Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

O predică a lui Péter Juhász Melius tradusă în română şi rutenă. (Date noi despre sursele Cazaniei I a lui Coresi)

Publicația: Limba română: diacronie și sincronie în studiul limbii române, I, p. 279
Editori:Rodica Zafiu, Adina Dragomirescu, Alexandru Nicolae
Editura:Editura Universității din București
Rezumat:Pandele Olteanu discovered that one of the earliest books printed in Romanian (Tâlcul evangheliilor) to the order of Deacon Coresi in 1568−1569 was nothing but the Romanian translation of the Postilla of Niagovo. Olteanu argued that the original of the Romanian print is not Péter Melius Juhász’s Hungarian postilla (Válogatott prédikációk, Debrecen, 1563), as it was thought earlier by N. Sulica, N. Drăganu, Al. Piru etc). I. Gheție and Al. Mareș however, claimed that in text of the Tâlcul evangheliilor can be detected the characteristic elements of the Banat-Hunedoara dialect. Therefore, we were told that there was an original old Slavic manuscript which was translated separately into Romanian and Ruthenian. Olteanu was not quite right, because the translation of the one Melius’s sermon can be found in the Coresi’s Cazania. The sermon of the Melius is translated also into Ruthenian in the Postilla of Niagovo. The presence of the Melius's sermon in Coresi’s Cazania and in the Postilla of Niagovo proves that there was no original Slavonic of the Cazania of which were made later separated the two translations (the Romanian and the Ruthenian). In this study I have tried to show that the author of the Postilla of Niagovo probably knew the contemporary Polish Protestants postillas, firstly the Mikolaj Rej’s work (Kronika albo Postylla, 1557), and Coresi’s Cazania was translated by Postilla of Niagovo.
Limba: română

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