Titlu: | Proper names in foreign fairy-tales in translation. A lexical-grammatical, psycho and sociolinguistics approach |
Autor: | Veronica Oneț |
Publicația: | The Proceedings of the International Conference Literature, Discourse and Multicultural Dialogue. Section: Language and Discourse, 4, p. 245-257 |
ISBN: | 978-606-93590-3-7 |
Editori: | Iulian Boldea |
Editura: | Arhipelag XXI Press |
Locul: | Tîrgu-Mureş |
Anul: | 2016 |
Rezumat: | In the current communication, we aim to achieve a classification of names met in the translated foreign fairy-tales and to classify them in terms of vocabulary, etymology, morphology and syntax. We will also pursue the social and psychological area in which these denominations were given and also if their translation preserves the signified / signifier of the proper name as linguistic sign from the mother tongue in the target language.We will prove that the onomastics in the tale world is, on the one hand, universal, because of multiple linguistic and cultural contacts, but on the other hand, there are situations where the names cannot be translated, being transferred from one language to another in an identical form.The diverse onomastics categories found in the fabulous universe (generic monikers, nicknames, charactonymes) are the result of a community which becomes more and more diverse from the ethnical and, also, linguistic point of view. The perspective we are using in decoding the names is transdisciplinary and the methods used are based on a semantic, grammar, psycho and sociolinguistics analysis.The corpus is taken from anthologies of translated foreign fairy tales, classical and modern. |
Cuvinte-cheie: | literary onomastics, fairy-tale, moniker, charactonym, archetype |
Limba: | română |
Linkuri: | pdf html |
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