Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Vorbarĭ Rumîńesk: The Vlach on line Dictionary

Publicația: Philologica Jassyensia, VIII (1), p. 47-60
Editura:Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide”
Rezumat:This paper presents the lexicographic project of the Vlach on line dictionary (VOD), meant to revive the mother tongue of the Vlach community of North-Eastern Serbia. For the beginning, the author defines the Vlach linguistic variety, which, from a linguistic and genealogic perspective, is not a separate language, but a bundle of Romanian speeches spoken in the region, and addresses the question of the debated standardization of the “Vlach language”, which is currently going on in Serbia. Then, she analyses in detail the structure of VOD, its main features, options, dynamics etc. The author pays a great attention to the way in which VOD is being created, namely by the members of the Vlach community, under the supervision of an ethnologist, also Vlach, who are involved with the analytic decisions and interpret the underlying data themselves. The result of the VOD project seems to be the creation of an ethnographic “documentation dictionary”, which documents both Vlach language and culture and is meant to be an encyclopedia of the Vlachs.
Cuvinte-cheie:Vlachs of North-Eastern Serbia, Vlach linguistic variety, lexicography, on line dictionaries
Limba: engleză

Citări la această publicație: 2

Referințe în această publicație: 3

1Annemarie Sorescu-MarinkovićStrategies for Creating an Explanatory Bayash Dictionary in SerbiaRRL, LVI (1), 17-342011pdf
2Annemarie Sorescu-MarinkovićComunităţi românofone din Serbia. Identitate lingvistică sau ceva mai mult?Rom. major.2007pdf
4Petru Neiescu, Eugen Beltechi, Nicolae MocanuRepere în cercetarea românilor dintre Morava, Dunăre și TimocSND12, 2352006

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