Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Adjectivul în GALR. Studiu de caz

Publicația: Dacoromania. Serie nouă, XV (1), p. 24
Editura:Editura Academiei
Rezumat:The present paper tries to screen the approach to the adjectival class in the GALR (Academy Grammar of the Romanian Language). The main impulse in choosing this topic resides in the linguist’s current confrontation with situations and problems insufficiently studied scientifically, ignored altogether or controversial. In our opinion, the new Grammar of the Romanian Language is not unitary in its structure and in approaching the linguistic facts; more precisely we refer to the morphological component, the descriptive part of the lexical classes. A unitary configuration of this sub-system of the grammatical structure might have offered more comprehensible and accessible information to any reader interested in this domain.
The case study, considered relevant within the dynamics of the current Romanian language, entails especially: the definition of the adjective (incomplete definition in the GALR, given that the class of the adjective represents a fairly homogeneous lexical class), the classification of adjectives (which does not make the object of a chapter of its own, but is inserted within different chapters and sub-chapters), the unspecific adjectival categories – gender, number, case (treated briefly, excepting the vocative, obviously due to their formal character), the specific category of this word class – intensity.
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 0

Referințe în această publicație: 9

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