Titlu: | Preserving the Allusions in Translating the Bible |
Autor: | Adina Chirilă |
Publicația: | Meaning in Translation: Illusion of Precision, Secțiunea Text, Context, Meaning Representation, p. 369 |
ISBN: | 978-1-4438-8704-5 |
Editori: | Larisa Ilynska, Marina Platonova |
Editura: | Cambridge Scholars Publishing |
Locul: | Newcastle upon Tyne |
Anul: | 2016 |
Rezumat: | The author studies three cases of biblical parallelisms that represent NT allusions to OT passages, in several 17th and 18th Romanian versions of the Bible (I Peter 1. 13, to Exodus 12. 11; Luke 10.4, to 2 Kings 4. 29; and Galatians 1. 15, to Isaiah 49.1), in order to highlight the translators’ behavior facing the necessity of preserving their evidence. Specific features of approaching the source-texts would favor it, even when the translators are not aware of this type of connection inside the Bible. However, the translators do not work constantly under the fear of “betraying” the letter of the sacred texts: sometimes they take linguistic liberties in the attempt to balance the authority of the source-text with the Romanian language system and norm, and the reader’s needs of understanding the message. |
Cuvinte-cheie: | Allusion, biblical text, old literary Romanian, philology, translation |
Limba: | engleză |
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