Titlu: | Argument pentru o reconsiderare a „stilului religios” în limba română |
Autor: | Adina Chirilă |
Publicația: | Studia in honorem magistri Vasile Frăţilă, p. 157-168 |
ISBN: | 973-7608-46-1 |
Editori: | Maria Micle, Vasile Lațiu |
Editura: | Editura Universităţii de Vest |
Locul: | Timișoara |
Anul: | 2005 |
Rezumat: | [Argument for a reconsideration of „the religious style“ in Romanian] For a long period of time (the XVIth - XVIIth centuries) the language of the religious texts represented the only cultivated variant of the Romanian language. Therefore, the religious language was not a style of the Romanian literary language, but the Romanian literary language itself. The language of today’s religious texts still respect the grammatical and stylistic norm of the ancient Romanian literary language, with some changes which do not affect its general aspect. Within the framework of the historical language diasistem, the religious language represents an autonomous system with several variants and subordinate styles: belletristic, juridical and administrative, and technical and scientific. The relations between the constituent elements of the religious linguistic act (transmitter — receiver — text — message — code — extra-linguistic reality) follow strict rules, governed by the text’s own nature as a direct manifestation of the divinity. |
Limba: | română |
Linkuri: |
Citări la această publicație: 2
0 | Inga Druță | Lexical and stylistic features of the contemporary preach | LDMD, 5, 306-311 | 2017 | pdf html |
2 | Manuela Neculai-Stănică | Caracteristici lingvistice ale textelor biblice româneşti actuale, de rit apusean | LR, LVII (4), 500-526 | 2008 | pdf html |
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