The present study focuses on the first four prefaces of the Bălgrad New Testament, in an attempt not simply to identify the sources of the prefaces, but also evaluate the way in which the author makes use of them. Although Virgil Cândea and other Romanian scholars have taken upon themselves to demonstrate that the 1648 NT. is the result of a thoroughly Orthodox initiative, the prefaces of the Gospels contain clues which suggest that the text printed by metropolitan Simion Ştefan stands “under the aegis of the Reformation” (as one Hungarian scholar has well put it). Up to now, no scholar has come up with a plausible explanation as to why the author of the prefaces (a) refers to the book of 2 Kings by using its Protestant name (“2 Samuel”), (b) is at variance with the venerable tradition according to which Matthew wrote his Gospel in Hebrew, (c) uses Calvin’s triplex (“Christ as priest, prophet and king”) as an organizing principle of the content of the first two Gospels (Matthew and Mark).
predoslovii, Noul Testament de la Bălgrad, evanghelii, Reformă, ortodoxie
prefaces, Bălgrad New Testament, Gospels, Reformation, orthodoxy
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Revista „Diacronia” ISSN: 2393-1140 Frecvență: 2 numere / an