The author has devised a retrospective philological study of the dissemination of evangelical texts in Romanian culture, since the Slavonic period until the early pre-modern era. The research points out that the works created in the fifteenth century in different centers of copyists and miniaturists led to the imposition of a genuine Moldavian style, which was affected the graphic and stylistic aspect of the manuscripts from the Orthodox world. Next century was marked by several Slavonic Gospels printed, at first, by Macarie, in 1512, and by several Romanian versions of the Gospels, realised by Philip Moldoveanul (Mahler), in 1552–1553, by the priest Bratul, in 1559–1560, by diac Coresi, in 1561, and by Radu from Măniceşti, in 1574. The replacement of the liturgical language and the introduction of national language in church occurred only in the last decades of the seventeenth century, by the publication of the Gospel, in Bucharest, in 1682, under the patronage of Serban Cantacuzino, the text being then reprinted by Antim Ivireanu in 1697, and becoming a standard text for all subsequent editions. The study contains some parallel analysis of texts, aimed to show the relationships and connections between the various editions and reprints of the Gospel. The research underlines that there is a different version of the Gospels to be found in the New Testament printed in 1648, in Alba Iulia, as a result of the uptake and processing of Western humanistic model, and illuminates the way in which the Bibles published in 1688 and 1795 relate to this particular version.
evanghelie, tradiţie manuscrisă, surse ale traducerii, înlocuirea limbii liturgice, modelul umanist occidental
gospel, the manuscript tradition, sources of translation, the replacement of liturgical language, Western humanistic model
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Revista „Diacronia” ISSN: 2393-1140 Frecvență: 2 numere / an