Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Réception et horizon culturel en relation avec l’oeuvre traduite

Publicația: Meridian Critic / Analele Universităţii „Ștefan cel Mare” din Suceava. Seria Filologie. A. Lingvistică, B. Literatură, 26 (1), Secțiunea Language and communication, p. 381-392
Editura:Editura Universităţii din Suceava
Rezumat:It is well known that the author is at the origin of his work and makes it virtual-real. The report between the author’s biography and his work is described by Valéry, Proust, Flaubert and Stendhal: «work is created by a deeply I, secret, mythical, expressed by the concept “a hand which writes”. The work of art is valued in communication with others. The value of a work is inconformity with predetermined rules and, to be recognized, it must be certified and consecrated. Comprehension and reception are ways of interacting; in the first, cognitive processes prevail, in the second the emotional and rewarding ones. Nowadays, it appears that the distance between the publication and translation of a work which won an important award is increasingly short, due to the importance shown by the translation agencies and market demands. Whatever the reasons of self-translation and translation, “minority cultures” and translated authors should be grateful to translators’ interest as representatives of a different horizon than of the author or the public source.
Cuvinte-cheie:artwork, value, comprehension, reception, translation
Limba: franceză

Citări la această publicație: 0

Referințe în această publicație: 2

10Magda JeanrenaudLa traduction
Là où tout est pareil et rien n’est semblable
49Georgiana Lungu-BadeaMic dicţionar de termeni utilizaţi în teoria, practica şi didactica traduceriiEditura Orizonturi Universitare; Editura Universității de Vest2003; 2008, 2012

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