Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Personaje secundare în Meşterul Manole, de Lucian Blaga: Mira, Găman

Publicația: Philologica Jassyensia, VII (1), p. 17-28
Editura:Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide”
Rezumat:Mira is the perfect purity where the demonic of the master mason has no access. The craftsman’s wife is the embodiment of innocence, the heavenly depiction of mankind as opposed to demonic Manole. “Serenity” and “light” are words that repeatedly occur in her monologue thus suggesting the plenitudine of being she is about to conceive when she would be raising into the light her perfect precious, the church. Găman is the embodiment and the expression of the dark, ancient faith of the earth’s powers. The very appearance of the character in the story of the play seems to be part of a different logic, the fabulosity, the heresy, “fairy-tale like figure”. He utters the words dissonantly and links the sentences into texts that have seemingly no logic for he professes a magic ritual, usually unconsciously, while falling into a trance, ecstatically, mediated by sleeping commonly. Through this ritual he enables the connection with another world, that of the powers of the earth.
Cuvinte-cheie:creation, church, earth, masons, sacrifice, woman
Limba: română

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Referințe în această publicație: 4

2Lucian Vasile BâgiuApriorism românesc în Cruciada copiilor de Lucian BlagaTabor, III (2)2009html
2Emilia IvancuNatura polivalentă a Nonei în drama Tulburarea apelor de Lucian BlagaPhil. Jass., III (1), 35-382007pdf
2Gabriela ChiciudeanFișă de dicționar: Doamna din „Cruciada copiilor” de Lucian BlagaAUA, 6 (1), 335-3382005html
116Bartolomeu Valeriu Anania (ed.)Biblia sau Sfânta Scriptură
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