Titlu: | G. G. Neamţu şi Predicatul în limba română |
Autor: | Mihaela Secrieru |
Publicația: | Înspre şi dinspre Cluj : contribuţii lingvistice : omagiu profesorului G. G. Neamţu la 70 de ani, p. 580-588 |
ISBN: | 978-973-109-519-6 |
Editori: | Ionuț Pomian, Nicolae Mocanu |
Editura: | Argonaut |
Locul: | Cluj-Napoca |
Anul: | 2015 |
Rezumat: | [G. G. Neamţu and The Predicate in the Romanian Language] The work of the distinguished professor and linguist G.G. Neamţu Predicatul în limba română (The Predicate in the Romanian Language) has the essential attribute of being an authentic contribution to the Romanian syntactical theories regarding the syntactical meta-concept of the predicate. It is a generic statement the fact that all Romanian syntax experts have expressed their opinions regarding the hot points of the traditional Romanian syntactical theories, but in fact all the aspects of the Romanian syntax starting from the existing of such points of contradiction have an evolutive theoretical history, all of them were of interest, were theoretical challenges and have received the most interesting and contradictorial solutions and the problem of the nominal predicate with the underlying predicativity or non-predicativity of the verb to be was a controversial subject and represents and will represent for all researchers a point of interpretative contradiction. Important theories and thesis of the Romanian syntax are built on this pillar of the copulative verb. If we would try to read any of the Romanian thesis by letting this central theory behind, we would notice that the whole syntactical architecture of this thesis would collapse struck by non-intelligibility. |
Cuvinte-cheie: |
Limba: | română |
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