weigand (Leipzig, 1909) the disputes between the two linguists are now making the object of this paper which is based on Philippide’s polemic work „Un specialist român la Lipsca” (A Romanian Specialist at Leipzig; Iaşi, 1910).
We are presenting the Romanian philologist’s critical views on the results of Weigand’s dialectal research on Romanian dialects south of the Danube and on Daco-Romanian dialects. Philippide claims that some results of the recordings and their subsequent interpretation were biased by Weigand’s insufficient knowledge of the Romanian language and of the history of the Romanian language. This polemic also brings up the issue of Weigand’s Ph. D candidates’ papers which are criticized for about the same faults. These were published in 15 volumes of a magazine run by Weigand – „Jahresbericht des Instituts für rumänische Sprache (Rumänisches Seminar) zu Leipzig”.
Finally we present some points of view regarding the activity of the institute mentioned in the title of the magazine and which was financed by the Romanian State. The head of the institute is criticized for the superior tone of the interventions and especially for the un-academic vocabulary Weigand used in his polemic writings regarding the works of some Romanian linguists.
To conclude, we must point out that we should choose, from the linguistic inheritance left by the two scholars, only the positive aspects to create such a synthesis that would be useful to the history of Romanian linguistics.
Cuvinte-cheie:polemic, critical analyses, history of Romanian language, dialectology, bad language
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 5

Referințe în această publicație: 12

22Carmen-Gabriela PamfilAlexandru PhilippideLitera Internațional2008
19Vasile Arvinte, Stelian Dumistrăcel, I. Florea, Ion Nuță, Adrian TurculețNoul Atlas lingvistic român, pe regiuni. Moldova şi Bucovina
Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”2007
5Alexandru PhilippideȘtiința noastră. Cum știm. Cum ar trebui să știm. Starea psihologicăAUS, XII (1), 1052006
45Stelian Dumistrăcel, Doina Hreapcă, Ion-Horia BîrleanuAncheta dialectală ca formă de comunicareEditura Academiei1997
23Vasile Arvinte, Stelian Dumistrăcel, I. Florea, Ion Nuță, Adrian TurculețNoul Atlas lingvistic român, pe regiuni. Moldova şi Bucovina
Editura Academiei1997
5Vasile ArvinteContribuţia lui Gustav Weigand la dezvoltarea dialectologiei româneştiALIL, XXXIII, 291992-1993pdf
39Vasile Arvinte, Stelian Dumistrăcel, I. Florea, Ion Nuță, Adrian TurculețNoul Atlas lingvistic român, pe regiuni. Moldova şi Bucovina
I. Hărţi şi material necartografiat
Editura Academiei1987
11I. Oprișan (ed.)Alexandru I. Philippide în dialog cu contemporanii
Vol. I–II
15Iorgu IordanAlexandru I. PhilippideEditura Științifică1969
18Alexandru PhilippideUn specialist român la LipscaTipografia „Dacia”1910
5Alexandru PhilippideCum se apără specialistul romînViața Rom., III (8), 16-281908pdf
102Alexandru PhilippidePrincipii de istoria limbiiTipografia Națională; Editura Academiei1894; 1984

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