Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Toponyms of Mehendinţi County

Publicația: Studii și cercetări de onomastică și lexicologie, VII (1-2), p. 310
Editura:Editura Sitech
  • The analysis concerns the structure of Mehedinţi county toponyms, as well as certain semantic and etymological aspects. Derivatives are formed with different suffixes, some of them specialized for marking the local origin. Most compounds contain either nouns and adjectives, or a noun in the nominative followed by another noun in the genitive. The semantics of the toponyms is related to the history of the people, the administrative organisation and the inhabitants’ occupations.
  • L’analyse vise la structure des toponymes du département de Mehedinţi, leurs aspects sémantiques et étymologiques. Les dérivés sont formés avec des suffixes différents, certains en étant spécialisés pour marquer l’origine locale. La plupart des composés comprennent soit des substantifs et des adjectifs, soit un substantif au nominatif suivi d’un substantif au génitif. La sémantique des toponymes est liée à l’histoire du peuple, au mode d’organisation administrative et à l’occupation des habitants.
  • toponym, structure, derivative, compound, homonym
  • toponyme, structure, dérivé, composé, homonyme
Limba: engleză

Citări la această publicație: 0

Referințe în această publicație: 2

41Alexandru GraurNume de locuriEditura Științifică1972
190Iorgu IordanToponimia romîneascăEditura Academiei1963

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