Titlu: | Verbele psihologice în limba română: repere ale unei descrieri sintactico-semantico-pragmatice din perspectiva gramaticii cognitive |
Autor: | Dana-Luminița Teleoacă |
Publicația: | Limba română, LXV (1), Secțiunea Gramatică, p. 95 |
p-ISSN: | 0024-3523 |
Editura: | Editura Academiei |
Locul: | București |
Anul: | 2016 |
Rezumat: | [Psychological verbs in Romanian: references for a syntactic-semantic-pragmatic description from the perspective of cognitive grammar] In our research, the psychological verbs could be considered moderately prototypical predicates, taking into consideration three more prominent aspects: a) the eminently spontaneous feature of interior experiences lexicalised by means of lexical units included in this verb subclass (which, however, does not exclude on the whole the possibility of a stimulus to show control on the triggering of a certain affective experience); b) the exclusive particular situation of psychological verbs of state, whose event structure is not a properly causative one, since the stimulus corresponds in reality to the target and c) the proper impossibility of the state verbs to associate with the [+speed] satellite. In this context, we have defined the causality (in fact, the fundamental reference to establish the degree of prototypicality of a verb class) in a rather limited sense, by taking into account not only such parameters as [+ dynamic], respectively [+ change], but also the [+ control] parameter. Just like causality, the so-called [+ speed] satellite is a natural reference in the description / assignation of the prototypicality degree of different verb classes, considering that the ‘event’ is associated naturally to a certain progress ‘speed’. In the second part of our work the analysis follows the way and degree to which the intrinsic semantic content of a psychological predicate influences a relevant adjunctial frame for both the gradual modifiers [in particular the adverb (very, pretty) little versus (very, pretty) much], and for the polarity modifiers [that is, positive versus negative versus neuter]. Our research exceeds the strict frame of a lexicographic analysis, the latter being complemented by the study of the psychological predicate behaviour at the discourse level (referring in particular to the current stage of Romanian language evolution), which implies a more complex analysis, that is, a semantic-pragmatic one. Following this perspective, at least some of the aspects classified as “mistakes” as far as the literary norms are concerned, will be “re-analysed” and “re-considered” within a pragmatic approach. Picking on the same idea, the identification of new tendencies in the contemporary Romanian language will be possible. These tendencies look deeper into the way the current Romanian speaker perceives -through the assertions they utter- the intrinsic content of some of the psychological verbs of the language, and, implicitly, of the chance / non-chance of certain linguistic facts to be accepted as norm and to enter, ultimately, the Romanian language system. |
Cuvinte-cheie: |
Limba: | română |
Linkuri: |
Citări la această publicație: 2
1 | Florin Sterian | Bibliografia românească de lingvistică (BRL, 59, 2016). Lucrări de lingvistică apărute în țara noastră în cursul anului 2016 | LR, LXVI (2), 123-269 | 2017 | pdf html |
6 | Dana-Luminița Teleoacă | Les verbes psychologiques en roumain : quelques repères théoriques pour une description sémantique dans la perspective de la grammaire cognitive | RRL, LXI (4), 405-428 | 2016 |
Referințe în această publicație: 4
6 | Dana-Luminița Teleoacă | Les verbes psychologiques en roumain : quelques repères théoriques pour une description sémantique dans la perspective de la grammaire cognitive | RRL, LXI (4), 405-428 | 2016 | |
5 | Dana-Luminița Teleoacă | Gradualitatea și polaritatea verbelor (psihologice) de mirare sub aspect lexical și de uz în limba română actuală | SCL, LXV (2), 189-204 | 2014 | html |
19 | Gabriela Stoica | Afect și afectivitate Conceptualizare şi lexicalizare în româna veche | Editura Universității din București | 2012 | |
8 | Raluca Ionescu | Valori superlative ale prefixoidelor în limba română actuală – utilizări cu baze substantivale | Aspecte, II | 2003 | pdf html |
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