Sintaxa ca mod de a fi. Omagiu Gabrielei Pană Dindelegan, la aniversare, p. 229
Adina Dragomirescu, Alexandru Nicolae, Camelia Stan, Rodica Zafiu
Editura Universității din București
A well-known difference between Romanian and the other Romance languages concerns the position of the definite article which incorporates into the immediate right of its associated noun or prenominal adjective in the former, but occurs to the left of its associated NP in the latter. Based on a number of phonological, morphological, semantic and syntactic considerations, we review these differences in definiteness marking to assess to what extent this superficial split represents a genuine typological and structural difference within Romance and what the proper status of the so-called Romanian article is and, in particular, whether it can effectively be considered a definite article in all relevant respects on a par with the free-standing forms found in other Romance varieties.
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Revista „Diacronia” ISSN: 2393-1140 Frecvență: 2 numere / an