Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Poezia religioasă: considerații despre autor și interpretare

Publicația: Text şi discurs religios, II, Secțiunea Literatura și sacrul, p. 375-380
Editura:Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”
Rezumat:The present essay focuses on two aspects regarding the religious poetry: its author, and its legitimate interpretation. Because the religious poet places himself under the authority of the Scripture and of God, his subjectivity as an artist is voluntarily limited. The religious poet is first of all a believer in the very biblical sense, so the substance of his religious creation must be consistent with the Bible’s principles. The perspective that a religious poet has upon his own text sustains the idea that such a text has in fact two authors, of different ranks: a Divine Instance, and a human voice – a channel. Due to its complex nature, a religious poem can and may legitimate more than one way of interpretation, but the one that has been foreseen by the Divine Instance is the spiritual (or the existential) approach.
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 1

Referințe în această publicație: 1

100Dumitru IrimiaIntroducere în stilisticăEditura Polirom1999

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