Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Liturghierul în limba română (privire sintetică)

Publicația: Limba română, LX (1), p. 127-138
Editura:Editura Academiei
Rezumat:[The Liturgikon in Romanian language (A synthetic perspective)]
The author sets forth a retrospective view on the translations of the Liturgikon in Romanian language, the analysis encompassing the period beginning with the second half of the 16th century until the first decades of the 19th century. The study focuses on the specific manner in which the main religious book of ritual has imposed itself in the liturgical service. The replacement of the Slavonic language with the Romanian in the celebration of the religious service, done under the pressure of the Calvin propaganda, has been regarded as a first step towards conversion, so that the change of the traditional rite has been confronted at first with the opposition of the clergymen. There is serious proof regarding the celebration, throughout this period, of a bilingual liturgical service, in a mixed formula, limited to the reading of the Evangelical pericopes and of the preaches in Romanian. This type of liturgical hybridity has perpetuated itself, through the printing of some Slavonic-Romanian Liturgikons, until the middle of the 18th century. The study emphasizes that the structure of the Romanian liturgikon takes after certain patterns that have been imposed in the course of its evolution: the one printed by Coresi, in 1570, then the one elaborated by Dosoftei, in two editions, in 1679 and in 1683, and afterwards the pattern used in the Southern part of Romania, namely in The Euchologion with Liturgikon of Râmnic, in 1706, and the edition of Târgovişte, in 1713. These texts were edited by the metropolitan Antim Ivireanul, considered the creator of the Romanian liturgical language. The later editions are dependent on this very pattern, which was to be followed in a rather mechanical manner in the printings made in Moldavia and Transylvania as well, around the year 1750. This moment stands up for the important acknowledgement of the unification of the Romanian literary language. The edition published by the metropolitan Veniamin Costache at Jassy, in 1818, marks the last stage in the accomplishment of the Romanian Liturgikon prototype, which has been closely followed up to the present day.
  • înlocuirea limbii slavone, naţionalizarea cultului religios, hibridism liturgic, unificarea limbii române literare
  • the replacement of the Slavonic language, the nationalisation of the religious cult, liturgical hybridity, the unification of the Romanian literary language
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 1

Referințe în această publicație: 7

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