Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Introduction: optatif et types de phrase. Réécrire un chapitre de grammaire romane

Publicația: Dacoromania. Serie nouă, XXI (2), p. 137-155
Editura:Editura Academiei
Rezumat:[Introduction: optative and sentence types. Rewriting a chapter of Romance grammar]
The optative is a controversial category in Romance languages. Romanian grammars consider it as a mood (condiţional-optativ), while French and Spanish grammars are seeing a semantic category that covers many modal meanings: desire, wish and various related acts (greetings, curses, etc.). Apart Italian grammar, the other Romance grammars exclude the optative from the basic communicative functions (declarative, interrogative, injunctive, exclamative). We intend to show that the optative is a wholly utterance modality that combines sentence structure, intonation contour and a generic illocutionary potential.
A study of the optative as utterance modality therefore inevitably requires a review of the sentence types, as they have been discussed and described in Romance grammars. This article undertakes the study of French and Romanian grammars, distinguishing traditional orientation approach and structural, enunciative or semantic ones. The second part of the article attempts to explain the problems raised by the sentence types issue and particularly by optative sentence and proposes, in the guise of conceptual instruments, some necessary distinctions.
  • optativ, tipuri de propoziţii, gramatică, mod, modalitate de enunţ, modalitate de enunţare
  • optative, sentence types, grammar, mood, propositional modality, utterance modality
Limba: franceză

Citări la această publicație: 4

Referințe în această publicație: 5

67Gabriela Pană Dindelegan (coord.)Gramatica de bază a limbii româneUnivers Enciclopedic Gold2010; 2016
396Valeria Guțu Romalo (coord.)GALR
Gramatica limbii române. I. Cuvântul; II. Enunțul
Editura Academiei2005; 2008
62Corneliu DimitriuTratat de gramatică a limbii române
II. Sintaxa
Institutul European2001, 2002; 2009
213Dumitru IrimiaGramatica limbii româneEditura Polirom1997; 2000; 2004; 2008
224Mioara AvramGramatica pentru toțiEditura Academiei; Humanitas1986; 1997, 2001

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