Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Concordanţe lingvistice între dialectul istroromân şi celelalte dialecte ale limbii române

Publicația: Fonetică și dialectologie, XXXVI, p. 91-105
Editura:Editura Academiei
Rezumat:[Linguistic concordances between the Istro-Romanian dialect and the other dialects of the Romanian language]
The Istro-Romanian dialect is spoken in a few villages from the Istria Peninsula (Croatia), at the Italian border. These speakers are divided into two groups, separated by the Učka Mountain (Ital. Monte Maggiore): the north group, represented by the Jeiăn village, and the south group, made by the villages Suşnieviţa, Noselo, Sucodru, Letai, Brdo. In the past, the dialect was spoken in other villages from the area as well, but in time they adopted the Slavic values (choosing to speak Croatian and leaving aside their dialect). In the mentioned villages, the number of speakers is currently set at 1500.
Bilingualism is generalised; apart from the dialect, Istroromanians speak currently Croatian. The ethnic term rumeri (Lat. romanus), attested at the end of the 17th century, is lost. Currently, Istroromanians call themselves Vlachs; Croatians call them both Vlachs, and rumunji, which emphasises the identification of Istroromanians (and also the Aromanians and Meglenoromanians) with the Romanians from all over the world.
Two aspects are to be revealed in what regards the conjunction of the Romance and Balkan vocabulary: a) the presence in South-Danubian dialects of terms of Latin origin that are not present in Dacoromanian; b) local loans from Croatian and Italian (in Istroromanian).
In this paper we would like to underline the Linguistic concordances between the Istro-Romanian dialect and the other dialects of the Romanian language.
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 0

Referințe în această publicație: 10

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I. Originile
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