Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Nominal Derivation with Suffixes in Latin

Publicația: Studii și cercetări de onomastică și lexicologie, III (1-2), p. 117
Editura:Editura Sitech
  • The systematization of the facts of language which belong to the domain of lexical creation by suffix derivation can be done from several perspectives, among which there is not a precise delimitation, because, to a certain extent, each of them enters the territory of the other, the object of study being the same. One approach sets the starting point of the analysis on the base of derivation, another concerns the phonetic, morphosyntactic, semantic or stylistic features of the derivatives, and the third focuses on the functionality and the phonetic, semantic, syntactic, stylistic features of suffixes. This article is about the relationship between the base and the derivative determined by the functions of suffixes.
  • La systématisation des faits de langue inclus dans le domaine de la création lexicale par dérivation avec suffixes peut se faire par différentes perspectives entre lesquelles il n’existe pas une délimitation précise, se superposant partiellement et ayant le même objet d’étude. Un certain type d’approche établit le point de départ dans l’analyse de type dérivationnel, un certain autre regarde les traits phonétiques, morphosyntaxiques, sémantiques et stylistiques des suffixes. Cet article recherche la relation entre la base et le dérivé de la perspective des fonctions des suffixes.
  • derivative, base, derivational suffix, bound morpheme, syntactic category
  • dérivé, base, suffixe dérivationnel, morphème dépendant, catégorie syntaxique
Limba: engleză

Citări la această publicație: 2

Referințe în această publicație: 3

3Dana DinuDerivate substantivale latinești. Nomina agentisAUC, XXX (1-2), 1772008html
9Dana DinuLexicologia limbii latineEditura Universitaria2008
9Antoine Meillet
  • Esquisse d’une histoire de la langue latine
  • Schiţă pentru o istorie a limbii latine
Hachette; Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”1928; 2014 (trad.)html

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