Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Segmentarea cuvintelor în teoria morfologică şi problema pluralelor româneşti în ...uri

Publicația: Perspective comparative și diacronice asupra limbii române, Secțiunea Conferință plenară, p. 11
Editori:Mihaela Viorica Constantinescu, Adina Dragomirescu, Alexandru Nicolae, Gabriela Stoica, Rodica Zafiu
Editura:Editura Universității din București
Rezumat:[Word segmentation in morphological theory and the problem of Romanian plurals in ...uri]
“Word and Paradigm” approaches to morphology place whole word-forms in the foreground of morphological analysis and background the internal segmentation of words. While denying the centrality of the traditional notion of the ‘morpheme’, such approaches do not in principle exclude the internal segmentation of words. What they lack, however, is any general account of the nature of such segmentation. This study analyses the case of Romanian noun plurals of the type gânduri (corresponding to singular gând), adducing diachronic evidence that speakers analyse the element ...ur... both as part of the lexical root and as part of a plural desinence. I argue that the data show that linear word-internal segmentation plays an important role in inflexional change, but also that the apparently contradictory analyses involved are exactly what the Word and Paradigm approach predicts.
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 2

Referințe în această publicație: 7

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