Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Utilizări arhaice şi regionale ale genitivului

Publicația: Limba română, LXV (4), Secțiunea Gramatică, p. 505-513
Editura:Editura Academiei
Rezumat:[Old and regional uses of the genitive]
In this article we discuss the use of the genitive forms in a corpus of dialectal Daco-Romanian texts, in comparison with the old period and with modern literary Romanian. The genitive case had two types of markers in the old period: synthetic markers (special inflectional endings) and analytic markers: the proclitic morpheme lui(i), the functional element al, the prepositions a, de and la. All these types of markers are present in Modern Romanian as well, in the literary language as well as in the dialectal varieties. What differentiates between the registers is the type of nouns these markers attach to and the frequency of some of them. Our corpus shows that there is an extension of the analytic markers in the dialectal varieties (in comparison with the old languages and with modern literary language): the morpheme lu(i) is found with common animate and inanimate nouns, unlike in the literary language; the preposition la (‘to/at’), rarely attested with this value in the old language, is frequent in the dialectal varieties, with common animate and inanimate nouns; some of the PPs it forms are ambiguous, as they can be alternatively interpreted as locative or datives.
Limba: română

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