Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Le macroacte testamentaire roumain du XVIIe siecle dans l’espace européen. Stéréotypie et innovation

Publicația: Diversité et identité culturelle en Europe, VII (1), p. 65
Editura:Editura Muzeul Literaturii Române
  • [The 17th century Romanian testamentary macro-speech-act in the European context. Stereotypy and innovation.] In this paper we focus on the 17th century Romanian testamentary dispositions, advancing the idea that the testaments could be interpreted as a composite speech act.
    We will investigate this kind of documents not only from the structural and lexical point of view, but also in a pragmatic and rhetoric perspective. In the analysis of testamentary dispositions various communicative phenomena are at stake, such as the structure of the documents, produced by a testator within a certain cultural-historical framework, with certain intentions, using certain textual instruments. The 17th century Romanian testamentary dispositions follow ancient patterns, and have a standard structure. Compare to the western testaments, the Romanian testamentary dispositions restrain themselves to essential requirements just on a need to know basis. Towards mid 17th century they increasingly became a space in which the testators express their feelings, opinions and perceptions. We will investigate several formulae that aim to avoid any violation of a testament (the so-called clauses of warning comprising threats of anathema or malediction).
  • Notre étude propose l’analyse d’un type particulier de texte, les dispositions testamentaires du XVIIe siècle. Le discours testamentaire roumain du XVIIe siècle a un caractère très schématique en proportion des testaments occidentaux. Malgrè leur caractère schématique, les testaments roumains presentent les indices de la subjectivité du testateur. Il y a, d’une part, les remarques sur la typologie et la structure, et, de l’autre part, l’approche pragma-rhétorique. A partir de cette perspective, l’acte testamentaire peut être conçu comme macroacte de langage: sa signification et son fonctionnement sont relevés par le contexte extralinguistique spécifique, culturel et de mentalité. La partie finale de ce type de texte a été attentivement analysée – la sanction (la malédiction) révèle, par rapport à l’ensemble du texte, l’opposition subjectif/ neutre, indice de la présence et de l’implication du locuteur testateur dans sa disposition.
  • Structure of the 17th century Romanian testamentary dispositions: protocol, text (notification, exposition, disposition), eschatocol; testamentary dispositions as a macro-speech-act; testamentary dispositions – field of expressing one's subjectivity; clauses of warning (anathema, malediction), their function; cultural and historical framework
  • Le schéma des dispositions testamentaires du XVIIe siècle; le protocole initial; le contexte; le protocole final La disposition testamentaire – macroacte de langage; l’acte de léguer La disposition testamentaire – espace de la manifestation de la subjectivité; la sanction (la malédiction); le contexte culturel et de mentalité; la structure, la signification et le fonctionnement de la malédiction
Limba: franceză

Citări la această publicație: 1

Referințe în această publicație: 7

3Oana Uță Bărbulescu, Mihaela Constantinescu, Gabriela StoicaObservații asupra dispozițiilor testamentare din secolul al XVII-leaDinamica, 7452008
396Valeria Guțu Romalo (coord.)GALR
Gramatica limbii române. I. Cuvântul; II. Enunțul
Editura Academiei2005; 2008
72Gheorghe ChivuLimba română de la primele texte până la sfârșitul secolului al XVIII-leaEditura Univers Enciclopedic2000
28Rodica ZafiuNarațiune și poezieAll2000
200Gheorghe Chivu, Magdalena Georgescu, Magdalena Ioniță, Alexandru Mareș, Alexandra Roman Moraru (ed.)Documente și însemnări românești din secolul al XVI-leaEditura Academiei1979
100A. BaillyDictionnaire grec-françaisHachette1950; 1996; 2000
17Alexandru RosettiLettres roumaines de la fin du XVIe et du début du XVIIe siècle, tirées des Archives de BistritzaGS, II (2), 1871926

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