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Evoluţia limbii române literare în versiuni succesive ale Scării raiului. Nivelul lexical (II)

Publication: Philologica Jassyensia, VIII (2), p. 167-177
Publisher:Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide”
Abstract:In order to illustrate the dynamic of Romanian language over four centuries (the aim of the study), we focused on Letter to a Shepherd and selected six variants from the multiple versions in Romanian. We had as a comparison base the Romanian manuscript no. 5419 (Varlaam’s translation) and used, for the 17th century, the Romanian manuscript no. 434 and no. 2511 – which maintain Leastvița’s writing pattern. For the 18th century, we used Vartolomeu Măzăreanu’s translation – Romanian manuscript no. 2959 – from 1766 and a manuscript from the Library of Metropolitanate of Moldavia and Bukovina, copied in 1780, while for the 19th century we foud useful the first printed translation, made in Greek in 1814, belonging to Veniamin Costachi. As for the modern age, Corneanu’s translations, respectively Stăniloae and a translation from French represented our work instruments. The study reveals the dynamic of the Romanian language based on the religious terminology aspect aspect of religious terminology, and does not leave aside the structural vocabulary. The comparison will trace, in general, the replacement of the Slavonic language constructions used by Varlaam in a period when the Romanian literary language had sufficient “semantic gaps” to justify ad-hoc the loan words borrows from the language of the translated text and also other circumstances. Examples of words from Varlaam’s translation that remained in the religious vocabulary will be emphasized, too.
Key words:Varlaam, Romanian literary Language, lexical evolution
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 1

References in this publication: 13

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