Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Providing syntactic arguments that ellipsis sites are definite descriptions

Publicația: Limba română: controverse, delimitări, noi ipoteze. Actele celui de-al 9-lea Colocviu al Catedrei de Limba Română, I, Secțiunea Gramatică, p. 37
Editori:Rodica Zafiu, Adina Dragomirescu, Alexandru Nicolae
Editura:Editura Universității din București
Rezumat:[Providing Syntactic Arguments that Ellipsis Sites are Definite Descriptions] The paper proposes a syntactic and interpretative account of nominal ellipsis in Romanian DPs. After reviewing previous accounts, we conclude that a suitable theory should unify total ellipsis (ellipsis with no remnant) with partial ellipsis (ellipsis with at least one remnant). In the proposed theory, ellipsis is viewed as a Discourse Grammar phenomenon, presupposing the retrieval of a suitable discourse antecedent. Since the ellipsis site is anaphorically related to the antecedent, it will be syntactically definite. Definiteness checking is thus obligatory in any DP which contains an ellipsis site, and it is this step which provides the unity of nominal ellipsis. Therefore, ellipsis is a double figure, involving both the anaphoricity of the elided NP with respect to the antecedent, and the contrastivity of the remnant (if present) with respect to the same antecedent, a feature which triggers movement to the DP left periphery.
Limba: engleză

Citări la această publicație: 2

Referințe în această publicație: 2

6Ion Giurgea, Isabela NedelcuElipsa nominală și construcția partitivăTeme actuale, 1092009
15Alexandra CornilescuDespre trăsăturile periferice şi cum le-am putea folosiDindelegan2007

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