Title: | Sulle glosse parententiche nel Reglement organicesc a Moldovei (1831) |
Author: | Roberto Merlo |
Publication: | Studii romanice. Omagiu profesorilor Florica Dimitrescu și Alexandru Niculescu la 90 de ani, II, Section Lingvistică. Traductologie, p. 657-693 |
Editors: | Coman Lupu, Alexandru Ciolan, Alessandro Zuliani |
Publisher: | Editura Universității din București |
Place: | București |
Year: | 2018 |
Abstract: | This paper aims to analyse the parenthetical glosses in the original version of the Organic Regulation of the Principality of Moldova (1831). Such glosses are part of a text annotation practice rather common within the period, with the aim to help integrate in Romanian new words and terms (altogether with the related concepts and ideas), of which most were imported from the contemporary culture of Western Europe. In this respect, these glosses constitute a linguistic distillate of the complex cultural mixture that characterise the Romanian elites around the passing from the late 18th to the early 19th century, as a product of the broadening and deepening contact—either direct or mediated—with Western European culture(s). The glosses analysed here aim, by means of either replacing the equivalent circulating Romanian words, or by adding newer terms to an already existing lexical pool, to build up a specialized terminology pertaining to the incipient areas of modernity relative to the Organic Regulation (administration, army, commerce, justice). The analysis of how the glossed element relates to the entirety of the text of the Regulation shows how the specialized new term, be it a loanword or a loan translation, engages in a dialogue with the traditional terminology and the language as a whole in a rather articulate manner. Such analysis, also, shows how both integration and reception of lexical innovation into a system already there be a rather complex matter made of nuances and contextual values, hardly reducible in its entirety to a neat typological classification. One can observe, indeed, that, under the apparent uniformity given by the compliance in form to a prototypical abstract model, the parenthetical glosses in the Organic Regulation answer, in reality, in quite diverse and varied manners, to the questions arisen from the need to culturally interpret and to mediate between innovation and tradition, which mark both Romanian society and language of the time. |
Key words: | Organic Regulations of the Principality of Moldova, Romanian literary language, parenthetical glosses, Romanian language westernisation, modernisation of Romanian Principalities, Russian Protectorate in Romanian Principalities, 18th century |
Language: | Italian |
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Citations to this publication: 2
0 | Ana-Maria Gînsac, Mădălina Ungureanu |
| Diacronia, 10, A145 | 2019 | pdf.ro pdf.en |
0 | Florin Sterian | Bibliografia românească de lingvistică (BRL, 61, 2018). Lucrări de lingvistică apărute în țara noastră în cursul anului 2018 | LR, LXVIII (1), 3-159 | 2019 |
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