Titlu: | Apelative neconvenționale noi în discursul politico-publicistic actual |
Autor: | Alexandra Sorina Iliescu |
Publicația: | Numele și numirea. Actele Conferinței Internaționale de Onomastică. Ediția a III-a: Conventional / unconventional in onomastics, p. 190 |
ISBN: | 978-606-543-671-8 |
Editori: | Oliviu Felecan |
Editura: | Editura Mega, Editura Argonaut |
Locul: | Cluj-Napoca |
Anul: | 2015 |
Rezumat: | [New unconventional appellations in contemporary political-journalistic discourse] The vocabulary enjoys great mobility inside the political and journalistic fields. Changes occur mostly at the lexical level. The reason why new words arise either refers to the politicians’ intention to destroy an opponent’s image, or to the media’s desire to mark its attitude (sympathy or antipathy) against a certain public figure. This paper aims to analyze the new words that have appeared in the political sphere of the Romanian vocabulary. The corpus consists of seven words, designations of two important figures on the Romanian political scene: Traian Băsescu (the former president), Victor Ponta (the former prime minister) and their campaigners. The aforementioned terms are: băs, Băsărică, Băse, Băsel, băsist, Pontache and pontist. The theoretical perspective proposed is interdisciplinary, promoted by functional linguistics, pragmatics, stylistics and anthroponymy. |
Cuvinte-cheie: | unconventional anthroponyms, lexical innovations, political discourse |
Limba: | română |
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