The article resumes some of the most relevant linguistic models that have been suggested for the adequate contextual analysis of proverbs and inquires into the use of proverbs in literary texts with special reference to the tales of Ion Creangă. This Romanian writer from the second half of the 19th century is frequently regarded as a great artist who managed to convert the plain resources of folklore and folk language into literary masterpieces. The stylistic approach we advocate focuses mainly on the discursive and textual traditions that influenced the author’s style, on the prominent registers of influence and on the seminal texts that had an undeniable impact on Creangă’s literary works. The analysis also brings forth uncharted aspects of Creangă’s style, namely the use of proverbs, in order to put negative communication into effect. The theoretical issues discussed in the article are supported by relevant fragments from Creangă’s tales, in both Romanian and English editions.
stylistics, pragmatics, proverbs, Ion Creangă, tales
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Revista „Diacronia” ISSN: 2393-1140 Frecvență: 2 numere / an