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Stratégies discursives dans le texte des psaumes

Publication: Revue roumaine de linguistique, LVIII (2), p. 189-203
Publisher:Editura Academiei
Abstract:A text becomes a speech act only when it is uttered by an agent (in our case, the psalmist) who possesses the communicative competence and who gives to his message some illocutionary force in order to interact with the conversational partner. As an answer to this action, the Receiver, that is Yahweh, has to show an active attitude which consists of giving to this interactional message some value, like some perlocutionary force. The religious interaction acquires a certain conversational strategy which is used by the speech agent in order to convince his partner. Indirect speech acts or implicit performatives play a very significant role within the Book of Psalms, since they belong to an archaic period.
Key words:communicative competence, illocutionary force, intertextuality, implicit performatives, praise amplification
Language: French

Citations to this publication: 8

References in this publication: 7

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