Revista de istorie și teorie literară, VII (1-4), p. 177
Editura Academiei
For the Preaches of the Resurrection we identified, established and presented the monographic details of the Preaches in PG L and PG PG LII translated and published in the early modern era of Romanian language and materialized by graphic representation of the emblems. For the Preach in PG LIX, contemporary with the first liturgical manuscripts, 1) we gathered and presented codicological and bibliological coordinates of the manuscript and printed books, 2) to determine the genealogy, we used “the Onu method for common innovations” and we classified the preach versions based on criteria: through the chronological criteria we established their distribution per centuries, by drafting formal criteria we established the typology of the preaches, and the structural linguistics showed the philological relationship of the centuries, consisting of: organic loopholes, shortcuts, substitutions, missing words or letters, spelling, interpolation, extrapolation, contamination of texts, additions, resuming and interpreting passages, specific facts to document copying manuscripts. On these basis we determined the subordination relationship resulting in an emblem; 3) the last analytical dimension demonstrated and directed authorship of the Easter homily in the Teaching Gospel of Coresi in 1581.
culture, the Preaches, manuscripts, printed books, the philological
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