Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Adverbul adică în cursul istoriei limbii române. Schimbări semantice şi relaţii sinonimice. Modificări fonetice şi amplificări expresive

Publicația: Caietele Sextil Pușcariu, I, Secțiunea Lingvistică și filologie, p. 183-208
Actele Conferinței Internaționale „Zilele Sextil Pușcariu”, Ediția I, Cluj-Napoca, 12–13 septembrie 2013
Editori: Eugen Pavel, Nicolae Mocanu; Coperta: Călin Stegerean; Layout: Nicolae Mocanu
Tiparul a fost finanțat de Asociația Culturală „Text și discurs religios” din Iași
Editura:Editura Scriptor; Editura Argonaut
Rezumat:The purport of our research has been a double one: to establish the passage from the original meaning of adică (today an exclusively appositive word, „that is”) – such as it may be most surely established by the evidence of the most ancient texts, in which adecă invariably means „behold” – to its later meaning, whose spectacular expansion has led not only to the gradual deletion of the former sense of this word, but also to the prominent position it has soon enough won among other appositive words and expressions. On the other hand, we have endeavoured to follow the traces of its phonetic alteration (consisting in the passage from e to i in the second syllable, similar with that produced in other words only by its result, but not by its rhythm of expansion in old Daco-Romanian), which has been notably slower than the semantic one. Finally, we have identified the beginning of the lengthened variants in -te, an innovation never extended – notwithstanding its proliferation in some literary Walachian texts, during the 18th century – to the status of standard reached by the other two.
  • adică ‘iată’ şi ‘id est, vasăzică’, istoria limbii române, schimbări semantice, relaţii sinonimice, modificări fonetice, amplificări expresive, dacoromâna veche
  • adică ‘that is’ and ‘behold’, history of romanian, semantic changes, synonymic relations, phonetic alterations, expressive extensions, old Daco-Romanian
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 5

Referințe în această publicație: 12

8Rodica ZafiuPresentative Markers in Old Romanian: Divergent Changes in the Syntactic and Pragmatic Uses of adică and iatăDVR, 419-4472015
89Gheorghe Chivu (ed.)Dictionarium valachico-latinum
Primul dicționar al limbii române
Editura Academiei2008
182Ion Gheție, Mirela Teodorescu (ed.)Psaltirea HurmuzakiEditura Academiei2005
81Teodor CorbeaDictiones latinae cum valachica interpretationeClusium2001
185Mariana Costinescu (ed.)Codicele VoronețeanEditura Minerva1981
58Emil Petrovici, L. Demény (ed.)Evangheliarul slavo-român de la Sibiu
Editura Academiei1971
196Viorica Pamfil (ed.)Palia de la Orăştie (1581-1582)
Text, facsimile, indice
Editura Academiei1968
140Florica Dimitrescu (ed.)Tetraevanghelul tipărit de Coresi, Brașov, 1560–1561, comparat cu Evangheliarul lui Radu de la Mănicești, 1574Editura Academiei1963
343Alexandru CiorănescuDicționarul etimologic al limbii române
Diccionario etimológico rumano
Universidad de La Laguna; Editura Saeculum I.O.1958; 2001, 2002, 2005, 2007
137Sextil PușcariuEtymologisches Wörterbuch der rumänischen Sprache
I. Lateinisches Element mit Berücksichtigung aller romanischen Sprachen
Carl Winter Universitätsverlag1905; 1975html
214Hariton TiktinRumänisch-deutsches WörterbuchImprimeria Statului; Otto Harrassowitz1903-1925; 1985-1988, 2001-2005
87Fr. MiklosichLexicon Palaeoslovenico-graeco-latinumG. Braumüller1862-1865

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