Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Identitatea naţională între limbă şi literatură

Publicația: Limba și literatura română în spațiul etnocultural dacoromânesc și în diaspora, Secțiunea Lingvistică: I. Limbă și identitate
Editori:Ofelia Ichim, Florin-Teodor Olariu
Editura:Editura Trinitas
Rezumat:[National Identity between Language and Literature]
First of all, the study rejects – as based on proofs provided by the history of the language and by the consolidation of national consciousness, as well – the “thesis” – deprived of any support in the linguistic reality, and only politically motivated – defending the existence of a Moldavian language, distinct from the Romanian one.
Further on, the idea is implicitly supported by the manner in which the relation between a people’s national identity, on one side, and its language and literature, on the other, is interpreted.
As to the function of the language in underlying national identity, the study asserts the existence of two complementary states of a language, namely linguistic identity, originating from the language–people–history relation, and stylistic identity, springing inside the language–people–world relation.
Stylistic identity reflects the manner in which a people perceives the world. For the sake of demonstration, several linguistic structures – relevant for the features of Romanian identity – are interpreted, sometimes comparatively with other languages (Italian, for example): a fi – to be (in expressions such as: mi-e dor – I am longing for, or mi-e frică – I am afraid of), the beautiful–ugly (frumos–urât) correlation, the verb a ierta – to forgive (to absolve – a ierta de păcate), the noun masă – table. Other terms and other linguistic correlations are interpreted in relation with the creation of a people’s literature, as a mark of its national identity, in their functioning as poetic signs in the creation of Eminescu: vreme – timp (phenomenal time – essential time), vorbă – cuvânt (profane word – sacred word), icoană (icon).
Limba: română

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2Dumitru IrimiaStudii eminescieneEditura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”2014html

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