Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

The Academic Dictionary of the Romanian Language (‘Dicţionarul academic al Limbii Române’ – DLR). Lexicological Relevance and Romanic Context

Publicația: Philologica Jassyensia, VIII (1), p. 19-26
Editura:Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide”
Rezumat:The article presents a series of lexicological data on the Romanian language lexis, which have been visible numerically since The Romanian Language Dictionary (written under the scientific patronage of the Romanian Academy) was finished (in the year 2010). Two elements of maximal linguistic relevance for the Romanic area are noticeable in this context. Firstly, the European Romanist level project DÉRom is taken under consideration. A few categories of lexicographical and linguistic facts from the on-line entries of this dictionary are presented, according to the data provided by DA and DLR. The methods of exegetic processing of the lexicographical material from the Romanian language dictionary in the DÉRom are emphasized. The convergent points from DÉRom and DA/DLR are marked, as well as the divergent ones. A series of particular contributions to the Romanic linguistics through DÉRom articles is underlined, from the perspective of the compared-reconstruction grammar method. The last part of the article is focused on the relation between DA/DLR and Corominas’ dictionaries, based on an analysis carried out by Eva Buchi.
Cuvinte-cheie:Romanian lexis, etymological dictionary, Romanian Academic lexicography, Romance lexicography
Limba: engleză

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