Title: | O clasificare categorial-relațională a atributului în limba română. Cu adnotări |
Author: | G. G. Neamțu |
Publication: | Dacoromania. Serie nouă, XI-XII, p. 111-144 |
p-ISSN: | 1582-4438 |
Publisher: | Editura Academiei |
Place: | Cluj-Napoca |
Year: | 2006-2007 |
Abstract: | In this study, the author achieves an exhaustive and coherent description of the attribute in the Romanian language, according to two (sub)criteria, which act in compulsory succession: a. categorial or morphological (= class of words through which the attribute is expressed); b. relational or syntactical (means of subordination for the attribute). According to the first sub-criterion, the author describes, along with the set of attributes unanimously accepted, a numeral attribute, an interjectional attribute, a “noun” attribute and locution subdivisions of the main types of attributes (expressed by nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs). The second sub criterion, the relational one, is extended from the attributes expressed by nouns and pronouns to all the others (expressed by adjectives, verbs, numerals, adverbs), thus obtaining as members of the classification only formations in -al (‘nominatival’, ‘prepoziţional’, infinitival’ etc.). The last term in the extended name of the attribute refers one way or the other to the name of the “relatem” (= mode of subordination), which is only one each time. The terminal of the classification (= whole inventory of relational and categorial types of attributes in Romanian) is a unitary one, terminologically standardized, and therefore it significantly diminishes the equivoques, the inappropriate and redundant elements. |
Language: | Romanian |
Links: | pdf html |
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References in this publication: 23
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