Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Noematologia lui B.P. Hasdeu: o anticipare a skeologiei lui E. Coşeriu

Publicația: Philologica Jassyensia, IX (2), p. 85-94
Editura:Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide”
Rezumat:In a study published in 1882, B.P. Hasdeu – correcting and completing a classification of linguistic sciences made by Schleicher – was introducing a new science, noematology, which was to deal with what Bréal referred to as “latent ideas” of language. A thorough analysis of Hasdeu’s ideas reveals the fact that he anticipates (up to a point) the proposal that E. Coseriu would later make: skeology, seen as a linguistic science meant to study the contribution of the knowledge of “things” (and of the ideas on “things”) to speech. Obviously, our paper will point out (according to the principle alcances y límites) both the merits (as excellent intuitions) and the limits of Hasdeu’s conception (for instance, when talking about meaning, Hasdeu does not make a difference between designation and signification, while the distinction between the knowledge of language and the knowledge of things is quite vaguely drawn). At the same time, we will try to show the extent at which Hasdeu’s ideas can be connected to pragmatics (or to an “illocutionary poetics”), as it was stated not long ago.
Cuvinte-cheie:B.P. Hasdeu, noematology, E. Coseriu, skeology, latent ideas, knowledge of things, knowledge of language
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 4

Referințe în această publicație: 4

4Rudolf WindischStudii de lingvistică şi filologie româneascăEditura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”2006html
30Gheorghe DragomirescuDicționarul figurilor de stil
Terminologia fundamentală a analizei textului poetic
Editura Științifică1995
2Cicerone PoghircÎn legătură cu Hasdeu și cu obiectivitatea științificăLR, XIX (2), 153-1651970pdf
73Lazăr ȘăineanuÎncercare asupra semasiologiei limbii române
Studii istorice despre transițiunea sensurilor
Tipografia Academiei Române; Editura de Vest1887; 1999

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