Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Consideraţii asupra verbelor cognitive româneşti

Publicația: Limba română, LXV (3), Secțiunea Gramatică, p. 339-354
Editura:Editura Academiei
Rezumat:[Considerations regarding the Romanian cognitive verbs]
In this article we discuss upon few semantic criteria due to which one could select the Romanian knowledge verbs, in order to establish the components of the cognitive field.
Therefore we have not considered direct cognition (i.e. physical perception) to be a cognitive manner for the information input, besides the fact that cognitive process should not involve as a final stage the passing forward of the information / knowledge to another Speaker (externalyzing stage represented by the verbal item a explica „to explain”).
The input stage includes verbs of volitive attitude (a studia „to study”, a învăţa „to learn”, a citi „to read” etc.) or, on the contrary, of non-volitive attitude (a afla (din întâmplare), „to find out (by chance)”, a remarca „to notice”). As for the logical stage of processing the information, to whom one may refer to by the item a gândi „to think”, we consider this involves and other logical sequences, the understanding one at least (i.e. a înţelege „to understand”, a pricepe „to realise”).
  • verbe cognitive româneşti, criterii de selecţie, categorii lexico-semantice
  • Romanian cognitive verbs, selectivity criteria, lexical-semantical classes
Limba: română

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