There was an interaction and an almost indispensable relationship between the religion or confesion of the Romanian collectivities in the early centuries of our literary language and the graphic „layer” of the texts they used or were intended for them. The texts printed or transcribed for the Orthodox Romanians used on a regular bases the Cyrillic alphabet, whereas the manuscripts and the books created for the Romanians converted to Calvinism or Catholicism were printed or transcribed with Latin alphabet using Hungarian writing system. For the use of the Greek-Catholic believers, besides the books with Cyrillic alphabet, which represented a major part, there were printed religious texts with etymological alphabet, underlining once more the fact that they had a different confesion from Calvinist or Catholic Romanians.
Orthodox texts, Western Rite religious texts, Greek Catholic texts; Cyrillic writing, Latin alphabet writing with Hungarian script, etymological writing
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Revista „Diacronia” ISSN: 2393-1140 Frecvență: 2 numere / an