Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Termeni autohtoni utilizaţi în traducerile textelor biblice

Publicația: Limba română, LXIII (3), p. 357
Editura:Editura Academiei
Rezumat:The present article analyzes six Thracian-Dacian words inherited by the Romanian language (which belong to the field of animals and birds) and their semantic, lexical, morphological and etymological characteristics in biblical translation versions in the 15th, 16th, 17th and 20th centuries. Our research was based on verses taken from the Bible of Bucharest compared with their translations in some of the most important old religious texts (Scheiană and Hurmuzaki Psalters, Voroneţean Codex, Palia from Orăştie, The Four Gospels and Coresi’s Psalter, New Testament form Bălgrad, Dosoftei’s Psalter and full versions of the Bible in 1938 and 1988). Substrate terms (names of animals and birds) are present in all mentioned works. Their semantic, lexical, morphological and stylistic particularities were evidenced. In ancient writings, substrate lexemes – except for măgar and ţap which are monosemantic – have multiple basic and figurative meanings. Selected examples proved some morpho-syntactic particularities of Romanian language from the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries (old plural noun forms). These common names have usually partial contextual synonyms for their meanings. Synonyms are from substrate, Latin (inheritance), Slavic, Greek and French languages. Translators prefered Thraco-Dacian words for two reasons: their rustic character and their complex semantics which is only partially expressed by equivalents of other origins. In diachronic, competition between the two categories of words led to the imposition of indigenous ones. Autochtonous lexical items formed derivatives (mânzişor, măgăriţă) and compounds (ţap-cerb). Contexts in this paper were taken form translations done in Wallachia, Moldavia and Transylvania. These important terms are used by all the Romanians from the northern and southern parts of the Danube. Their semantics is very expressive and comprehensive and this is why they are prefered to those inherited from Latin and borrowed from other languages. Our corpus proved the importance of substrate words in Romanian, their privileged position resulting from three aspects: their lack of total synonyms, their productivity reflected in the existence of derivatives and compounds in studied texts.
  • Biblie, derivat, substrat, termen, traducere, vocabular
  • Bible, derivate, substrate, term, translation, vocabulary
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 1

Referințe în această publicație: 9

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