Titlu: | On the Balkan-Slavic Origins of the Romanian Conditional |
Autori: | Martine Coene, Liliane Tasmowski |
Publicația: | Revue roumaine de linguistique, LI (2), p. 321-340 |
p-ISSN: | 0035-3957 |
Editura: | Editura Academiei |
Locul: | București |
Anul: | 2006 |
Rezumat: | This article revisits the well-known problem of etymology of the auxiliary in Daco-Romanian conditionals. Based on cross-linguistic evidence and external analyses of Old Romanian data, it is argued that this auxiliary might derive from (v)rea ‘want’, with phonetic reduction of the initial syllable if not immediately preceded by the infinitive. The study further discusses the special status of Romanian conditionals, which disallows them to be used in future in the past contexts. In these contexts, Romanian is said to behave like several other Balkan languages by combining the main verb in the past with a complement clause in which a future operator takes scope over the event expressed by the embedded verb. |
Limba: | engleză |
Linkuri: | pdf html |
Citări la această publicație: 6
Referințe în această publicație: 5
185 | Mariana Costinescu (ed.) | Codicele Voronețean | Editura Minerva | 1981 | |
74 | Matilda Caragiu Marioțeanu | Compendiu de dialectologie română (nord- și sud-dunăreană) | Editura Științifică | 1975 | |
58 | Emil Petrovici, L. Demény (ed.) | Evangheliarul slavo-român de la Sibiu 1551-1553 | Editura Academiei | 1971 | |
140 | Florica Dimitrescu (ed.) | Tetraevanghelul tipărit de Coresi, Brașov, 1560–1561, comparat cu Evangheliarul lui Radu de la Mănicești, 1574 | Editura Academiei | 1963 | |
66 | Antoine Meillet | Linguistique historique et linguistique générale | Champion/Slatkine | 1912, 1921; 1982 |
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