Considerații introductive referitoare la statutul apelativelor „nume de grup” ca obiect de cercetare al onomasticii: un studiu de caz (formațiunile neologice ale termenului băiat în discursul politico-publicistic actual)
[Introductory considerations on the status of group names as objects of onomastic research: A case study (neological formations of the term băiat ‘boy’ in contemporary political-journalistic discourse)]
The present study mirrors the increasing interest manifested in contemporary onomastics for the category of unconventional anthroponyms. The latter are largely built upon everyday language (by means of semantic change, derivation mechanisms, blending and word play among others) and they are generally employed in oral communication, thereby displaying great instability in form and meaning.
Concretely, the paper focuses on the analysis of neological formations of the appellation băiat ‘boy’ as they are used in contemporary public space. The forms in question are defined by high accessibility, semantic flexibility, connotative-affective meanings, the tendency to become clichés and the possibility to convey ambiguity or to function euphemistically. The neological variants belong to the collective memory and they are the linguistic expression of representations shared by the community, based on a common apperceptive background.
The theoretical perspective adopted in this paper pertains to pragmatics, while the research methodology is specific to French theories of discourse analysis.
The corpus explored was collected on the Internet.
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Revista „Diacronia” ISSN: 2393-1140 Frecvență: 2 numere / an